Ten Steps to Change Your Life and Become a Better Person (Part 1)

Do you want to become a better person? The path to greatness isn't easy; here are the ten steps you need to take to become the best.

Do you want to become the best you can be?

The best people have the confidence necessary to begin as the best. Therefore, if you lack that confidence, it's probably because you believe a falsehood that has been repeated over and over: that all it takes to succeed is hard work.

This deception has been repeated innumerable times in literature, movies, and even by our parents when they advised us to concentrate on our work so that the weariness would eventually pay off. They said that we could only feel good about ourselves after working hard, but this is where the real issue lies: hard work does not always result in rewards.

The only thing that happens when we put a lot of effort into something is that we grow better at it. However, this does not imply that you will become a better person. The issue is that if you dislike what you do, you will only get better at it.

“When you really study top performers in any field, what sets them apart is not their physical skill but the way they control their minds,” says Dr. Stan Beecham in Elite Minds.

Here's a simple formula to get better:

The best you can be = purpose x courage x control x luck x hard work.

You need to exert control over each of these factors if you want to improve. But first, you must examine yourself if, when you read this post, you feel that you have heard similar concepts before or that this strategy won't work for you. Are you certain that becoming the best is what you truly want? The most admirable individuals have such sentiments, yet they articulate them as follows:

  • I've heard this before, but why didn't I listen then? because I hear it again; It must be important.
  • I will find a way to make this work for me.

Ten Steps to Being the Best:

1. Know your goal:

The 85-year-old Jiro Ono of "Jiro Dreams of Sushi" is regarded by many as one of the best sushi chefs in the world. He prepares sushi dishes so delicious that celebrities from all over the world fly in for the $300 sushi dinners, which they often book months in advance. Even US President Barack Obama said, “I was born in Hawaii, and I've had a lot of sushi, but this was the best sushi I've ever had."

How did Jiro become the best sushi chef? He has set himself one simple mission, the lifelong pursuit of the perfect piece of sushi.

It was that simple for him; he didn't aspire to own a chain of restaurants or create the world's largest sushi mall; he just wanted to make one perfect piece of sushi.

This is the simple secret of all experts in their field: To become a better person, you need to know your purpose. To do that, think about what you are putting most of your efforts into right now. For most people, that is their job. We spend more than 13 years of our lives at work; therefore, if you think that after many years of doing your job over and over again, you will finally become the best at it, would you be satisfied with that? Is this what you are best at?

We're not attempting to convince you to quit your work and pursue a career as an astronaut or an illustrator. Sometimes the purpose of our work is to meet needs rather than achieve our goals. What we're trying to say is that instead of just working hard, sometimes we need to think outside the box.

Know your goal

Think: What do you want to become the best at? Being the best is not about fame or power; for example, being the best parent, the best employee, or the best leader.

Think about your goal: what do you really want to be the best at?

2. Accept the fear of failure:

The next step is to realize that you may not succeed. Fear of failure is common for those who want to be better, and that's a good thing when you ask yourself:

  • “What if I can't do that?”
  • "What if I waste my time?"
  • "What if I fail?"

Studies show that approximately 75% of entrepreneurial projects fail within 10 years. This does not mean that you should give up. On the contrary, the people who achieve the most impressive successes are the ones who are afraid and learn to live with that fear.

What is the fear of failure?

Fear of failure is a mental and emotional awareness that success may not be possible. Excessive fear can hinder success and achievement, while not fearing failure enough may not motivate you enough.

A little fear can help you achieve your goals more. So Dr. Beecham suggests that we should have dreams that have a 60% chance of success, not 100%, and the remaining 40% means: "If you fail, everything you've worked for will be for nothing." This fear is exactly what you need to get ahead.

Fear forces you to fully focus and gives you motivation to achieve your goals, and goals that we are not afraid of failing are not worth achieving. Think about your goals and dreams—are they big enough? What is the probability of achieving them? Do you have the emotional intelligence to embrace fear and progress?

Perhaps the phrase “Fear kills success” is true because a great deal of fear hinders success, but mental wandering kills dreams.

Read also: Learning Through Failure

In conclusion:

We covered two actions in this part to help you improve yourself and transform your life, and we'll cover four more stages in the next part.

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