Logical Thinking: A Skill Can Be Acquired

We often hear phrases like, “So-and-so is a logical person,” “ He is a logical thinker,” and “ Why don't you think logically?” But we don’t know much about this logical thinking. Is it a gift from the Lord? Or is it a skill that can be learned and practiced?

The logical thinking definition:

Logical thinking is also defined as analyzing a situation and developing a reasonable solution. It's similar to critical thinking. Logical thinking uses thinking skills to objectively study any problem, helping to come to a rational conclusion about how to proceed. For example, suppose you encounter a problem in the office. To address it, you use available facts and logical thinking skills. You may wonder what logical thinking means: moving from one statement or related thought to another. The first statements in logical reasoning are called precedents, and subsequent statements are consequences.

Logical thinking's benefits:

An individual who is said to possess reasonable thinking skills will be able to relate events and things. The most important benefit is that the chances of making a mistake are meager among these sane thinkers. These individuals take calculated risks to know the cause and consequences of the situation. It applies well to students who go to school and those who shine in their studies due to rational thoughts. Working professionals and many entrepreneurs achieve great heights because they know how to handle difficult situations using intelligent strategies gained through logical thinking.

Logical thinking

The main advantage of logical thinking is rapid decision-making. It can set goals and solve challenging problems and creative thinking. Life is not the same all days and times because it will change and may even challenge you during certain stages. Challenges in your life are only simplified if you notice the problems and analyze them deeply. So, you must be skilled at solving problems in your life that require the ability to think. You need to know how to identify the right and wrong people in your daily life. Finding a solution or deciding on a problem should not be time-consuming. Instead, it should be spontaneous and intelligent; you must be intellectually engaged in your workplace or life.

Logical thinking concept:

1. Logic:

The term logic comes from the Greek word logos, which refers to “reason” or “thought.”

2. Logical thinking:

  • It is the skill of using logic in thinking.
  • It uses reason and logic in thinking and solving problems, away from feelings and emotions.
  • It is a mental process in which the brain arranges, interprets, and analyzes data to arrive at results.
  • It is to look objectively and abstractly at things, comparing available options and choosing the most appropriate option.
  • It deals with topics and situations, such as addressing the problem of mathematics, by following logical steps and relying on laws, facts, and evidence to reach the proper result.
  • Mathematics is one of the most applied areas of logical thinking.

3. Logical person:

The logical person is characterized by rationality, calmness, balance, deliberate decision-making, accuracy, good listening, emotional stability, objectivity, self-awareness, self-confidence, independence, the ability to dialogue and ask questions, social communication, and negotiation skills, flexibility in accepting different views, willingness to change, recognition of error and seeking to correct it.

Logical thinking importance:

The importance of logical thinking comes from the following reasons:

  • Logical thinking helps you make good decisions.
  • Logical thinking helps to solve problems and situations and find the best solutions.
  • Logical thinking reduces the likelihood of risk and loss.
  • Logical thinking contributes to making the right decisions.
  • Logical thinking helps to build an opinion based on facts, not emotion.
  • Logical thinking results in success in study, work, and life.
  • Logical thinking leads to gaining the respect and confidence of others. The logical person is the first to turn to them, consult them and hear their opinion.
  • Logical thinking contributes to resolving differences and disputes with others in a manner that satisfies all parties.
  • Logical thinking eliminates bigotry, prejudice, and absolutism.

Logical thinking types:

Logical thinking has several types, namely:

1. Mathematical logic:

It is the logic applied in mathematics.

2. Deductive reasoning:

Deductive reasoning starts from a common rule and then reaches the support of a specific observation. It moves from general to personal, and when the actual facts are true, the conclusion is inevitably true.

3. Inductive reasoning:

Inductive reasoning starts from personal and specific observations to reach generalizations based on accumulated evidence, and this conclusion does not necessarily make sense. Where scientific research is carried out, evidence is collected, and theories are developed.

4. Mental reasoning:

Mental reasoning is used in case of uncertainty; that is, the available information is incomplete. This type is an experiment of luck because it starts from an incomplete set of observations and reaches an interpretation of them. Mental reasoning is suitable for daily decision-making.

5. Critical thinking:

This is a type of logical thinking that analyzes, asks questions, and compares to conclude.

Examples of logical thinking:

Using logical thinking helps one succeed in carrying out tasks, whether work, study, family, or social tasks. It always leads to reaching satisfactory results. We can mention an example of logical thinking from our reality. If you are the head of a family responsible for providing for it, logical thinking, needs and priorities, and meeting the necessary needs lead to improving the distribution of expenses to meet the needs starting from the most important.

Logical thinking

Logical Thinking and Problem-Solving Steps:

Logical thinking is done through the following steps:

1. Identify the problem:

The first step in logical thinking is to identify the problem, and here we may find that it is not a real problem, but it is just a misunderstanding, and it ends. When it is discovered that it is a problem, here it must be determined what it is and its causes. According to Barry Loptkin, a researcher in clinical psychology in New York, “the person's identification of the problem is in itself a high degree of mental development.”

2. Problem analysis:

After identifying the problem, it should be analyzed from different angles, viewed from other points of view, and information gathered about it, and is it solvable? Do we need help to solve it? We may discover a bias or a wrong view of the subject.

