10 Things Self-Loving People Do Differently

You can be the most wonderful person in the world, which everyone sees as a ray of light, love, and genius when they look at it2. Still, all that external admiration is worthless if you do not see in yourself what others have seen, and I know this because I used to look at successful and happy people and wonder about the secret behind it and the way I can be like them.

After an effort and a long struggle dealing with failed attempts and self-loathing, I educated myself and knew that the cause I could not be as happy as the people I envied and admired was that I had not valued myself the way they loved themselves.

Moving from self-loathing to a state of self-love has had a profound healing effect on me. Now, I look at successful and happy people and smile because I know deep down that their life is the product of a series of decisions that support their safety and well-being.

Truth be told, every second you spend questioning your value and importance and every moment that passes you and you criticize yourself is a tragic and pathetic loss, as if it is a new moment of your life wasted in vain without benefiting from it, and I would like to remind you that you do not have much time forever either So, do not waste more of your beautiful life moments, and do not waste more of your time criticizing yourself, even for one moment, today is the best time to start loving yourself.

10 things self-loving people do differently:

1. Always tell themselves that they are good enough and really amazing:

This may seem too simplistic Surely. Still, it is necessary and very essential, so tell yourself that you are good enough and deserve all your gifts and blessings anytime you feel that you are not because sometimes the hardest part of life is simply believing that you are worthy of this life that you live and deserve all the good in it. Accept your flaws and weaknesses, admit your mistakes, and do not hide or lie. Accept your truth as well and learn to become more powerful from it because it will never harm you, and will not hinder you from progress and development in your life. Also, always remember that you are good enough now just as you are to become much more power than you always were.

Know that the mistakes you make during your journey in this life will not harm you. Rather, denying them, hiding them, and refusing to acknowledge them is what hurts you. People who have flaws and make mistakes are very wonderful and awesome, and they are loved and able to give, help, and teach those around them, while phishers and deceivers are not at all.

You should know that you are on your own and your current personality is for a specific reason, so ignore everything that distracts you from focusing on yourself, listen only to the actual voice that originates from within you, and take care of your own affairs. Also, appreciate the value of your good wishes and mighty goals and keep them close and dear to your heart, allocate time to strengthen them every day, do not be afraid of loneliness or get used to it and love it, and do not allow anyone to ignore you or their problems, negativity, and tragedies by exposing you or keeping you away from your truth and love for your personality.

2. Believing in their ability to overcome the challenges they face:

Grand challenges and great difficulties make our lives fun and exciting. However, overcoming these challenges turn them into a meaningful life and give them meaning and importance. People who really love themselves know this and live their lives accordingly. The way  you deal with life's challenges and difficulties is what determines your level of success and happiness.

So, I advise you to accept the mistakes you have made in the past with open arms, learn lessons from them, ridicule the problems and hardships of life that you face and derive strength and determination from them, and enjoy the difficulties and challenges you face and then defeat and overcome them. Although the application of the previous tips will not always feel comfortable and reassuring, it is definitely worth this effort.

Believing in their ability to overcome the challenges they face:

It is similar to emotional discomfort or pain when it is accepted by the colliding waves which rise to their peak, and then collide with the beach and collapse, disappearing to be followed by another wave. Each wave shovels with it a burden that stresses you,paints a new form of your personality, and deposits treasures of knowledge and experiences that you never expected to have. It eliminates the lack of experience and understanding, gains awareness instead, and gets rid of frustration to replace it with psychological flexibility. Also,  hatred is taken from your heart to replace it with kindness and kindness.

No one will ever tell you the ease of those emotional waves full of experiences and experiements. Still, the rhythm of discomfort and emotional pain that you learn to endure and live within the process is natural, helpful, and absolutely necessary, as pain ultimately makes you a powerful and healthier person than you were before you felt it.

3. Choosing to take responsibility rather than blaming others:

When something wrong or a problem occurs, people who love themselves look for a way to take responsibility for what happened instead of looking for someone to point fingers at. They know that blaming others will not solve the problem, but rather it will raise anxiety, helplessness, and weakness within themselves. These people do themselves a favor by choosing to take full responsibility for their mistakes and problems by encouraging positive changes and acceptance in their lives instead of stress, sorrow, and stagnation.

