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When you look at leaders like Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Boris Yeltsin, and Rudy Giuliani, the common thing that binds them is that they drove wisely, overcoming turbulent times. Winston Churchill, a wartime hero, led his country to victory in World War II.

Abraham Lincoln was president at a difficult time in American history; he had to work for the unity of the country and against slavery at the same time. Boris Yeltsin succeeded in the face of a military coup, and Rudy Giuliani, mayor of New York City, dealt with the fallout of the 9/11 attacks. These leaders have remained calm in turmoil, set an example for others, and have been brilliant and consistent.

Hard times don't last, but strong people stay:

According to television writer Robert H. Schuller, “Hard times don't last, but strong people stay, ” Rudolph and Giuliani, the mayor of New York City from 1994 to 2002, demonstrated his incredible leadership skills on Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on New York City.

At the time, his popularity was waning; but the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center towers highlighted his strength, potential, and personality. He restored the strength and stability of New York City under his wise leadership when the city was in a state of uncertainty. He faced the crisis without losing his wisdom and reassured the public by building trust with them. “In times of crisis, good leaders appear,” he said.

Giuliani identifies six skills to emerge as a great leader: firm beliefs, optimism, courage, willingness, and an emphasis on teamwork and clear communication; leaders must be prepared to confront any crisis that may occur, whether in the form of a terrorist attack, a natural disaster, systemic neglect, or industrial accidents.

Failure to get the crisis under control quickly may damage the organization's credibility and goodwill; When faced with a crisis, be part of the solution, not part of the problem, and of course, it is very difficult to remember these tips during the crisis, as the famous actor Michael Caine said: "Be like a duck, calm on the surface, but constantly row in depth."

So when experiencing a crisis, take a deep breath, review the problem in detail, focus on the big picture, find alternative solutions, choose the best solutions, implement them effectively, and remember that all actions may not achieve the desired results and be ready to fail. When you act wisely, you will find a solution to your problems. Simultaneously, prepare more than one alternative plan to control the feeling of uncertainty. In fact, some leaders perform well during stress and crises. Adversity highlights its best when stress leads to positive results, known as positive stress (eustress).

The importance of staying calm in times of turmoil:

Leaders should control their anger and frustration, remain calm under pressure, and be seen as problem solvers in times of turmoil rather than just complainers; staying calm during chaos will help you come up with different solutions.

The current global business environment requires quiet leaders and strong leaders; when times are good, anyone can lead, but natural leaders and CEOs emerge to solve problems when crises occur. Abraham Lincoln is a fitting example of a leader who led America in turbulent times.

When America faced two challenges: slavery and civil war, Lincoln demonstrated leadership acumen by effectively managing all stakeholders - including his political rivals - to abolish slavery and ensure America's unity. This is why most leaders look to Lincoln whenever they face leadership challenges, regardless of their political ideologies and countries.

The book about Abraham Lincoln, Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin, describes how Lincoln communicated with people and explains how he brought into his government people who opposed him, including three opponents of the Republican nomination, who mostly believed that Lincoln was a weak president, and yet succeeded within eight months to a year in making these people seek to be like him.

His opponents turned into allies because he had the confidence and wisdom to collaborate with the best people; This is an inspiring story. Combining the perspectives of people from different backgrounds and different perspectives and expectations can be a source of excellence in the labor market; most US presidents look to Abraham Lincoln whenever they face political challenges.

Although there were also two other prominent presidents to lead in turbulent times: George Washington and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Lincoln was a committed and dedicated leader who often learned bitter lessons throughout his life from his successive failures before taking office as the first Republican president and America's 16th president. So CEOs should be led by Lincoln.

Read also: 10 Keys to Overcoming Difficult Times

In conclusion:

Real leaders emerge in turbulent times, real leadership skills emerge during crises, and leaders who fail to rise to the desired level during a crisis will never succeed as leaders. Turbulence is not a threat but an opportunity to test yourself and help others make a difference in your performance. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow. So when you face a challenge, you will give your best and do a good job. You will feel great satisfaction when you overcome turbulent times. Challenging times require difficult and quick decisions, and CEOs must be well prepared to face difficult times to ensure stability and organizational effectiveness.

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