What Type of Intelligence Do You Have? Which Career is Best for You?

Many people think that intelligence is an innate ability to learn and remember information, but this understanding has changed in recent decades.

Do you know that there are nine types of intelligence? It may range from musical intelligence to spatial intelligence and even interpersonal intelligence, and the question remains: What type of intelligence do you have?

IQ-type test

When you hear the word intelligence, you might think of IQ tests, of these Nobel Prize-winning geniuses who are able to do complex mathematical operations, but is it just about that?

There are currently several theories that study the nature of intelligence and how it develops. One of the pioneers in this field was Howard Gardener, a psychologist at Harvard University. His theory suggests that intelligence is not just an acquired skill; it is also much more versatile than just excelling in academia.

Howard Gardner first mentioned his theory in 1983 in his book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. As he explained his theory that every person possesses different types of intelligence, they may be a genius in specific fields and a natural in other fields, and Howard described in this book eight types of intelligence and later suggested a ninth type, which he called "types of intelligence."

What Type of Intelligence Do You Have

What is meant by this type of intelligence?

The type of intelligence is an indicator of your strengths and areas in which you excel. As each type refers to different skills, and some may suit you more than others, and there are 9 types of intelligence:

  • Naturalist intelligence.
  • Musical intelligence.
  • Logical-Mathematical intelligence.
  • Existential intelligence.
  • Interpersonal intelligence.
  • Bodily-Kinaesthetic intelligence.
  • Linguistic intelligence.
  • Intrapersonal intelligence.
  • Visual-Spatial intelligence.

We will go over each of these types. Does each type remind you of a specific person?

1. The naturalist intelligence

Do you like observing the natural world? Do you find that nature is contemplative? Is it easy for you to distinguish the subtle differences between different types of trees, such as spruce and pine? Do you find dealing with plants or animals a natural habit for you? If you answered "yes" to these questions, it may be because of your natural intelligence.

People who possess this type of intelligence are often interested in botany or zoology and appreciate the beauty of nature and its existence. These people excel in the following professions:

  • Botany.
  • Oceanography.
  • Camp management.
  • Scout leadership.
  • Gardening.
  • Astronomy.
  • Meteorology.
  • Geology.
  • Landscape architecture.

2. Interpersonal intelligence

Are you loved by people? Do you find it easy to interact with your friends, family, and colleagues? People with this type of intelligence are able to communicate their ideas accurately, whether through non-verbal communication like body language or using words carefully and cautiously. They are also sensitive to other people's moods and can understand things from different points of view.

These people are likely to be teachers, actors, and social workers, as well as other professions that require leadership and interpersonal skills. This type of intelligence is wonderful. This is because it may be useful in many different professions, and the most amazing thing is that anyone can develop it. If you have this intelligence, search for one of these jobs:

  • Human resources.
  • Counselor.
  • Director.
  • A psychiatrist.
  • Public relations.
  • Social Manager.
  • A teacher.
  • A social worker.

3. Musical intelligence

People who are musically intelligent have sensitive ears. As they can listen to any random piece of music, and recognize every different note in it immediately, and they can also distinguish the difference between the pitch, rhythm, character and tone of the sound, and understand it completely.

You often find this kind of intelligence in bandleaders, singers, and instrumentalists. These people spend their time listening and thinking about music, and they may be able to create their own pieces.

Great careers these people should be pursuing:

  • Orchestra conductor.
  • A musician.
  • Piano teacher.
  • Composer.
  • Dance teacher.
  • Music therapist.
  • Leader of a musical choir.

4. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

If you find yourself poring over interesting formal patterns, enjoy categorizing and relating things, and love strategy video games, you may have logical-mathematical intelligence.

This intelligence is known for the ability to estimate numbers, perform complex calculations, and develop mathematical hypotheses. As it enables a person to excel in abstract and symbolic thinking, inductive and deductive thinking patterns, and sequential thinking, workers in the following professions often possess high degrees of logical intelligence:

  • Mathematics
  • An economist.
  • An auditor.
  • Accountant.
  • A scientist.
  • A statistician.
  • Computer Analyst.
  • Technical expert.

What Type of Intelligence Do You Have

5. Bodily-Kinaesthetic intelligence

If you are skilled in practicing sports or handicrafts, you may have physical, kinetic intelligence, and this type of intelligence is the ability to move the body or things in perfect timing and completeness. The following professions are often suitable for these people:

  • Physical therapist.
  • A dancer.
  • A professional athlete.
  • Fitness Trainer.
  • Gym owner.
  • Actor.
  • Car mechanic.
  • Carpenter.
  • Painter.

6. Visual-Spatial intelligence

Do you find mazes and jigsaw puzzles amusing? Can you imagine what the project will look like before you finish it? Are you a dreamer? Can you understand the charts easily? If so, you may have spatial intelligence, that is, you can think from a three-dimensional perspective. People with this type of intelligence are usually good at design, have very active and wide imaginations, and are good at spatial thinking.

The basic abilities they possess include mental visualization, spatial reasoning, image processing, artistic and graphic skills, and an active imagination. Workers in the following professions typically display high spatial intelligence:

  • The architect in particular and other engineers in general.
  • Mathematical engineering teacher.
  • Land surveyor.
  • Town planner.
  • Graphic designer.
  • Interior designer.
  • Photographer.
  • The pilot.
  • Cartographer.
  • The Sailor.
  • The sculptor.

7. Linguistic intelligence

People with linguistic intelligence can use multiple languages ​​to convey complex meanings. They are also able to speak in public, write poetry and craft letters, and enjoy telling stories or doing crossword puzzles. These people are usually poets, journalists, and novelists.

Linguistic intelligence is the most widespread type of intelligence in the world, and among the professions that are suitable for this type of intelligence are:

  • Public speaker.
  • Librarian.
  • Politics.
  • Radio announcer.
  • TV presenter.
  • Content creator on YouTube.
  • Journalist.
  • Attorney.
  • Museum curator.
  • Speech pathologist.
  • Clerk.
  • Sales Representative.
Read also: What Is Emotional Intelligence?

8. Intrapersonal intelligence

If you think long about your personality, understand your emotions and thoughts deeply, and plan your life carefully and meticulously in order to achieve your personal goals, then you may possess this wonderful kind of intelligence, and then you will not only be able to understand yourself; rather, you will understand the human soul as a whole.

People with this intelligence tend to be spiritual leaders, psychotherapists, or philosophers, and they always like to know more about themselves. If you have this intelligence, strive to be one of the following:

  • Psychiatrist.
  • Clerk.
  • Psychotherapist.
  • Counselor.
  • A social worker.
  • Theologian.
  • Entrepreneur.
  • Poet.
Read also: The 8 Types of Intelligence

9. Existential Intelligence

Someone who thinks a lot about the meaning of life, loves to read about human evolution and how they got to where they are today, and stays up late thinking about what might exist outside the known universe might have this kind of intelligence, which is often referred to as the "intelligence of life."

People with this type of intelligence tend to be very sensitive, often asking deep questions about human existence and the meaning behind it, and you will find them working in the following professions:

  • A motivational speaker.
  • Clerk.
  • Man of religion.
  • Author.
  • A philosopher.
  • Economist.
  • Blogger.

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