Always remember you are the only person responsible for your success and happiness. The best stage in your life will begin when you decide that your life is your responsibility and your own alone, without or relying on anyone else or blaming them for what is happening. You have complete control and dominion over your current life, so believe and feel from the bottom of your heart that you can do what you were created for.

Although this is sometimes difficult, you have to refuse to follow a specific or pre-determined path by others in this life or ask permission from everyone around you, and set your own rules and a unique plan of action in your life. No happiness or success is expected from living life cautiously or being content and accepting a life that is less successful than the life you are capable of living.

4. Their eagerness to educate and teach themselves:

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Live your life as if you were going to die tomorrow, and learn as if you were going to live forever.” Life is really like an enormous book full of experiences and knowledge, so people who do not seek to learn and educate themselves only read a few pages of it, meaning that they do not recognize all the aesthetic aspects of this life, and do not enjoy it, as learning, awareness, knowledge, and acquiring experiences allow you to live a better life and feel good about yourself.

Self-loving people are adapted to this and are keen to learn and educate themselves very keenly. They know that all learning and culture is self-education. It doesn't really matter if you are sitting in a classroom in your college or a café because we do not learn anything without having an actual desire to do so, and people who take the time and initiative to seek knowledge during their own time are the only ones who gain real education and culture in this world.

Look at the lives of any of the scientists, entrepreneurs, artists, or widely renowned historical figures you can think of or remember. You will find that they have been the product of their self-education on an ongoing basis, whether they have received a formal education or not, investing a great deal of their time and energy in improving and developing themselves, which is- for obvious reasons, of course - one of the highest forms of human self-love.

5. Promoting and nurturing their passion and talents:

If you want your life to have an essential meaning or purpose, you have to live it for yourself and choose the path that feels right and appropriate for you and not the one that seems right to everyone around you. Everyone in this world feels a tendency of attraction or temptation that attracts them towards an idea or activity. However, that tendency is not very nice at times; it overcomes and interests them to walk in its path at all costs.

Promoting and nurturing their passion and talents:

Self-loving people recognize, respect, and acknowledge their inner enthusiasm and desires as very important, devote their time and energy to nurturing and fulfilling those desires, and truly know that satisfying and nurturing their inner longing and cravings is far more essential than any concerns they may have about how others view them when they do so.

So, I urge you not to live your life as a spectator anymore. However, live in this world, on this day, and on all the days to come from now on as an active and energetic participant who can make a real impact in this world, andto ask yourself every morning about the things that are really important to you, then have the courage, wisdom, and freedom of will to make your day about those things and work to achieve them with all you can.

Read also: The Man That Turned His Passion Into Millions of Dollars, Meet Carlos Slim

6. Teaching people how to treat them properly and well:

Not everyone will appreciate what you give them or what you do for them, so you must discover the people who deserve your attention and care and differentiate between them and those who use you and only benefit from you. If you waste your time and energy and waste it in vain with your interest in the wrong relationships, you may end up entering into a tedious cycle of fast and transient, and superficial emotional relationships, which are as compelling and exciting as they are lacking in purpose and feasibility, in addition to your feeling of a general sense of wonder and wonderment about why you always seem to be standing in your place without any progress in your life while seeking to win the affection and sympathy of others.

So, people who love themselves deal with social relations from the point of view of self-esteem and self-sufficiency. They do not expect everyone around them to love them and do not need to do so either. Still, they know very well what they need to feel love and respect for others, and what should offer them. So, they teach their surroundings gently about the limits of dealing with them in their relationships. If someone exceeds those limits with them repeatedl, they make them move away from them, as loving people have enough sense and ability to move away and give up their relationship with these people.

Read also: Understanding the Components and Importance of Meaningful Relationships

7. Preserving their principles and standards:

Falsifying  facts is horrible and very scary, such as pretending that you don't need love and respect in your life when you do, lying to yourself by pretending that everything is going well when it's not, or convincing yourself that you love your job when you know you can do much better.

The bottom line is this: You have to love yourself enough so that you never lower your standards or compromise your principles for the wrong reasons. It's about living an honorable and respectful life, and doing the right things at all costs even when no one will know if you did it or not. After all, your reputation is what people know about you, while your integrity and honor are what you really know about yourself.

