7 Exceptional Life-Changing Facts

French writer Sébastien-Roch Nicolas de Chamfort once said, "Illusions may give pleasure, but happiness is truth."

Your beliefs shape your life, and the people who have changed the world believe in powerful truths that have prepared them for success.

7 Exceptional Life-Changing Facts

1. Writing down your goals makes them more feasible

The only alternative to this practice is to keep track of your goals by constantly thinking about them. Still, you may be surprised when you write down what you are thinking about by the number of things you are trying to deal with. Studies indicate that the pre-frontal cortex, whose role in the brain we can liken to that of a manager, can deal with 2 to 3 things at once.

In other words, there is no average person capable of managing their life by thinking with the same quality that they obtain when they manage their life by writing down their goals, and good management is only one of the benefits you get by writing down goals.

It has also become clear that writing something down, specifically using pen and paper rather than typing on a computer or other means, has a positive cognitive impact. A study has found that jotting down ideas on paper enhances clarity in your mind. Holding onto the paper helps maintain the clarity of the idea in your mind while getting rid of the paper is akin to disregarding the idea. Therefore, writing down your goals is necessary.

Writing down your goals is the key to turning your aspirations into tangible objectives. It enables you to transform wishful thinking into clear intentions and facilitates the shift from the unattainable to achievable and from abstract dreams to concrete plans. By taking the time to document your goals, you are taking a proactive step toward making them a reality. So, don't stop at the ideation stage - make sure to put pen to paper and set your goals in stone.

2. Dancing Makes You a Smarter Person

In addition to the happiness and enjoyment that comes with it, dancing can also make you smarter. It helps you develop a positive outlook on life; those who dance are often unafraid of having fun. Life is too short to be wasted in self-consciousness. As the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said, "I would only believe in a God who knew how to dance." Therefore, dance often, and do not let a single day of your life go to waste without dancing.

3. Repeating Motivational Phrases in Front of the Mirror Can Change Your Mindset

You may think it's weird to talk to yourself in front of the mirror, and of course, you'll feel embarrassed if someone sees you doing it. However, considering the impact of repeating phrases is not a waste of time. There is a network of neural pathways in the brain responsible for determining your habitual thoughts and behaviors.

When behaviors and thoughts are repeated, one of these neural pathways in your brain is slowly reinforced. This leads to the formation of a new habit over time.


Many individuals struggle with negative self-beliefs, which can harm their well-being. These beliefs need to be altered positively for personal growth.

If you are struggling with self-esteem issues, try standing in front of a mirror every morning and affirming to yourself, "I am a valuable person," and genuinely believing it.

With time, this statement will become a part of your belief system and contribute to developing a positive self-image. Additionally, using daily motivating phrases can encourage the acquisition of desired personal traits.

The power of repetition is more than just a myth or pseudoscience; it has been proven through scientific research. Repetition significantly impacts the brain and can change the neural pathways associated with a particular thought or behavior.

However, it is essential to understand that simply repeating a phrase without belief or intention will not reap any benefits. You must genuinely believe in what you are saying and focus on it.

While motivational phrases are not necessary for achieving success, they have the potential to help improve low self-confidence, dismiss negative thoughts, and overcome any beliefs that may limit your abilities.

As Muhammad Ali once said, "Repetition of affirmations leads to belief, and once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen." You can train your brain to believe these statements by continuously repeating positive affirmations, ultimately enhancing your confidence and capability to achieve your goals.

4. Life Owes You Nothing

The world does not guarantee you a good job or a happy life, nor does it owe you anything. You are responsible for achieving these things for yourself if you truly desire them. Society only cares about your contribution, and relying solely on good intentions is bound to lead to disappointment.

In our world, a spirit of fierce competition prevails, which requires great effort on your part to make your mark. Some people succeed while others fail, and this is a harsh reality. However, believing anything other than this is just a lie that hinders your progress. By acknowledging this reality, you can start doing what is necessary to achieve what you want in your life.

As the American author Mark Twain once said: "The universe is not obliged to you; it was here before you."

