Before You Miss the Train
Everybody has a different life goal, be it accumulating wealth or staying physically fit. However, one of the most crucial tasks for an individual is to maintain their faith and contribute towards building a better world. This article highlights the importance of developing and pursuing a noble mission in life and working towards achieving it by creating a roadmap. It emphasizes the significance of dedicating time to research and acquiring expertise in a particular field to make the world a better place. The article further discusses the steps one can take to craft their mission in life and play a distinguished role in society.
In his book "Shortcut for a Better Life", the writer Ziad Rayess mentions: People’s aims in life differ from one person to another. There may be one person whose aim and task in this life is to have a lot of money, and another whose aim is to stay physically strong. There may be someone whose aim is to learn more and more, and someone whose aim is for their children to be better off than they are. This is what life is like for many people.
But one of the topmost tasks for a person is to worship Almighty God and build a better world. How beautiful is it when the task you set for yourself goes hand-in-hand with the divine task given to all people? It’s important for you to review their situation and design your task with a roadmap of how to get there. Then you can work to achieve it within the larger framework of that noble and valuable task you have in life.
You must allocate some time to think about and research what will serve you in your task to build a better world. Some of the most important aspects of this are developing a humanitarian heart and revitalizing our society by dedicating some time to it. If you spend half an hour or an hour of your time each day to a specific topic, you’ll gain knowledge and expertise in the field over the years.
In any aspect of life, success will always depend on having a plan to follow. There is no academic success without planning and no business success without planning. This is also the case for success in manufacturing and other areas of life, even on a personal level and in daily life. No one can achieve their goals without planning. It’s the same for everything to do with a person’s valuable task in life.
Here are some examples:
- If you work for half an hour or an hour every day on researching the tools of social solidarity, you’ll be an expert in the topic in 3–5 years.
- If you work for half an hour or an hour every day on serving and caring for the elderly, you’ll be a reference on that work in 3–5 years.
- If you work for half an hour or an hour every day on serving people with special needs, you’ll become a leader in the field over time.
Examples and Ideas for Building a Better World:
- Helping sick people.
- Cultivating values.
- Improving scientific research.
- Physical exercise.
- Putting into practice the concept of endowment.
- Documenting history.
- Being interested in exceptional people.
- Specialized scientific research.
- Activating the concept of comforting others etc.
Let’s keep in mind that time passes quickly, and allocating half an hour every day, for the valuable aim of serving your task, will be an asset to you. It will reward you with the results you see in this world and will be a credit for you for the Judgment Day.
The beginning may be difficult, and you may be confused about choosing a specialization. But work on reading and researching, writing down points that interest you, and you’ll find a certain specialization where you can start.
The aim that we’ll reach together is for you to know how to craft your task in life and how to play your distinguished role throughout the years you have so you can leave something for generations to come.
This is possible by following these steps:
Step One:
Successful people are those who want to leave their mark. The first step is deciding their message in life, deciding the basic missions in their personal and professional lives, and deciding the people they want to turn to at every stage of their life.
Step Two:
They familiarize themselves with their strong and weak points, being honest with themselves. Then they determine the capabilities and talents that they could be exceptional at, and they follow that passion and internal motivation to achieve it.
Step Three:
They open their minds to positive thoughts and get rid of any negative thoughts. They pose questions and reflect internally on what additions they can make to benefit their family, friends, and society.
Step Four:
They work on balancing their private life with the task before them.
Time waits for no one, and the train of life is running constantly. Life doesn’t give anyone opportunities for free, nor does it provide miracles. We must search on our own to find our task in life and take it on to make our clear and effective mark in life.
Summing up, life is an opportunity to serve a higher purpose and make a positive impact on the world. By dedicating time to research and acquire expertise in a specific field, individuals can contribute towards making the world a better place. The article outlines the need for people to assume responsibility for locating their purpose in life and discusses the significance of having a plan to achieve one's goals. By following the steps outlined in this article, individuals can lead fulfilling lives and leave a meaningful legacy for future generations. It is crucial to remember that time waits for no one, and it is up to us to seize the opportunities life presents to us.