8. Their presence and engagement in the one moment guaranteed for them:

Self-loving people value themselves well, so they appreciate well and care about how they spend their time and realize that the only moment they have is the present moment in which they live. So, they are keen to fill it with activities and invest in them fully.

Distractions are within our reach and ubiquitous these days. Still, we must remember to research well what helps us to focus more and try to improve our lives, and we should learn to be more human and empathetic again by not avoiding eye contact with others and looking into their eyes, not hiding behind our modern machines and devices, smiling more in the face of those around us, and asking about the conditions of people and listening to their stories. We lose a lot of love and experiences when we do not.

The inability to focus in the present moment leads to a lack of awareness, which in turn causes great difficulties and challenges in communicating with others then to hardships in our most important social relationships. You can not contact anyone or yourself until you are fully integrated and focused on the present moment, which you can not achieve when you waste your entire life by overusing mobile applications like Facebook and Snapchat.

If you are addicted to using your mobile phone, listen to those around you without focusing on their words and understand their meaning. As you look with your eyes for the latest news on social networking sites, you take away the pleasure of experiencing actual relationships in reality and live a real life. This is also true of sending text messages because failing or losing to live one of your memories with your loved ones is much worse than missing a message.

Read also: The Psychology of Emotionally Dependent Partners in a Relationship

9. Their Abundant Sharing with Others:

Self-loving people don't need to have everything or even much to feel like they have enough to share with others. They know they have the ingredients to live a good life in one way or another, so they're not afraid to share the abundance with others.

Their Abundant Sharing with Others

Perhaps you are sad and feeling a little frustrated, or you are a little substandard at the moment, and perhaps your money is little too. Still, I am sure if you think long about it, you will find that you have some types of wealth or riches, which you can share with someone else at the moment. Maybe you have great patience, and you can be a good listener, all ears to those around them. You may have ample knowledge and learning about a specific exceptional subject, and you can share that with others. You may have great strength compared to your old neighbor, so you can help they  carry the food commodities they brought to the top of the stairs. Even abundant smiles can contribute a lot and play a vital role in brightening and cheering the days of those around us along the path of our lives.

10. Not feeling very resentful and guilty about uncontrollable things:

Self-loving people know that sometimes we are destined to stand idly by without being able to progress or develop at all, and this situation is usually exacerbated for a while. When we are forced to feel the pain of uncertainty in the depths of our hearts and minds, we eventually learn how to surrender to the fact that no matter how much we try to plan and impose our control and an outcome, some things in life do not happen until they are ready for it.

Good things in our lives sometimes end very early, but self-loving people don't resist these valued and out-of-control things at all. They know that these endings represent an ideal time for self-reflection or self-examination, which can lead to renewing themselves and feeling grateful for the experiences they have had and the experiences they have gained, and starting new chapters of their lives strongly and solidly.

In conclusion:

Divide a piece of paper into two columns, and write down in one of them all the things you love about yourself, such as your personality strengths, difficult situations you've overcome, people whose lives and personal achievements you've influenced, and your values and principles that increase your self-esteem. In the other column, create a list of your weaknesses or problems that you still have. Sometimes, you may be selfish or avoid taking responsibility for what you do or do not follow through on your commitments and pledges until the end. Then highlight those problems no matter how much you examine them, research their causes, and bring them out into the open, and you will automatically feel less flawed and shameful.

At the end of the exercise, read both the strengths and weaknesses columns out loud, then put your hand on your heart, and repeat the following: “I am strong, I am weak and broken, I have many flaws and mistakes, and I am still learning. I am a sensitive and susceptible human being. I allow  myself to love myself absolutely and unconditionally despite all of the above, and I am developing and growing using my past mistakes as a beacon for my journey in this life of development and growth, and I accept myself as it is, and I have the intention to become a better person day after day.”

I advise you to re-read this article and practice the previous exercise a lot, and spend time meditating on the habits and paths that benefit you and serve you in your life and those that hinder you and prevent you from progress and development. Try to understand the feeling of pain caused by the interruption of communication with yourself and maintain it gently within your conscious awareness, and you will develop, flourish, and increase your self-awareness and full vigilance and love for yourself by applying the previous tips. When you learn to believe that you are sufficient and kindly as you are, you will also learn to accept  and love others with more sympathy, and without judging and criticizing them.

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