19 Tips to Challenge Yourself daily and Help to Grow Your Personality

When you think about challenging yourself, perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is getting out of the comfort zone. Although no one wants to get out of their comfort zone, everyone knows that change is undoubtedly happening when you get out of that zone. It's hard to leave our comfort zone, so we often stay in it because we prefer the routine and what is familiar to us.

However, when you force yourself to leave the comfort zone, your brain reacts in new ways so that it can adapt to the change that has taken place, and this change is necessary to develop your personality. Challenge yourself every day a little bit to do something new or make more effort, as it will stimulate the chemicals in your brain, which in turn support the development of your personality.

However, don't take on too much of a challenge because it can make you anxious and then you give up. At the same time, you don't always stay in the comfort zone because the feeling of inaction can become chronic, which hinders the development of your personality. If you can calm your mind when it is appropriate, that is, when you challenge yourself to be out of the ordinary enough, you will be able to develop your personality and achieve new things in life.

When you start doing new things, you may feel excited to find creativity and come up with very effective ways to do the things you do every day. After you have that habit, you will become more flexible and able to adapt in all areas of your life.

19 Tips to Challenge Yourself daily: 

In this article, we review 19 tips from which you can challenge yourself every day to develop your personality. After reading these tips, you will realize that making some changes every day can lead to significant improvements in your life:

1. Set a goal:

These are the most effective ways to make a change in your life. To achieve the greatest benefit, set long and short term goals, and after you set a goal, break it down into manageable steps, and start implementing the first step.

2. Stop complaining:

Do not let your negative feelings dominate you. This requires you to stop complaining. The complaint makes you feel temporary improvement, but it worsens the situation in the long term, and may make you lose the desire to succeed in the future. Instead, remember the law of attraction, and how positive thinking, even in difficult circumstances, can help you develop your personality.

3. Do something creative:

When you think about being creative, it often comes to mind to make something, but the core meaning of the word “creativity” means evolution. So, when you become creative, you come up with solutions to the problems you face in new ways, and you become able to create unique connections between ideas. As your thinking style changes, your mental energy increases, and you are able to think outside the box in all areas of your life.

4. Throw away excess items in your own places:

It can be hard to get rid of something you think you'll need in the future, but most things are replaceable. So, get rid anything you haven't used in a year that doesn't mean anything to you morally or donate it.  After you've cleaned your home, office, and closet, you'll feel like you've gotten rid of an extra burden, free from the confusion that you've been experiencing in your daily life.

Whenever you have extra space in your home or office, you feel calm. So, forcing yourself to get rid of things you don't need everywhere in your life can help you in all areas of your life.

5. Train daily:

Most people think they don't have enough time to train, or they don't have the energy for it after a long working day, but forcing yourself to do some physical activity every day will make you feel better; thus, you will sleep well, and you will relieve the stress that you may feel. Also, while physical training itself is a challenge, your body gets great benefits when you train.

Daily training also helps you enhance your mental abilities. For example, it takes a lot of focus and will to end a training class that requires running for one and a half kilometers, or raising an additional 5 kilograms in weightlifting exercises. To achieve a greater benefit from physical training, finish your training during the morning period, which increases your productivity during the day.

Read also: Sport and Self-Confidence: The Science Behind the Link Between Mind and Body

6. Create positive habits:

One of the best ways to abandon bad habits is to replace them with positive habits, which is a daily challenge because it is difficult to make the change at once. So, try to consecrate new habits through small and gradual changes in your life, and by continuing, you will be able to develop new positive habits. These habits will help you develop your personality, but the secret is that you must start gradually so that you do not feel confused and lose your enthusiasm or desire to stick to your new habits and routine.

7. Give up everything that bothers you:

Whether it's a project or a person, a big part of personal development lies in letting go of the past or present things in your life that cause you more harm than benefit. You may have plenty of opportunities to practice this during your daily activities, but what you need is awareness to realize these opportunities.

If a situation occurs that bothers you, try to know how much control you have over this situation. If it turns out that the situation is completely out of your control, then abandon it, and the same applies for the small things that bother you. Also, if you realize that they are not important, give them up as well. Giving up things that you can't control will help you save time and energy needed to think about things that you can change in your life.

Read also: 7 Things You Need to Get Rid of

8. Practice Patience:

Patience is an essential element for you to have a happy life. When you train for patience, you will be able to remain calm in the face of difficulties. Because we face difficult and complex circumstances all the time, we all have many opportunities to train for patience, whether at home with your children, at work, or when shopping.

If you can overcome to become a patient person, you are likely to be able to shift from an anxious and nervous person to a calm person who feels inner peace. Recent studies have found that patient people are generally more satisfied with their lives and less likely to develop symptoms of depression.

Having patience is essential if you want to achieve your goals because if you want to see results right away, you're more likely to give up when you feel like you're progressing slowly. In addition, patient people feel more satisfied when they achieve their goals. This means that patient people are more satisfied with their lives.

9. Reduce the use of social media:

Although many tasks require you to use a phone or computer, you need to take a break from these digital means, especially when it comes to social media, and the reason is that much of the time you spend on social media does not benefit you. Therefore, reduce as much as possible your use of the phone or computer in reading things that do not provide you with useful information and do not help you in any way.