3. Offering solutions to the problem:

The first solution to the problem that comes to mind should not be enough; a list of possible solutions should be drawn up.

4. Solution Selection:

Possible solutions are studied, evaluated, compared, and the most appropriate solution is chosen.

5. Implementation:

The step of implementation comes after choosing the solution, and here it should be noted that there is no problem except it has a solution, even if this solution is to accept the current situation instead of continuing to solve problems.

Developing logical thinking skills:

Our logical thinking can be strengthened by:

1. Skepticism about everything:

One of the first steps to strengthen logical thinking is to question everything, to ask questions and scrutinize everything we hear, and not to take any information as given.

2. Reasonaness:

We cannot logically think while we are not working our minds. Logical thinking is based on the work of the mind in collecting information and facts, examining them, investigating their validity, linking them together and analyzing them to reach results and solutions, comparing these solutions, and evaluating them to find out which is best suited to the problem.

3. Logic exercises:

Just as the muscles of the body need exercise to strengthen them, the skill of logical thinking needs to practice logic exercises to strengthen them by including logic exercises in our daily routine. Examples are Sudoku games, chess, puzzles, math games, and missing words.

4. Another perspective:

To strengthen our logical thinking, we must learn to see things from another perspective and be open to different points of view. Then, we will be able to deal with situations more logically.

5. Objectivity:

Objectivity is the basis of logical thinking. We must abandon our personal passions and prejudices when thinking about an issue and make decisions with all objectivity and abstraction away from emotions and passions.

6. Flexibility:

Logical thinking needs to be flexible; we deal flexibly with all issues and situations and accept them with an open mind without prior rejection or intolerance of our ideas and beliefs, allowing us to think logically and rationally.

7. Social relation:

Social relationships and interacting with many people expand the perspectives from which we see things, thereby increasing our ability to solve problems.

8. Exercising:

Exercise increases blood flow to the brain and ensures that more oxygen and glucose reach the brain. Exercise also helps to get rid of negative emotions and energy, which enhances the health of the brain and its ability to analyze and think logically.

9. Sleep and food:

To do a good job, the brain needs enough sleep, a healthy balanced diet rich in vitamins and amino acids, especially omega-3s, essential elements for brain development, and a commitment to avoid sugars, such as grains, nuts, fish, and turmeric.

10. Reading:

The more a person knows, the more rational and logical their reasoning is, so practicing the habit of reading daily is one of the essential exercises in developing the skill of logical thinking.

11. Re-study mathematics:

Mathematics is closely related to logic, its calculations, equations, theories, deduction, and proof, so it is helpful to refer to this subject, even if we become adults and work in areas far from mathematics, reviewing its fundamentals, solving problems, and thinking logically.

12. Logical thinking and relaxation exercises:

Meditation and relaxation exercises help reduce stress and anxiety levels that humans feel, which gives rest to the brain, makes it work better, and increases the skill of logical thinking.

13. Playing:

Research has shown that learning music enhances mental abilities, such as learning math, and thus the ability to think logically.

14. Learning a new language:

Learning a new language is one method that activates the brain, increasing judgment and logical thinking.

Read also: How Does Language Affect Thinking and Intelligence?

15. Debates:

Serious debates and discussions are one valuable means of developing the skill of logical thinking because they activate the mind and force it to think, so we must be keen to search every period for a specific personality with culture and logic and argue with it on any topic.

How to teach our children logical thinking skills?

As mentioned above, logical thinking is not born with the human being, but it is a skill that can be acquired and trained from a young age, and here comes the responsibility of parents to teach their children this skill, and this is through:

1. Role Model:

Before parents can think about teaching their children to think logically, they should set an example, follow logical thinking, and be as logical as possible in their actions and decisions, as the child imitates more than hears.

2. Explain the child's logical thinking mechanism:

The father and mother explain to the child the reasons for deciding for them, or the reason for acting with them in behavior, in a simplified way so that they understand the mechanism of logical thinking followed by the parents in reaching this decision or act.

3. Encourage the child to use their mind:

Parents should encourage their children to use their minds through regular dialogue with them in a logical manner, asking them questions and not accepting answers such as: "I do not know" or "The question is difficult, I do not want to think," by urging them to think and find any solution and let them solve their problems himself.

Read also: 4 Simple Steps to Master Strategic Thinking

4. Enhance the child's self-confidence:

The child may discuss or act with simple logic, and sometimes funny, and it is wrong for the parents to make fun of their logic which frustrates them and makes them ashamed to say their ideas. On the contrary, the parents must strengthen the child's self-confidence and encourage them to put what is on their mind and talk to them in the logic area.

Read also: Self-Confidence and Mental Health: What Might the Lack of Confidence Mean?

5. Sports and music:

Parents must pay attention to teaching their children to play music and do sports, as they play a vital role in the mind's development and revitalization.

In conclusion:

logical thinking is a way to a comfortable life. There is a quote by Jean de La Brewer: “Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think.” So, to have a happy and comfortable life, we need to reduce feelings and emotions, and adopt reason and logical thinking in making our decisions and solving the problems we face. Do not forget that the brain, like any other muscle in the body, can be strengthened by exercises of intelligence, concentration, and logical thinking.

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