Creativity and Innovation Skill

Articles on creative thinking and tools for creativity and innovation in life and work

Clocks, Their History, and How They Work

Clocks may be one of the oldest devices that our ancestors devised in Babylon, the birthplace of civilization. They gave us ways to track time, set schedules, set our appointments, and control the flow of our daily routine. .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Creativity and Innovation Skill    clock icon 18 January 2025

How Can You Always Have Creativity Qualities Whenever You Want?

Considering how much progress has been made in many other areas, it's astounding that creativity is still comparatively elusive. Why haven't we found a way to be inventive and creative whenever we want, given that scientists mapped the .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Creativity and Innovation Skill    clock icon 28 December 2024

What is the Link Between Design Thinking and Creativity?

When we think of products with a great design and goal, we immediately think of products such as Amazon's Alexa voice assistant with its elegant and smooth design that combines with its functionality to deliver a successful outcome. .. more..
clock icon 10 Minutes Creativity and Innovation Skill    clock icon 6 November 2024

4 Exercises to Encourage the Flow of Creative Ideas

Most people think it's impossible to make themselves more creative. It seems that the creative geniuses we know have shown a great deal of potential from a young age. Plus, we all have "innate" gifted friends in painting, music, or coding. .. more..
clock icon 3 Minutes Creativity and Innovation Skill    clock icon 6 September 2024

Five Strategies for Adding More Creativity to Your Life

Whether you are a corporate real estate agent or a marketing expert, creative thinking is often what you need to take your business to the next level. Unfortunately, it is very easy to fall into the trap of routine. If you are not careful, .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Creativity and Innovation Skill    clock icon 16 August 2024

What Are the Benefits of Innovation?

Let's be real, if you're not moving forward, you're falling backward. This applies to every aspect of your life. For example, if your marriage has been stable and you are progressing in an incremental way, you may have walked a very bumpy .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Creativity and Innovation Skill    clock icon 11 August 2024

How to Create a Sacred Space for Creativity?

Writers and artists need privacy and seclusion to be able to create. Creativity is not always simple, and it may become more challenging if one is forced to work in an uninspiring setting or around unfavorable people and .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Creativity and Innovation Skill    clock icon 31 March 2024

The Relation Between Creativity and Inspiration

Two ideas that are frequently addressed about art, literature, and other creative undertakings are creativity and inspiration.
clock icon 5 Minutes Creativity and Innovation Skill    clock icon 25 May 2023

The Importance of Creative Thinking: How to Improve Your Creativity?

Creative thinking, or being creative in general, is a great skill that makes you see life and everything in it in a different way, or in other words, in your own unique way. If you work hard and dedicate yourself and your time to acquiring this .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Creativity and Innovation Skill    clock icon 3 April 2023
Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career