“The guards in the prison were on hourly night patrols of every room, and every time I heard the footsteps of the guards approaching, I would jump into my bed and pretend to be asleep. As soon as he passed, I would sit back on the floor of the dimly lit room, and read for another fifty-eight minutes until the guard came close again. I used to do this until three or four in the morning every day. I only slept three or four hours each night."
This is the power of a rich mind, no matter how lonely you are, your mind will never be alone. It will be rich in knowledge and ideas, and you will never be bored or lonely.
Look at it this way: knowledge is the main resource for a mind that is rich and full of knowledge, and a mind that lacks knowledge is a poor mind. You know the saying: “Make money requires money.” The point here is that once you have the money, you can invest that money to generate more of it, and at some point, you will have enough money that it will actually be difficult to lose your wealth, and the same goes for your brain. Once you have a mind that is rich and rich in science and knowledge, it can become even richer.
How much do you enrich your mind every day?
We don't need all that tiredness of spending most of our day reading books and only sleeping four hours to grow and develop a mind rich in knowledge. The truth is that you only need to spend an hour a day to make it happen.
I call it The Munger Technique, inspired by businessman Charlie Munger. It is believed that if you devote your best hour of the day to improving your mind, you will improve your life on every level.
Developing a rich mind is the most important thing you can do, but I want to add one more thing to that. If you are going through difficult circumstances, for example, you just lost your job, or you failed in your work, spend at least four hours a day to enrich your mind with ideas and knowledge.
In my experience, you can build and develop a rich mind only if you devote hours of continuous learning. In 2015, I was having a hard time; My grandmother passed away, my relationship ended, and my career never helped me develop myself.
So, I decided to focus only on improving and enriching my mind, and I eventually quit my job and spent every day reading books, taking courses, and taking notes. I thought of doing that as a full-time job, I came back to live with my parents and spent 8-10 hours a day developing and improving my brain, and I continued this behavior for about a year before I started thinking about earning a living again.
Here's How to Enrich the Mind:
1. Read books:
If you want to learn about a topic, buy the best books and start reading.
2. Follow training courses:
Books are great for ideas, but they often lack guidance, so if you want to learn practical skills like programming, writing, building websites, etc., I recommend taking courses.
3. Listen to books and audio files:
Even while running or driving, keep learning.
4. Watching interviews or documentaries:
Sometimes you may not feel like reading or taking a course, but you still want to keep learning. That's why I love watching interviews on YouTube, and I also enjoy watching documentaries about inspirational people.
5. Diary writing:
I always write what I have learned in my own words; This helps me remember it more.
6. Share your knowledge:
When you talk about your ideas and knowledge with others, you are not only helping, but it also enriches your mind.
All of the above are straightforward, and we all know what it takes to enrich our minds. However, our biggest problem is that it's hard because it's easier to spend hours browsing Instagram and spying on the lives of celebrities and your colleagues. This may sound strange, but we all do that.
It's a waste of time, so what effect do those activities have on your mind? You will get very little benefit if you are lucky. If you watch other people's lives and compare yourself to them, you will get jealous, you will start to feel bad about yourself, and it will have a negative effect on you. So, just stop this nonsense.
So, what would a rich mind look like?
Let me first ask you some questions:
- Have you ever been bored?
- Are you often an anxious person?
- Do you feel the need to spy on the lives of others?
Once you answer no to all these questions, your mind is rich, and this is the sign that you want to look for within yourself. We all have moments of weakness, and that happens to the richest minds in history.
In conclusion:
The Stoic philosopher Seneca wrote about this in one of his letters. Unfortunately, I could not find the exact same message, but he said, "The aim of Stoicism is not to be perfect, but the point is that you intend to live according to the principles of Stoicism. It is the intention that matters."
When you enrich your mind with science and knowledge, you will never feel bored or lonely. Your mind is always thirsting for more knowledge, and this is what will keep you active forever.
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