Tips for Enjoying Loneliness Without Feeling Miserable

Everyone needs to love and be loved, but most people want to receive love before they give it to others. We live in a world ruled by selfishness that no one in it is willing to give without getting anything in return, and no one wants to experience the dreaded loneliness that often results from giving yourself wholly and all you have without getting anything in return.

There are many cases where people feel lonely even in their relationship with their partner because one side gives a lot of attention while the other gives almost nothing.

How do most people deal with this?

Most people try to pretend and charge what they don't have to win people's love and a sense of "belonging." We all want to belong to something, someone, family, friend, or partner, but this does more harm than good, especially for young people.

American writer Jodi Picoult says, “If you meet a person who prefers being alone and not mixing with others no matter what he tells you, he does not prefer it because he enjoys solitude, but because he tried to integrate into the world before, and people disappointed him.”

I knew a young man who probably never got the love he craved from his parents and partner and ended up getting involved in shady activities, such as smoking, drinking, and drug use. As long as these habits made him enjoy love, attention, and a sense of belonging, he had no problem putting up with them.

There are countless stories of people who have committed suicide because they feel lonely, rejected by others, and greatly disappointed by their dependence on others for their emotional needs and happiness.

You may know many stories like this, or you may have had such an experience, but the truth is that the world we live in is full of people with fake personalities who talk about false feelings and make false promises. Many people are afraid to be open and honest about their feelings, fearing that they will live in the worst situations, such as disappointments and depression.

Research has shown that most cases of loneliness lead to depression, which in turn leads to suicides. How can one live in this world without feeling sad? How can you live alone and in a state of contentment simultaneously?

Seven ways you can deal with loneliness and feel fulfilled and happy

1. Not relying on people or things to boost your happiness

American writer Roy T. Bennett says, "If you are not grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy if you had more?"

Why do you base your happiness on the presence of people or things that will not last you? It will help you a lot if you do not depend on anyone else to make you happy because only you can control your feelings, and you can choose a positive reaction in any situation, even in the state of loneliness in which you live.

I have succeeded in applying this method. I am glad I chose to be alone without being dependent on anyone. If you don't learn how to charge your happiness from within, nothing will make sense to you.

2. Appreciate the moments when you are alone

You can consider this unit as an opportunity to build your strengths. I am a writer, and I consider my lonely moments as useful times to read to gain more knowledge, and you too can occupy yourself during boredom by building your strengths. So, try this method, as it works magic.

3. Doing fun things when you're alone

There are many things that you can enjoy on your own. If you love to cook, why not find a new recipe to make your favorite dish, or why not try a completely new meal, or why not dance, sing, or chat online? This might be the perfect time to do the thing you enjoy.

 Tips for Enjoying Loneliness Without Feeling Miserable

4. Reward yourself

It is much better to reward yourself and give yourself some fun than to give in to boredom. So, go out and treat yourself to a nice meal in a fine restaurant, go shopping, go for a picnic, visit the place you always dreamed of, or take pictures and keep videos. You will be fine, and who knows, you might meet people who share your interests. Although the world seems negative, there are still people like you who want to find sincere people. So, you will meet these people, and you will get rid of loneliness.

5. Change your mindset

Being alone for a while may bring to your mind thoughts that you will be alone forever or that no one will ever take care of you, and then the effect of these feelings will always appear on your face, in your words and actions and wherever you go. So, you have to get rid of this mentality and be convinced that you are not alone. There are those who are going through your situation, and it is just a stage that will pass in the end.

Read also: Some Tips for Opening Up to Change

6. Express your true feelings

This may seem difficult, but it is the best way to rekindle your relationship with friends and family. You feel less interested in socializing when you are lonely, and this makes you reject opportunities to connect. So, challenge yourself to get out and find ways to connect with those who seem distant, like your family and friends. By telling them the fact that you feel lonely, you will be amazed at the amount of love and care they will give you afterward.

Read also: Happiness and Giving

7. Offer love to others

Be that one who gives and loves. You don't have to be selfish because no one returns the favor. Giving makes us feel satisfied, and refraining from giving makes us feel empty, lacking, and in need. When you open your heart to love, giving becomes easy, not only in financial terms, but also in giving time, praise, and a smile to bring joy into the days of others. So, when you do that, you create a foundation strong enough to overcome your loneliness.

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