Nonverbal Communication's Forms and Skills

The communication and transmission of information through body language are called "non-verbal communication." In this article, we will introduce you to the forms of non-verbal communication and skills, so follow us in the next few lines.

What are the forms of non-verbal communication?

1. Gestures:

One of the most important ways to express meaning without using the words "gestures" is through movements and approved signals. Common gestures include pointing, waving, and relying on using fingers to express digital quantities. There are other gestures types related to culture, and we will mention here an example of non-verbal communication used in the courtroom:

  • Non-verbal cues which lawyers use to influence the opinions and statements of jurors.
  • While the witness is testifying in court, in an attempt to undermine the credibility of their testimony, the lawyer can close their eyes.
  • Looking at their watch indicates that the opposing lawyer's argument is boring.

These signals are so powerful that some judges can sometimes restrict nonverbal communication in the courtroom.

2. Facial Expressions:

Often, the appearance on the face of the individual is the first thing we can see and feel before hearing their voice and what they want to say. Facial expressions are responsible for a large part of non-verbal communication, and the amount of information to be communicated, whether with a smile or frown, is very large. It is worth mentioning here that facial expressions that express sadness, fear, anger, and happiness are similar in all countries. Although, the rest of the forms of non-verbal communication are significantly different between cultures.

3. Linguistics:

This science denotes voice communication that is not related to the actual language. Linguistic factors include bass, tone of voice, turn, speed of sound, and sound level. The tone of voice can significantly impact the meaning of the sentence. The same words that are said can carry several meanings with understanding; that is, the meaning of the sentence can change by changing the tone of voice, for example:

  • When words are spoken in a reluctant tone, the listener can understand that the speaker means a lack of interest and disapproval.
  • When words are spoken with a strong tone of voice, the listener can understand that the speaker means approval and enthusiasm.

Another example is:

When someone asks how you are doing, your usual answer will be, “I'm fine or fine,” but the tone of this sentence will reveal a large part of how you really feel.

  • A happy tone of voice will reveal that you are truly well.
  • When the tone of voice is cold, it indicates that you may not want to talk to them and you are not okay, too.
  • When the tone of voice is sad and depressing, it indicates that you are not well and need someone to take care of you and ask about your situation more.

4. Eyesight:

It is said: "The eyes speak volumes." The language of the eyes plays an essential role in non-verbal communication, and the behaviors of the significant eyes gaze are: staring, looking, and amblyopia (laziness of the eyes). Through the gaze, we can distinguish and understand countless cases, including the following:

  • Eye gaze can help determine whether an individual is honest or not. If eye gaze is consistent and natural, it is evidence that the individual is trustworthy and telling the truth.
  • If an individual can't maintain eye contact, it may be evidence in some cases that the individual is lying and deceiving.
  • When an individual looks at an individual or a person they love, the pupil dilates and flickers more.
  • The gaze of an individual's eyes can, in some cases, be indicative of interest, hatred, hostility, attraction, and other feelings.

5. Personal Space:

"Personal space" is one of the essential non-verbal types of communication. Personal space relates to several factors, including cultural expectations, personality characteristics, social norms, situational factors, and level and degree of familiarity, and can distinguish two types of personal space:

  • Personal space of 10 to 12 feet is the distance required when talking to a group of people.
  • Personal space ranging from 18 inches to four feet: It is the distance required when speaking informally with another person.

Nonverbal Communication

It's also worth noting that when you're communicating with someone for the first time, you can recognize three situations that express how they feel about you:

  • If they take a step back, it indicates that they want to be somewhere else or that they need more distance.
  • If the person stays where they are, it indicates that they are comfortable.
  • If an individual takes a step closer, it indicates they feel in harmony, understanding, and comfortable with you.

6. Touch:

Touch is commonly used to signify and express intimacy, empathy, affection, and other warm and beautiful emotions. Many researches have emphasized the importance of touch in infants in early childhood. It is worth mentioning here that sexual differences play an important role in conveying the meaning of touch, for example:

  • Females commonly use touch to signify and express concern and care.
  • Males commonly use touch to signify and emphasize power and control over others.

7. Body Language:

The movement or situation can convey a great deal of information and semantics, and we can distinguish an unlimited number of body language movements. We mention a number of them as follows:

  • Shoulder lift: In this movement, the shoulders rise towards the ears in a way that the neck looks hidden. This movement is usually done by the one who is very worried or not confident in themselves because they are trying to hide their head.
  • Breathing: When you see the opposite person's chest contract and expand rapidly, or when you see it rise, it is a sign that the person is feeling anxious and fearful.
  • Shrugging shoulders: We can distinguish here two cases:
    1. When a person shrugs fully, elevated, sharply, and equally high, it is an indication that the person is telling the truth.
    2. When a person shrugs completely and slightly, it is a sign that the person is not telling the truth and is not being honest.
  • Stretching the trunk: We can distinguish the following cases:
    1. If the adolescent sits on the couch while being reprimanded by a parent, it is a sign of disrespect and disregard for the parent.
    2. Stretching on the couch can be a sign of comfort.
    3. When someone is stretched while discussing serious and assertive matters, it is evidence of sovereignty and spatial control.
    4. Effects:

Images and objects that can be used for non-verbal communication. For example:

When attending an online forum, an individual can express themselves and their identity by using a symbolic image indicating the things they prefer or their identity. In other cases, a uniform can be used that indicates the work done by the individual, for example:

  • A military uniform indicates that the person wearing it is a soldier or an officer.
  • A white lab coat indicates that the wearer is often a doctor or nurse.

9. Appearance:

An appearance is a form of non-verbal communication, and examples of external appearance factors are hairstyle, the color of clothes, or style of dress. External appearance is what gives the first impression of the person, so people who want to search for work are advised to wear uniforms or other appropriate clothes when going for interviews.

Read also: Improve Your Communication In Relationships

What are non-verbal communication skills?

There are four main categories of non-verbal communication skills, and these skills are:

1. Capture non-verbal signals:

A person should have the ability to pay attention to other people's movements, body language, posture, eye contact, and facial expressions when talking to them.

2. Attention:

It is one of the things that helps an individual communicate effectively, learn quickly, and have the skill of constantly paying attention and participating.

Nonverbal Communication

3. Use of non-verbal cues:

One of the things that helps an individual control any effective or ineffective communication in the workplace and significantly supports their professional skills is their ability to develop using non-verbal signals.

Read also: Effective Communication: The Importance of Communication Skills

4. Interpretation of non-verbal signals:

When an individual can identify non-verbal cues quickly and with high accuracy, then they can interpret them, which gives them a high ability to communicate with others.

Thus, we have provided you with the forms and skills of non-verbal communication.

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