Five Principles for Achieving Success

Have you been through a period of your life when you wanted to change something and showed a commitment to making that change happen, but you haven't started doing it yet? What is the reason for this? Is this because you do not have enough knowledge, or are there circumstances that prevent you from initiating this change?

Despite the various reasons that play a role in not completing what we planned to do, they can be reduced to one important reason: mindset. 80% of the reasons for success in anything are psychological, and the rest are technical.

Most people have enough information to get their tasks done, but they don't do it because their psychology is not in harmony with their goals. But if you really want to change any area of ​​your life, there are five keys to succeeding in this and ensuring that you bring about the change you want, as well as making it permanent and sustainable.

five keys to succeeding and you bring about the change you want:

1. Raise Your Standards:

Although it seems like an outdated and cumbersome process, no one can deny that changes need to take a long time to become an integral part of identity and become the norm by which we literally live.

Raising standards means making an inner transformation to take control of your quality of life. Most people have a list of things they must do, like spend more time with the kids, work harder on their business plans, or lose weight, but in the end, people don't change. They make more demands on themselves. So if you can replace the phrase: “I must do this” with the phrase “I should do this,” you will guarantee that your life will change radically.

This scenario tends to occur when one person doesn't have money, but when one of their parents falls ill, they rush to find a way to earn money; so that it covers the costs of treatment, and from here you can know that those whose lives seem to be better than you have high standards in life; Because someone who works five days a week does not have more time than you do, but they prioritize their job. Therefore, they never miss it; rather, they maintain this standard on a daily basis. So when you feel an urgent need to get something, you will find a way to do that.

2. Change your limiting beliefs:

Do you believe that having a clear goal and considering obtaining it to be a top priority and requirement is sufficient to ensure success?

This can often be true, but when you fail to do what should be done, feel like you are failing to do the right thing, or start berating yourself, there is only one reason for that; It is that you have inner conflicts, which may manifest in the form of fears and doubts or in the form of limiting beliefs arising from them.

Change your limiting beliefs

You may have an unbridled desire to become rich and have abundant money, but inside you there is a belief that contradicts your desire, saying that you do not want people to judge you, and thus you keep oscillating between these two goals. You may have a desire to achieve a goal, but the only belief in your mind is that you are not strong, smart, or educated enough. Unless you discover what your inner struggles are, they will eventually lead you to failure.

The most important thing to be taught in the seminars during the coaching sessions is to help people discover their struggles and then reorganize themselves. When a person is completely in harmony, everything inside them rushes towards what they want without delay. There is a certain level of certainty and faith that pushes you to work according to firm foundations and then fully invest your energies and potential, which in turn leads to achieving dreams that exceed your ambitions.

3. Successful Strategies:

Keep in mind that there are signs of success. There is a way to have the power to achieve what you want within a short period of time; And the shortest of those ways is to find a model of someone who has already achieved what he wants; This person may be successful in a great relationship, have achieved great work, or have the ideal body you aspire to; Because it is not about luck; Rather, it is the set of strategies they apply, which are bearing effect; So you don't need to reinvent ways that people invented before you; But the best way to achieve success is to learn from others. It saves time and effort.

Read also: How to Become a Successful Leader?

4. Reinforcing Emotions:

It is unavoidable to join the life arena and experience setbacks, whether these blows come in the form of illness, difficulties at job, or even issues with your family. If you can see these blows as a gift from the Lord and then figure out how to harness and use it, facing them head-on will increase your strength and give you the mental toughness to overcome them.

The best example of this is the famous cyclist Lance Armstrong, who did not give up when he faced cancer; rather, he reinforced his feelings and found a way to succeed more than he did during his entire sports career. Although he believed that he had maximized his capabilities, he found that facing another cyclist in a sports race was nothing compared to facing cancer, and he won after that He won seven consecutive Tour de France events despite having never won them before.

He turned what might have been the most traumatic moment of his life into a stepping stone to what would become one of his greatest triumphs.

This is because he chose to reinforce his emotions and confront what he was exposed to, not to withdraw and choose defeat. These moments are what determine our destiny.

Read also: Are We Driven by Emotions or Instincts?

5. Giving more than receiving:

Giving is what gives meaning to our lives, not what we receive. If you can make it your daily goal to add value to people's lives more than anyone else, you don't have to worry about achieving success. But if your attempts are limited to making deals, that is, following the policy of “I will not give you anything if I do not get what I want,” you will have difficulty growing. This is because the secret of living lies in giving, because we were not born selfish.

We can reach what we want and reap success, but what we want in the depths of our souls is to feel the sanctity of life and to give, not to take; If you can add something of sincere value to those around you, this will ensure that you live a meaningful and joyful life.

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