How to Become More Positive?

The vast majority of our behavior is habitual: As much as we feel like we think throughout the day and make conscious decisions, most of our activities are driven by habits deeply rooted in us.

These habits are developed in our subconscious mind, which operates automatically on mental commands just like a computer that follows digital signals does.

How to Become More Positive?

1. The influence of the environment on the subconscious mind:

The subconscious mind is heavily programmed before the age of 6 or 7. In these early stages of development, the conscious mind does not fully mature. The subconscious mind is then further affected by our environment, which explains why we speak the language we do, enjoy the foods we do, dress the way we do, and many other things. Most behaviors, beliefs, likes, dislikes, and preconceptions are rooted in this part of the mind from a very young age, and this happens without our knowledge or consent.

2. The Influence of People on Us:

The "programmers" of our minds in these years of our development are the people with whom we spend most of the time, and they are usually our parents, siblings, relatives, friends, neighbors, and teachers as well. Our minds are open to the suggestions they often offer us through their words and actions. Most of us are unaware of this powerful process, which may be harmful later in adulthood, have no idea why we behave the way we do, and feel frustrated with ourselves, especially when it comes to behavioral patterns and results that we do not like.

How to Become More Positive?

Of course, this same process continues throughout our lives, and our senses interact with the world around us, including people, eating habits, exercise patterns, television, the Internet, social media, radio, magazines, books, etc. Anything you hear, see, smell, taste, or touch can impact your choices and usual behavior.

3. Effects of Daily Habits:

The truth is that everyone wants to be happy. We all wish to live a productive, purposeful, and positive life, but unfortunately, this is not always the case. Too often, our daily habits backfire, disappointing us and making us unhappy and dissatisfied, leading to a general feeling of negativity within us.

But luckily, once you understand how your great mind works, you can control your thoughts, your subconscious program, and ultimately your results. You can also build a beautiful life full of joy, rewarding relationships, and experiences.

It all starts with four compelling words: “You will become what you think.” The repeated thoughts will eventually affect your subconscious mind, and this system will then affect your usual behavior, which will, in turn, lead to joyful and rewarding results. Once you have mastered this procedure, you will have the upper hand and be in charge. So think positively, and you will automatically adopt positive behaviors and almost immediately experience the benefits.

4. Protect yourself:

You should surround yourself with optimistic, enthusiastic and productive people, let their positivity affect you, and avoid unnecessary contact with negative, pessimistic people you have known. Limit the amount of time you need to spend with them. This is very important.

Watch cheerful and inspiring TV shows, avoid bad news, and stay away from it as much as possible; it's poison to your mind. Read positive books, articles, and magazines; visit inspiring websites for motivational quotes; and listen to educational podcasts with real value.

Get rid of the things that negatively affect your mind as much as possible. Remember, you will become what you think of. It's been said that the five people you spend the majority of your time with define who you are. I think this is true, so choose your friends and partners carefully and prevent bad things from entering your mind. Avoid pessimistic people; these will pollute your thoughts and destroy your chances of being the best version of yourself.

Read also: Tips to Have and Maintain a Positive Mindset

In conclusion:

Think of good and great ideas all the time to develop positive behaviors and reach great results in your life. If you stick to this process, you will see that it works like magic.

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