Intelligence and Thinking

Five Myths about Limiting Beliefs

My father did not want me. He left us before I was even born. He never wanted to be a father in the first place. Logically, I know that not everyone wants to be a parent; some people do not have the desire to be a parent, or they think that they are .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Intelligence and Thinking    clock icon 3 September 2024

Logical Thinking: A Skill Can Be Acquired

We often hear phrases like, “So-and-so is a logical person,” “ He is a logical thinker,” and “ Why don't you think logically?” But we don’t know much about this logical thinking. Is it a gift .. more..
clock icon 8 Minutes Intelligence and Thinking    clock icon 25 August 2024

Tips for Controlling Your Thinking and Thought

If you want to control your mind, you should stop thinking about your ex or feeling frustrated by a year of physical distancing and build a more optimistic outlook.
clock icon 8 Minutes Intelligence and Thinking    clock icon 24 August 2024

4 Simple Steps to Master Strategic Thinking

Strategic thinking is boring if you don't know how to practice it. However, remaining helpless in the same place leads to dissatisfaction, while moving forward arouses a beautiful feeling.
clock icon 7 Minutes Intelligence and Thinking    clock icon 6 June 2024

3 Mistakes in Thinking

Have you ever made a decision and then found out it didn't make sense? We are all very irrational beings even though we think the opposite is true.
clock icon 3 Minutes Intelligence and Thinking    clock icon 7 April 2024

4 Scientifically Proven Ways to Detect and Stop Negative Self-Talk

There is no magic key to stop talking to oneself with negative words, but the most critical solution we can do in these cases is to be vigilant. The road to self-love is bumpy, and the words we speak to ourselves are the compass. .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Intelligence and Thinking    clock icon 29 March 2024

12 Toxic Beliefs You Need to Get out of Your Mind

“Despite being born deaf, our band's drummer is still able to hear low notes and feel the vibrations of drums and other instruments. He is such a skilled player that nobody can tell he is deaf; occasionally, even I forget.” .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Intelligence and Thinking    clock icon 23 March 2024

Types of Thinking

To optimize your professional success, it is often beneficial to invest time in personal development.
clock icon 5 Minutes Intelligence and Thinking    clock icon 4 June 2023

Do Slow Thinkers Lack Intelligence?

The belief that slow thinking indicates a lack of intelligence is a common misconception. Many studies have shown that intelligence is a multifaceted construct that encompasses various cognitive abilities such as problem-solving, .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Intelligence and Thinking    clock icon 26 May 2023

Use the Right Questions to Shift Your Mindset

Our thinking affects how we see the environment and how we behave. We can become mired in unfavorable thought patterns that restrict our potential and keep us from attaining our objectives. Asking the proper questions is one approach to .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Intelligence and Thinking    clock icon 16 May 2023

The 8 Types of Intelligence

Throughout the dawn of time, different ideas and models have attempted to describe the concept of intelligence. The notion of multiple intelligences is one of the most well-liked theories and was first out by Harvard psychologist .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Intelligence and Thinking    clock icon 15 May 2023

How Does Language Affect Thinking and Intelligence?

Language is a fundamental part of human communication and has a significant impact on how we think and experience the world.
clock icon 5 Minutes Intelligence and Thinking    clock icon 13 May 2023
Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career