Nine Thoughts You Need to Get Rid of

The human mind is wonderful and powerful, but it is far from perfect. We are often addicted to certain thoughts, but we cannot change anything in our lives unless we can change the way we think.

If you want to move on with your life, get rid of the following ideas

1. Life is terrible and that will not change

Your mind can be your worst enemy. It is the place of your greatest struggles and most of the things you wish would never happen, but if you allow these thoughts to dwell and fester in your mind, they will rob you of peace, happiness, and all that is beautiful in this world.

Silence the negative noise inside your head, and do not cause yourself a meltdown, depression, or terrible defeat. If you are negative in your solitude, then the real struggle is in your mind, and the battle you have to fight is against your thoughts. You cannot change what happened, but you can choose how to deal with it.

2. Those haters are right about me

Be wise enough to move away from the negativity around you; do not let it control your thinking, and do not let the negative opinions of others destroy your reality. No matter how much negativity others throw at you, there is no need to stay where you are and participate in the ruin that they chose for themselves; you decide how your soul grows.

When people around you give you all the reasons to be negative, think of at least one good reason to be positive. There is always something to be grateful for. Say, "I'm lucky to be alive. I'm happy to be who I am. I have a lot to be grateful for. My life isn't perfect, but it's very good."

3. Everything will stay the same

Do not confuse your current path with your destination. Your troubled path now does not mean that you are not heading in the right direction, and remember that you can heal a full life of pain overnight. So be patient with yourself; it takes a long time, but your happiness is worth the while.

You decide your destiny through the choices you make, and what you do over and over again becomes a quality in you. It is also essential to know where you are headed and why, instead of seeking to get there quickly. Do not think that activity alone is an accomplishment, and ask yourself every time you tend to deal with the usual circumstances in the same way, "Do I want to be a prisoner of the past or a future leader?"

4. Life is supposed to be easy

Nothing worthwhile in life is easy. Learn to be realistic in your expectations of things, and don't expect life to give you everything you want on a silver platter. Go ahead and get it yourself; it's the only logical way to deal with life's challenges. If it's worth it, it's worth making an effort for it.

Anyone can escape and lose; it's very easy not to do anything. But facing challenges and working to overcome them makes you strong. Even on your weaker days, you get a little stronger. So starting today, stop wanting this and that and start working for it. Speech is worthless, but work is priceless.

 Thoughts You Need to Get Rid of

5. Blaming someone else is easier

Most of us take credit only for positive results. In other words, we take full credit for ourselves if we succeed and deny our responsibility if we fail. A good example of this is found in schools all over the world. When students get a good grade, they often attribute it to their intelligence and excellent study habits, but when they get a bad grade, they attribute some of their failures to a bad teacher, unfair exam questions, or the fact that the material isn't relevant in the real world anyway.

You must realize that emotional growth requires that you be willing to take full responsibility for all your actions and results, successes and failures alike. If you are too afraid of failure, you will not be able to do what is necessary to achieve success. Setbacks, failures, obstacles, and hardships are how life builds you up; they build character, strength, and knowledge.

6. I can't stand this and that

Starting today, let go of the minor inconveniences, live your day mindfully, try to notice some minor irritations that usually make you feel down, and then do yourself a favor and just let them go. In this small way, you will feel free to control how you feel, and you will know that you can extend this level of control to every situation you encounter in life.

Whatever way you feel, it's how you choose to feel, and the way you interact is how you choose to interact.

7. Appearances of people indicate their true identity

Superficial judgments are made the moment someone assumes something about another person based on their external appearance. Unfortunately, this happens perhaps thousands of times every minute all over the world. For example, someone might see a tall, very well-mannered man in his early fifties. His age makes him wear a business suit, and they immediately assume that he is successful and reliable, although there is no concrete evidence to support this assumption.

Bottom line: Don't judge someone by how they look at first glance. What you often see is what they chose to show you at that very moment. Many times, we jump to conclusions. So talk to people, listen to their stories, and watch their behavior. This is the only way to know who they are.

8. Giving up and starting over is a sign of failure

Do not attempt to reduce your losses from a previous failure by continuing to follow the same path that led to failure in the first place. In other words, do not do the same thing repeatedly and expect different results. If your last attempt was unsuccessful and no significant changes were made thereafter, this time will probably not work either.

Sometimes we justify our decision to continue investing in a failed path just because we have invested in it a lot before, despite all the indications that the price of continuing to pursue it outweighs the benefit we hope for.

It is then logical to reduce our losses and change our course of action, but the high price we have paid so far makes us feel we need to be committed to this course. So we invest more time, money, and energy in it, hoping that our additional investment will change the result, but most of the time it will never happen.

If you can no longer find a reason to continue, you should think of a reason to start again, and that is okay. There is a big difference between giving up and starting again in the right direction.

Read also: Waiting for Perfection and Wasting Thoughts

9. It's too late and I missed my chance

Stop regretting; it is the justification for giving up. You continue to grow and try. Life is about making the most of possibilities, recognizing that everything happens for a reason, taking lessons from the past, following your intuition, and finding happiness.

Don't worry about what may have happened; if anything was intended to happen, it already has. Be present-minded. There is so much to look forward to; all you need to do is try your hardest. You have a new beginning and an entirely new finish with each passing second; the time you have right now is your finest chance.

Read also: Tips to Turn your Fears into Positive Thoughts that Boost Your Self-confidence

In Conclusion

The spiritual leader Dalai Lama once said, "A new way of thinking has become a necessary condition for living and acting responsibly. If we continue to preserve outdated values and beliefs, fragmented awareness, and a self-centered spirit, we will continue to uphold outdated goals and behaviors."

So make today the starting point to refocus your awareness and feelings on positive and productive thoughts, and whatever you do, do not cling to what will ruin your day; smile and be grateful. Life is too short to waste it on negativity and destructive thinking.

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