10 Stress-Management Ways

Stress is a natural part of life and can be difficult to manage. It harms both our physical and mental health.

People frequently associate stress with work, household chores, illnesses, and attempting to avoid traffic congestion during rush hour. This is true, but stress means more than that. Many factors contribute to stress, but it is best defined as the body's internal response to manage the fight-or-flight response in times of adversity.

Biologically, stress is defined as the body's increasing state of arousal required to protect itself from a clear and present danger. Stress manifests as emotions such as worry, rage, exhaustion, fear, happiness, excitement, or sadness.

Stress is an unavoidable pressure in human life, ranging from minor challenges to major issues. It happens naturally until we lose our ability to manage and control the overwhelming impact that turns stress into a problem.

Stress affects three out of every four adults, or roughly 77% of the population in America. Stress can result from economic matters, jobs, wars, children, illnesses, etc.


Understanding the different types of stress and how they manifest in your life is essential to learning how to manage stress. Despite the wide range and multiplicity of stressors (pressures), we will classify them into two categories:

1. External Pressures

The following external factors can interfere with your ability to concentrate and maintain composure:

1.1. Physical environment

including confined areas, brightness, noise, light, temperature, and even darkness.

1.2. Organisational matters

including rules, laws, deadlines, rumours, workplace gossip, work pressure, and other issues.

1.3. Social interactions

General human behaviour toward others, such as bullying, aggression, ignorance, dominance, and belittling.

1.4. Life crises

including death, moving out, having a new baby, marriage, job loss, divorce, and others.

1.5. Daily hassles

including missing the bus, losing car or house keys, mechanical breakdowns, and others.

2. Internal Pressures

Our thoughts, mindsets, and behaviours are the root cause of these pressures. Examples include:

2.1. Lifestyle

including not getting enough sleep, busy schedules, caffeine intake.

2.2. Negative thoughts

including pessimism, self-criticism, overthinking, and feeling of inadequacy.

2.3. Mindset

including taking issues too personally, expecting unrealistic outcomes, overthinking, rigidity, and more.

2.4. Personality traits

such as work addiction, suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, perfectionism, and others.

These factors greatly contribute to mental and physical stress, which can result in depressive, angry, fearful, and intolerable feelings.

Stress Management

Your Relationship with Stress

We are exposed to a great deal of fatigue and extreme pressure because of our fast-paced lives and lifestyle, so it is inaccurate to attribute stress to modernity and technology. However, we are responsible for these stimuli, which are linked to a strong desire for competition and trying to be as good as our peers.

Even in the same situation, different people experience stress in different ways. For example, let's assume a couple is going through a bitter divorce. After the divorce, the man may enjoy his life, while the woman may experience some emotional fluctuations. What bothers you may not affect the other party. Another example can be a man who manages well in his cosy home but finds it draining to work in an office or team.

Understanding that most of our stress may be self-inflicted or self-generated is critical. Whether the situation we face is serious, sad, or happy depends on our self-perception. Recognising the pressures we create is the first step in preventing stress.

Stress Symptoms

Prolonged, extreme, and denied stress are detrimental states that impair our well-being. If left unresolved, they can lead to fear, anger, frustration, and depression.

Stress can cause minor health issues such as headaches, skin conditions, ulcers, insomnia, and digestive problems. In severe cases, it can lead to suicidal thoughts or even death. Therefore, here are stress symptoms classified into four categories:

1. Stress Physical Symptoms

  • Fatigue.
  • Unexplained changes in sleep patterns.
  • Digestive disturbances lead to diarrhoea and trouble retaining food.
  • Headaches and body aches.
  • Dizziness, unnecessary sweating, and fainting.
  • Palpitations, dyspnea, tachycardia, and irregular heartbeat.

2. Stress Mental Symptoms

  • Inability to concentrate.
  • Temporary memory loss.
  • Hesitation in decision-making.
  • Feeling confused.
  • Feeling unbalanced.
  • Panic attacks.

3. Behavioural Symptoms

  • Disruption in appetite and eating patterns.
  • Increased smoking and alcohol consumption.
  • Boredom, irritability, and nail-biting.

4. Emotional Symptoms

  • Depression.
  • Easily annoyed.
  • Anger and crying easily.
  • Deterioration in cleanliness, appearance, and grooming habits.

Key stressors include unstable finances and employment, personal relationships, family obligations, health issues, and safety concerns. Now that we have categorised stress symptoms, it's time to determine which symptoms you are currently dealing with and select an easy way to manage them.

Remind yourself that you can manage your stress to lead a fulfilling life.

Stress Management

10 Stress Management Techniques

Among the most widespread stress management techniques are healthy eating, physical exercise, yoga, and meditation. However, these four stress management approaches are not the only ones available. Therefore, we will cover as many techniques as possible to help you overcome it.

Here is a set of simple yet effective techniques to help you recognise, comprehend, and manage stress in your life to reduce its negative impact on you:

1. Change Perspectives

How many times have you anticipated negative situations and results that never happened? Negative things are more creative and appealing to humans than positive ones. However, stress is associated with our inability to eliminate negative things.

