12 Self-Promises You Should Make And Keep

Life is not always simple and joyful; at times, it might be harsh because you had to work hard to get where you are now. You must proceed if you want to make sure that your life is worth this cost.

Get rid of the negativity that is permeating the globe and the ignorant voices that are telling you what you can and cannot do. Make a commitment to yourself to look ahead and advance. To put it another way, you must promise yourself good things.

Promise that you will fight hard, laugh long and loud, overcome adversity that dares to stand against you, and promise that you will be a power to be reckoned with because you are.

Make these promises, keep them forever:

1. You won't regret the past:

You can learn from your problems, weaknesses, setbacks, regrets, and mistakes if you are willing to learn, but they will punish you if you are not. Learn from them and take them as lessons for yourself. If you regret some of the decisions you made in the past, don't be hard on yourself. At that time, you did your best and worked with your knowledge and experience. You were younger and less wise; if you had the wisdom you have today, you would have made different decisions. Give yourself a chance. Time and experience help us grow and learn to make better decisions for ourselves and those we care about.

2. You will take responsibility for your life:

You may have learned wrongly that you can blame your parents, your teachers, the education system, the government, etc. without ever blaming yourself because it was not your fault at all. However, you are wrong. If you want to change, if you want to give up the past and move on with your life, you are the only person who can make that happen. It's time to take responsibility and take the next step.

3. You will speak to yourself gently and consciously:

What did you just say to yourself? Were your words the same inspiring and encouraging words you would say to your friend? Were there harsh remarks you might say to anyone to downplay? Or maybe some negative reviews? We talk silently to ourselves all day, and part of us believes every word. So be attentive and ask yourself if you're going to let someone talk to you the way you talk to yourself.

4. You will listen to your inner voice:

When something seems right to you, it probably is, or at least it deserves to be considered. If you deeply feel that something is not right, then it probably is. Pay attention to and follow your honest feelings. When you listen to your soul, the doors of life will open for you, even if they were closed in the beginning.

listen to your inner voice

5. You will live the life that suits you:

Follow the path that makes you happy, and realize that some people in your life will not walk next to you as you make your way on this journey because they simply won't agree with the life you chose, and that's okay. Sometimes your happiness runs counter to other people's perceptions, and to earn something great, you have to give up something else. Sometimes this thing can be a relationship with someone who just wants to control you.

6. You will let go of unsuccessful relationships:

Most people pass through your life temporarily just to teach you something; they come and go and make a difference in your life, and it's okay that they are no longer present in your life. Not all relationships last, but the lessons you learn from them will. If you're mentally and emotionally prepared, any relationship can teach you a valuable lesson, no matter how unpleasant it is. Sometimes it may feel weird to realize you've spent so much time with someone you're no longer in touch with, but that's exactly how it should be.

7. You won’t let circumstances rob your happiness:

Even in tough times, you must remember who you are. Take a moment to think about the things that have real and lasting meaning in your life, and then smile at the progress you have made. In all honesty, nothing in this world is more beautiful and stronger than a smile through the tears. Any fool can be happy in good times, but it takes a strong spirit and an honest heart to smile in miserable circumstances, and no matter how long it takes, you will get better. So keep moving forward. Tough situations build tough people in the end.

8. You will appreciate the life you live:

Most people overestimate the things they don't have and underestimate the things they do have. Don't be one of them. The past is behind you. So focus on what you can do today, not on what you could have done or should have done yesterday. Remember that you gain something for everything you lose.

Appreciate what you have and who you are today. Life does not have to be perfect for it to be beautiful. So thank life for the blessings it has given you; it will cost you nothing to remain positive, but it will change your life for the better. You can control your thoughts, so make good use of them so that you excel in your actions and your life in general.

9. You will use your power to make a positive difference:

People lose power when they think they don't have it. Don't do that; the world needs you. In a world full of doubt, you must dare to dream; in a world full of anger, you must dare to forgive; in a world full of hate, you must dare to love; and in a world full of suspicion, you should dare to believe. Once you do, you'll find the power you thought you lacked.

10. You will be dedicated to excellence:

If you are going to do something, do it right. Success is never an accident; rather, it is the result of determination, honest effort, smart direction, skillful execution, and the insight to see obstacles as opportunities. Remember that you cannot judge excellence by looking at where you are at any given point in time, but rather by measuring your progress to this point and the lessons you learn every day.

11. You will challenge yourself as much as possible:

Just because you suffer does not mean that you fail. Every great success requires great suffering. When you suffer, you will become stronger and smarter. The more you suffer, the faster you learn. It is better to spend a short time learning and growing than many hours without any progress. Every day, you have to push yourself to the limit, make mistakes, stumble, and learn from those mistakes.

Read also: 25 Mistakes Successful People Don't Repeat

12. You will make the necessary changes:

Life requires a balance between sticking to some things and abandoning others, staying put, and moving forward. We strive to make the right choices, but how do we know when it is time to move forward with our lives?

It is not always easy to recognize the signs that the time for change has come, but they are there, and you know that. Relationships, jobs, and even the places where we live may need to be changed at some point, and sometimes we hold on to futile things for fear of not being able to adapt to the necessary changes. The result is always the same: more pain, extreme frustration, and lasting remorse. So be smarter than that and accept the changes you know you need to make.

Read also: Change Your Perception, Change Your Reality

In Conclusion:

In a world where people break their promises all the time and promises lose what they once meant, it would be great to see words regain their power and influence. But words may be distorted in different ways. So you have to be careful. Remember that when you make promises to yourself, your promises must be backed by hard work, and your perception of the future depends on the actions you take today. So promise yourself and keep your promise.

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