18 Things to Remember When You're Having a Bad Day

Last night I had a long conversation with my father on the phone, a wise 71-year-old man, about living and growing through adversity, and some of the things he said to me before we hung up that moved me deeply were:

Note: This article is based on blogger Marc Chernoff, and he gives us 18 ideas to remember when you are having a bad day.

“I have seen from my experience that most people do not feel happy until they have a lot of reasons to be sad I think this is because it takes a lot of bad days and a lot of hardship to learn to appreciate what we have, as it builds our resilience,” and frankly, I think it is very fact.

Not all days are good, but there's something good about every day. It takes strength to see the positives in the bad days. The essence of it - as you've learned - is to let go and realize that you can't control anything but your thoughts. Knowing and accepting this gives you the ability to deal with life's little tragedies effectively. It is an ability we call flexibility.

After all, you can fight life, and then you can do nothing but complain about what you're missing, or you can accept everything you have and look at its impact collectively to create something worth smiling at.

18 good ideas you should remember when you're having a bad day:

1. The right attitude to things is the only thing you need right now:

What you focus on changes everything. Don't look back when you know you shouldn't do it. Don't worry about what you can't control, don't worry about unimportant things, and be positive. The most underrated trait among all the successful people I've met is positivity. Your attitude directly determines the way you live your life. You can't live a positive life with a negative attitude. Therefore, don't allow mental barriers to control you. Free yourself, confront your negativity, and turn these barriers into something constructive.

2. You can only be truly happy if you are unhappy sometimes:

If winter does not come, spring will not be beautiful, and if we do not taste hardship sometimes, we will not like ease. Good and bad feelings always come and go, so you should be grateful when your mood is good, and you should be kind when your temper is bad.

3. You still have many blessings that you can make the most of:

Be grateful for the blessings you have. There is no good reason for you to accept anything less than the best. Start now by honestly appreciating the things you have and making the most of them. Happiness and success in life are not byproducts of unlimited resources, but both of happiness and success manage to expand the limits of available resources.


4. You can learn something important from any situation if you want to:

The experience is not what happens to you, but it is what you do with what happens to you. Take everything in your life as a lesson you have learned. You are the product of the books you read, the movies you watch, the people you meet, the dreams you have, and the conversations you participate in. You embody every experience you have had in your life. So, deepen the sea of knowledge, let the experiences run through your veins and the lessons develop your mind.

5. The best thing you can do is to venture into the present moment:

Every moment gives you a new beginning and new end, so be grateful to start from your current place. Wanting a different past will only waste your energy, so if you are feeling frustrated now, you can change everything at any moment that passes now.

6. You are not a victim:

Keep in mind that you have a pleasant and wonderful life, even in the most challenging times, and live your life accordingly. You are in control of yourself, so change your thoughts. However, as long as you think that the cause of your problem "lies" somewhere else - and as long as you consider that someone or something else is responsible for your suffering - your situation is hopeless, and this means that you will remain trapped in the role of the victim forever, and you will suffer no matter how affirmative your circumstances are, so do not do this yourself; be the hero, not the victim.

7. You're not who you used to be, but you're who you think you can be:

Eventually, you will become what you believe in yourself. If you continue to tell yourself that you are unable to do something, you will likely end up being unable to do it. On the other hand, if you believe that you can do this thing despite your suffering and frustrations, you will probably gain the ability to do it, even if you can't do it now.

8. You can proceed:

Keep in mind that the darkest nights will come to an end, and the sun will shine after them. So, if you take further steps, you'll be surprised at how far you can go from the point you thought was the endpoint. So, say to yourself: “I don't want you to ever give up on me, no matter how hard things are.”

9. The best way forward is to take each step individually:

You can't lift 1000 kilograms at once, but you can lift 1 kilogram 1000 times easily, and when you repeat, your small actions will become a great force.

10. The opinions of others regarding your situation at the moment are insignificant:

If you want to be truly happy again, don't be afraid to be yourself, and stop thinking about what other people think of you every second.

11. In relationships, sometimes disagreement is the best solution:

Choose your arguments wisely. Sometimes peace is better than being right.


12. It's okay to give yourself some space to breathe and pull yourself together:

Sometimes, a short break is the best step you can take. Sometimes, you have to pause until you can move on, and you have to stay away from something for a while until you can figure out why you loved it in the first place.

13. There are many things you can give up in life without losing anything:

This is called growth. Giving up old things gives way to new things, and giving up things that don't work for you gives way to what can work. So, remember that when the pain of holding on is worse than the pain of giving up, it's time to give up some things and grow.

14. There is nothing wrong with starting over and changing things:

When things in your life don't go as you expected, it means it's time to get rid of these things, whether it's habits, routines, or circumstances that are holding you back. Sometimes, you have to create what you want from scratch. You have to work harder than ever to get more than you ever dreamed of. So, be a dreamer and work and discover what is necessary to you and why it is essential, and then act on it with all your strength.

15. You will not find suffering on the road, as suffering is the road to greatness:

You will make mistakes and experience tragic surprises along the way, so learn from them, adapt, and grow, and if you want to get benefits from something in life, you must also bear the price. For example, if you want to have a lean body, you have to get tired and go to the gym and eat low-fat meals, and if you want to have a successful business, you have to stay up late nights, make deals and make risky business decisions, and expect failure fifty times to learn what you need to know to succeed.

16. A little extra effort always pays off in the end:

Even when things are not going well, do not laze around, and never stop making an extra effort, working additional minutes, or giving praise or thanks. Of course, the opinion of others does not matter; all that matters is your opinion of yourself, and you can not do your best (which should always be a characteristic of you). If you shorten the ways and avoid responsibilities, you are unique, so act on this basis, and do not neglect the small things.

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17. Be kind to yourself:

Be kinder to yourself today, accept and enjoy your true identity, and treat yourself with love and respect. The more you feel good about yourself, the more value you can create for your world, and if you can't do much for yourself now, do little, as these little moments of joy will keep you in a positive direction.

Read also: 25 Simple Habits to Achieve Self-Care

18. Because of today's pains you can feel the tenderness of healing, its beauty, and freedom:

Feeling  pain is like a quick stab in the heart sometimes, but then you'll feel how amazing the healing is.

Read also: Difficult Questions That Could Save Your Life And Save You Pain

In conclusion:

At some point, you will realize that living a dignified life involves a measure of necessary pain and that pain has many different forms, including the pain of the void that we feel when we go beyond something, such as graduation, taking the next step, and getting out of a familiar and safe situation to the unknown, and it is a tremendous pain in life that frustrates your plans and great expectations, including the severe hurts that we feel when you make a mistake, and more mysterious pains when the success you achieved does not make you feel the satisfaction you expected, and it is the brutal betrayal and few pleasant pains that we feel while finding the people who deserve your time and love. It is a constant pain that comes from sympathy that drives you to stand next to a friend or loved one and help them face their problems.

Everyone suffers pain, and when we experience it, we usually say we are having a bad day. After all, we forget something important about what we are going through, which is the pain is for the living, for those who still have a chance of a lifetime, and the dead are the only ones who do not feel it because their time is over.

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