7 Time Management Strategies for Highly Productive People

There are many time management strategies that you can use to be more productive and to better manage your time at work. Effective time management means managing your time to do the biggest and most important part of your daily work and .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Time Management    clock icon 16 December 2022

What to Do in Your Leisure Time and How to Make Use of It

There are valuable things in life, but if we lose them, we will get lost. And perhaps time is the most precious one of them. It is the enemy that only a diligent person can defeat. Since the dawn of time, there have been many judgments and .. more..
clock icon 7 Minutes Time Management    clock icon 15 December 2022

How to Make Others Respect Your Time?

Despite a slight setback in the third quarter of last year, Uber made a significant leap to become the world's most valuable private startup. What is the reason for Uber's success? The reason is that Uber doesn't sell rides, but rather it .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Time Management    clock icon 15 December 2022

10 Strategies for Managing Time Effectively

Time management is a very effective organizational process that enables you to focus your time and energy on your top priorities. Good time management allows you to work smarter, not harder, so that you achieve better results in less .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Time Management    clock icon 13 December 2022

How Do You Make Time for Yourself?

We are all so busy with our responsibilities at home or at work. Many of us are so focused on doing tasks that we forget to focus on ourselves, but ensuring our health and happiness is crucial. So, how do you make time for yourself, your health, .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Time Management    clock icon 8 December 2022

8 Time Management Mistakes That Reduce Your Productivity

We often decline to participate in events once invited to them because we think we don't have time to attend them, but in fact, we can squeeze our schedule to make some time. But first, we must remember that we are not short of time. .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Time Management    clock icon 3 December 2022

10 Ways to Improve Your Time Management Skills

Do you always feel pressured by a large workload? Do you feel that there are too many tasks at hand and that you do not have enough time to do them, or do you feel that you can use the time effectively to complete all the tasks assigned to you? .. more..
clock icon 3 Minutes Time Management    clock icon 2 December 2022

The Time Management Matrix: How to Master the Art of Time Management?

Time is important in our lives, as it is one of the invaluable things because it is impossible to compensate for or retrieve it. For that we must invest every second and every minute of it in the work that brings us usefulness and benefit, and .. more..
clock icon 3 Minutes Time Management    clock icon 2 December 2022

6 Ways to Add More Time to Your Day

Time management is what determines the difference between a successful person and a failed person. The common characteristic of all successful people is managing and organizing their time and scheduling their work constantly. If you .. more..
clock icon 3 Minutes Time Management    clock icon 27 November 2022

Success in Time Management: 8 Steps to Manage Your Time and Get Rid of Procrastination

To succeed in reaching the highest positions in life and achieve the greatest possible success, you must take into account the element of time, which is the basis for any success and progress in life. Below we will give you a set of tips to .. more..
clock icon 3 Minutes Time Management    clock icon 23 November 2022

Time management Tips to Increase Your Productivity

Time management is essential to succeed in almost everything. Sometimes it may seem that there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything you need to do, but if you want to get more done than others in a shorter period of time, you must .. more..
clock icon 10 Minutes Time Management    clock icon 23 November 2022

The Most Substantial Tips for Managing and Investing in Time

Time is one of the precious and important things in a person’s life because every minute passes without a benefit cannot be compensated or retrieved.
clock icon 6 Minutes Time Management    clock icon 20 November 2022

Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career