It's difficult to change your perspective. However, you can begin by analysing your emotions, eliminating overblown feelings, selecting authentic emotions, and disregarding the remainder. Deal with your true feelings positively, and you will immediately feel a little stress, confusion, and anger. It may require some time, so avoid viewing an issue you face from an inflated perspective.

2. Journaling

Handling issues is easier when they are shared with others. However, journaling is an effective tool for sharing problems and possibly finding solutions since most of us struggle to discuss our problems with others. Journaling only requires recording your thoughts and feelings regarding what happened during the day. It's not hard at all.

Stress requires clarity, focus, and awareness of the surroundings, and writing helps us remember everything. It is easier to recognise, comprehend, and deal with your emotions when you write them down than when you try to recall them. Additionally, writing facilitates emotional differentiation, precise emotional identification, and improved clarity through inner-sense connection.

3. Mindful Breathing

Stress robs you of peace and stability. Mindful breathing is a deep and regular process that helps reduce stress and can be done by following two simple steps:

  • Inhale gently through your nose until your lungs and stomach are filled while counting slowly to 3 or 5.
  • Hold for a second or two, then exhale gradually while counting from 1 to 5.

Repeat this process several times until you feel like you are regaining your energy and strength. As you release the breath, visualise yourself releasing tension and anxiety.

4. Positive and Directed Daydreams

We all have daydreams, and while imagination can run wild with some of them, you can avoid increasing constant stress by using directed images and thoughts. Let's take an example of a time when you were at work and had a heated phone argument with your wife. There are two possible outcomes from this: either you will be depressed the entire day, or you can pinpoint your stress source and release it by visualising some positive thoughts. These are daydreams.

To overcome negative thoughts and boost your confidence, close your eyes, visualise a happy memory, forgive yourself, and accept the circumstances you find yourself in. Otherwise, those negative thoughts will keep bothering you.

5. Review Your To-Do List

It's okay if you can't finish all of your household chores. Remember that pushing yourself beyond what you can handle is bad, so you should occasionally take breaks.

Reducing work pressures or prioritising tasks could cause persistent headaches and shoulder and back aches. You can assign your kids chores or set aside time for independent work.

6. Practice Yoga

Yoga is a type of meditation that uses deep breathing, simple poses, and relaxation techniques to help people decompress. Yoga is a highly effective stress reduction method because it deals with the physical, emotional, and mental aspects affected by stress. In addition to its long-term effects, we can experience the immediate benefits of yoga practice.

To begin practising yoga, you can sign up for a course or follow some simple online yoga programs to learn suitable poses. Yoga facilitates easy breathing, enhances mental and cognitive clarity, and calms the body and mind. However, if yoga poses aren't your thing, you'll like this next method.

7. Exercise Regularly

Like a car engine, our bodies require maintenance to avoid breaking down when we need it. Regular exercise develops a strong body, strengthening the mind to withstand daily stresses. You can choose a basic exercise and perform it for seven to fifteen minutes each day. You don't have to do intense exercises or even engage in hard activities.

The point is to keep your body moving for enjoyment, so going to the gym or fitness centre is a good idea. Also, you can walk, jog, run, swim, or even dance. Furthermore, if you enjoy outdoor activities, pursue your passions and watch your stress drop.

8. Massage and Detoxification Therapy

Tension can result from an unclean interior body. Additionally, exhaustion and fatigue can worsen the stress effects, increasing the risk of disease and nervous breakdowns.

Stress relief is just one of the many benefits of massage therapy. It's a great way to keep both physical and mental well-being. While body detox can relieve stress from your internal organs, both will help you feel comfortable and relaxed.

Stress Management

9. Use Positive Affirmations

Positive speech has been demonstrated to be more effective in eliciting positive emotions, empathy, and self-confidence in the speaker. Our feelings are determined by how we treat ourselves. If you start your day negatively, you will likely attract negative things and issues to yourself.

However, you will succeed in doing so if you set aside enough time to concentrate on positive thoughts and things in your life. Positive affirmations are more than just words, as they aim to awaken the optimistic and courageous part of you.

Therefore, take a moment to remind yourself of your abilities and believe in them when you sense that negative emotions or thoughts are starting to build inside you. The way you envision yourself is who you are.

Read also: Can Stress Be Beneficial?

10. Adequate Sleep

Even though getting the full recommended 8 hours of sleep might be impossible, you can still have an adequate night's sleep. Many people sleep for 8 hours or more, but they worry during their sleep and wake up feeling tired and stressed.

After a busy day, sleep is essential for the body to rejuvenate and regain its energy. You should prioritise your sleep conditions to guarantee a comfortable night's sleep. To achieve this, ensure your bedroom's temperature is appropriate, and your bed is comfortable.

If you can't get 8 hours of sleep at night, try napping in the afternoon and keeping an eye on your diet before bedtime. Finally, establish a bedtime routine, and remember that you don't have to be too strict about it; just gradually work toward getting a good night's sleep.

Read also: 3 Ways to Control your Time to Achieve Stress-free Productivity

In Conclusion

Stress is intangible and not easily eliminated. Let go of the extra burdens on you now, and start following the stress mentioned above management techniques. If one or two of the above methods suit you for stress relief, don't hesitate to implement them.

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