The technology we deal with influences the way we think. As you browse the Internet, it is unlikely that you will find content that encourages comfortable reading or deep thinking and focus. You will often find excerpts of information or summaries of books hidden between ads and pop-ups. Social media are sources of distraction; thus, it prevents you from focusing on or understanding anything you try to learn from.

To grow your personality, take time every day to practice old hobbies or start new ones, try staying away from your phone for a certain period of time each day, make this a challenge to your ability to give up technology, leave your phone in the car when you go out to lunch with a friend, leave it in your closet when you sit down to read a book, or have fun with the family.

10. Accept Changes:

Change is one of the few things that happens constantly in life; therefore, you can always rely on it to develop your personality, so experience your ability to accept the changes that happen to you every day, adapt to the new path of things, and do not resist the opportunities for change.Instead, accept them as opportunities to learn and develop your personality. Accepting change helps you develop your ability to adapt and increase your flexibility; thus,  you must know that the more you accept changes in life, the easier it is for you to make change.

Read also: Tips For A Better Way To Deal With Change

11. Stop making judgments:

When you judge others, you try to feel that you are better than them in some way and this makes you feel good. However, while you do not have to agree with others in the way they live their lives, you must remain tactful when expressing an opinion. In any case, you must know that you are not right in all your opinions.

If you are the type who constantly judge others, give up this habit. You may have acquired this habit unconsciously, and it may be caused by jealousy, but in all cases, try to give it up. Instead of focusing on the flaws of others, work to appreciate their positives, and in this way you will become more aware, and the positivity will reflect on your external appearance.

12. Reward yourself:

Think of the things you can offer yourself as a reward for accomplishing something because when you get to know these things, you'll be able to understand what else you need to do. This will help you celebrate your strength and your determination, which in turn helps build trust and strengthens your resilience in times when you don't get the results you expected.

13. Take some time just for yourself:

Humans are social beings, but you should also take some time for yourself to do some self-reflection. Loneliness can be difficult for some people, but it is a necessary activity to become more aware of your personality. Also, enhance your understanding of yourself as much as possible. By testing your ability to stay alone for a while, you will give yourself the opportunity to get rid of external fears and anxieties.

Make staying alone for a while a challenge to discover your feelings, fears, and daily needs. Through your time alone, you can practice mindfulness meditation, think about something, or write a diary. Any activity like these will help you increase self-awareness, allow you to see things from the perspective of other people, enhance your ability to control yourself, and increase your self-confidence.

14. Learn a new word every day:

Learning a new word in your native language or another language helps you strengthen your memory, increase your ability to focus, and have new vocabulary. Every new word you learn is stored in your long-term memory, and this helps you link information to new words and increase your ability to better express your ideas.

Obtaining new vocabulary delays dementia and helps recover from mental illness. Studies have shown that learning new words stimulates the brain's reward center, the area responsible for feeling happy when getting something good, such as food or receiving praise.

15. Contact a Mentor:

You may need guidance from a mentor during the challenges you pose for yourself. Find someone you respect who has the desire to provide support. The mentor may help you develop your personality, as they can help you understand the obstacles and come up with solutions to the problems that stand in your way instead of surrendering. The mentor offers their services in different forms, and by receiving help from someone who has lived under the same conditions as you, you give yourself a great opportunity to develop your personality.

16. Practice free writing:

It is not required to be a professional or great writer to express what is going on in your mind in writing; Just take some time daily to write down all the ideas in your head, and empty all the pressures and annoying ideas and everything that confuses you on a paper. The goal of this practice is to collect all your ideas and thoughts and write them down on the paper, and this helps you develop your personality because you will learn how to perceive and classify your feelings, and then you can deal with them appropriately.

17. Try doing something new:

Much of the satisfaction we feel in life comes through acquiring new experiences and developing ourselves in different ways. When you try to do something new, you not only learn about what you do, but you learn more about yourself. This strategy also helps you get rid of the monotony of life and activates your brain. If you keep trying new things in life, your personality will grow, and you will become more open to change and new opportunities and possibilities.

18. Connect with people you care about:

We often postpone communicating with friends, and we keep postponing for months and sometimes years without realizing that. By contrast, sometimes you stay in touch with someone every day and for several years without even knowing their name, such as the bus driver you take to work on every day, or the accountant in the store you shop from constantly.

So, you might get to the point where you're embarrassed to ask these people their names because you're too late, but you have to connect with people who have a steady role in your life just like you have to connect with people who have a good footprint in your past.

19. Read daily:

Take time each day to read a type of book that you are not used to reading before. Although most people tend to read their preferred type of book, and follow the preferred type of film because they know that it is these books and movies are what bring them pleasure, you are able to maintain pleasure and learn something new by reading a new type of book for ten minutes a day.

You can search for a small bookstore in your area to get books that may not exist in large bookstores. This way, you increase your culture and help small stores in your area grow.

In conclusion:

We reviewed 19 tips that help you challenge yourself daily and develop your personality. What's left for you is to keep up with these tips on a daily basis, so you need to be patient, and try as much as possible to deal with these challenges on the basis that they are opportunities for learning and developing your personality.

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