5. You Deserve Success More Than You Deserve a Break

There is a common denominator among people who have achieved greatness, whether in terms of financial success, fame, or changing the world. They work hard, and some even work tirelessly for their benefit. The reason for this difference may lie in their mindset.

Successful people believe they deserve success more than they deserve rest, which does not mean you do not deserve rest. We all need to take a break. However, this concept may be a barrier between you and achieving success.

A study conducted by American behavioral scientist Ravi Dahr and Harvard University professor Ayelet Fishbach suggests that the idea of entitlement to a reward can hinder our progress. The study divided a group of people following a diet into two groups.

One group was reminded of their positive progress in following the diet, while the other group was not. Both groups were then given the choice between an apple or a piece of chocolate as a reward.

The results showed that the group not reminded of their progress was likelier to choose the apple over the chocolate. This is due to the idea that the need for a reward is an internal process in the brain, which the idea of entitlement can hinder.

The study revealed that the group reminded of their progress in following the diet was likelier to choose a piece of chocolate as a reward than the other group. This highlights the potential negative impact of an entitlement mentality, where we believe we deserve a reward regardless of our progress.

Interestingly, the percentage of people who chose the chocolate bar was higher in the group that received praise from the researchers. While this could be due to people generally favoring chocolate, it also suggests that acknowledgment and positive feedback can influence our decision-making. Overall, the study sheds light on the importance of being mindful of our mindset and how it can affect our behavior and choices.

Nielsen Media Research reports that Americans, on average, spend more than 5 hours a day watching TV, amounting to 1,825 hours per year. Consider what could be accomplished if that time were spent pursuing a hobby instead. As per the famous maxim that says 10,000 hours of practice is needed to master any craft, an individual could achieve complete mastery in any hobby in just six years.

However, mastering a craft isn't solely about the amount of time invested. Instead, 10,000 hours is an estimation for the average person to master a particular skill. It's a valuable benchmark for understanding how much dedication is necessary to reach a high level of proficiency in any given field.

One common mistake people make is viewing the present as a unique time when it isn't. We make excuses to convince ourselves that today is somehow different, when in reality, aside from an occasional unexpected event, most of our days are similar.

Therefore, the present is the best indicator of what your life will be like in the future. Remember that the average human lives less than 28,000 days, which isn't a lot, so take a break if you hit a career burnout, but don't tell yourself anything except that today is the best chance you have to pursue your dreams. And if you think the phrase "Seize the day" is trite, the truth is how you live your current day will pave the way for the rest of your life.

American businessman Jim Rohn once said, "You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction."


6. It’s Not Necessary to Be Liked by Everyone

If you want to have a unique impact in life, not everyone will love you. There will be people who are jealous of your success, and there are those who have values opposite to yours. Therefore, you will be subjected to unfair criticism. However, the worst way to live life is to seek to satisfy everyone. If everyone likes you, then this means that you are far from a daring attempt to change reality.

Of course, others are an essential aspect of anyone's life. In the end, we are social beings and need each other. However, you only need love from some people, such as your family and perhaps, but not necessarily, friends. That way, you'll live a happy life. Otherwise, others' love for you is just an embellishment. The best thing about it is that many people find a reason to hate you, while others love you for no reason.

That means you can be spontaneous without worrying about the judgment of others, and almost everyone will respect you greatly when they see your courage in showing your true personality in all circumstances. Abandon the need to impress others, and your life will undoubtedly improve.

Irish actor Dylan Moran once said, "You can't please everyone, and you shouldn't try because then you won't please anyone, especially yourself."

Read also: 3 Ways to Change Your Life

7. Nothing Is More Important Than Your Daily Habits

Your habits are the most essential part of your life. A study at Duke University found that our habits shape our behavior. In a broader sense, habits are actions we repeat daily. If your habits are not positive right now, you must change them.

Your habits can change the quality of your life from a terrible life to a fantastic life. Invest your time and energy in improving your habits, and you will see a return on this investment in the years to come.

Read also: Nine Morning Habit That Change Your Life

In Conclusion

The power to change your life for the better lies within you. The reason some people succeed in doing so while others fail is the degree to which they are committed to pursuing their goals. Remember that you are solely responsible for your life, so why not make it amazing?

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