10 Harmful Habits Drain Your Energy

Listen to me; You know that moment when you're driving in an unfamiliar place, turning up the radio while following the GPS directions on the screen. Then, you suddenly reach a confusing path. The sound of the radio weakens even though it does not affect your ability to read directions.

Note: This article is based on the writer "Marc Chernoff", which gives us ten harmful habits that sap your energy.

This moment represents your life, and the radio that you had to reduce its sound to concentrate represents the distracting noise in your head draining your energy, so reducing the sound of the car radio restores activity to your brain and gives you the mental clarity you need. You do not know the reason for this, but you are aware of its impact.

Now let's apply the same principle to every noise in your life, starting with the noise in your head, but how?

First, you must eliminate the harmful habits that drain your energy and support the hype. After ten years of experience in delivering life coaching, I give you a list of ten of these habits that my wife and I have seen thousands of people suffer from repeatedly:

A list of ten habits drain your energy:

1. Pretending that things are okay despite being the other way around:

Are you feeling tired? And you want to give up? It's okay, you're not a robot, and if you are, you'll stop because repairs are sometimes necessary, so there's no shame in being honest about feeling overwhelmed, suspicious, and vulnerable.

It is a natural aspect of our humanity, and being aware of this simple fact means that you can change the course of things. There is no harm in breaking down for a while, and you do not have to pretend to be strong all the time, and you do not need to prove that everything is okay.

Don't worry about what others think either. Cry if you need to. Crying is a healthy act. The sooner you do it, the closer you'll be to regaining your happiness.

2. Allowing the pain of the past to sabotage the present:

I am stronger because of difficulties, wiser because of my mistakes, and happier because I have tasted sadness, and so are you. With every thorny conversation you have had with anyone, you have learned something about yourself. In every attempt, there is an opportunity for a deeper understanding of yourself and to learn from it. Also, in every distress, pain, suffering, disappointment, and fear there is wisdom. So, remember that nothing is as bad as it seems, and there is a hidden benefit and grace in the folds of every experience and result.

Don't give up on the present based on what the past was, don't even burden yourself with it. Every day is a new day to try again.

3. Believing that your best days are over or have not yet come:

You spend your life in a labyrinth, contemplating how you will one day find a way out and how amazing it will be. Contemplating this pure future gives you the enthusiasm to move on. Instead, you maintain your place and resort to the future to escape from the present, and this is what defeats many of us and deprives us of happiness. The same applies to the preoccupation with thinking about the past.

You have to accept that you only have two days in the year that you can't change, yesterday and tomorrow, so today and now is always the right time to love, laugh, work, and live bravely, and this moment needs your sincere attention, as it is the only time and place where you are truly alive.

4. Trying to hold on to who you were before one of life's setbacks:

Tribulations are like hurricanes, whose winds run contrary to what your ships desire, and their effect is not only to prevent you from reaching your destination. They also take away everything except what cannot be taken away from the deep-rooted aspects of your human self.

So then you see yourself for what you are, not as you wished it to look. It is a critical impact. It may seem impossible now, but one day you will look at the past to see the adversities you have gone through and thank them silently. Life's adversities have taught many of us the qualities of compassion, kindness, and nobility that we might have been deprived of without. Still, we are enjoying them now, and we can share them with those around us, as they have become rooted inside us.

5. Resistance to change and growth:

You should always follow yourself and ask, “Am I pursuing happiness or growth?” Growing up is not always a process that leads to happiness, and happiness is not always a feeling that leads to growth.

Both of them are a good goal when balancing them, and the important thing is that you are always aware of the importance of going through turbulent feelings. Often, this feeling of unease comes at the right time, so do not avoid it, but accept it, and harness your energy to change what needs change, the process of growth begins in periods of your turmoil. So, when you touch a similar feeling inside you, know that the alteration which is about to occur is a new beginning in your life without end.

Read also: Change Your Perception, Change Your Reality

6. Anxiety without taking action:

Anxiety is the enemy of living in the present moment. All it does is steal your joy and work in pointless futility, such as engaging your imagination in what does not satisfy you, so stop this harmful habit. Exhausting yourself in exerting effort is better than draining yourself in anxiety only, so do not waste your effort in avoiding an effort. Still, go and accomplish your tasks, ask yourself about your priorities, and dare to live your day based on your answer.

7. Sacrificing yourself for others:

Forget about sacrificing yourself all the time; if you do, there won't be much left to offer anyone, not even your loved ones. Whenever you feel constrained and on the verge of suffocation, let me remind you to provide yourself with room to relax first. Taking care of yourself doesn't make you a selfish person, yet it makes you a generous one. In fact, it is the most beautiful gift you can have.

Just taking care of yourself will enable you to take care of others. To have a compassionate and supportive relationship with someone, you first have to be your own sincere friend; that is, learn to love yourself. Thus, share this love with those who care about you instead of searching for love to compensate for the lack of love for yourself.

8. Taking everything personally:

You will enjoy a tremendous amount of comfort when you avoid taking things personally, and people will rarely do something because of you. In any case, people do what they do for their own reasons. So, even if it seems personal, remember the possibility that it is not, and if you find yourself disgruntled, in pain, or the victim of someone's act, who tried to find within you any seed of peace. In the core of their behavior, you will find a reflection of the pain that they are experiencing, how troubled their soul is, as they struggle their heart to allow themselves to act in a way that has nothing to do with integrity.

9. Allow Negative Thinking to Control You:

Do not believe everything you hear, even in your talk with yourself; Choose to be miserable, and you will find a hail of reasons for your misery; Decide to be satisfied, and you will find a massive of reasons for satisfaction; it is so simple most of the time, talking about our concerns is the biggest addiction that we humans suffer from; So get rid of this habit, and instead talk about your dreams and the feelings of happiness and love that you feel, and be positive, friendly, creative, funny and fun at the same time and you will be better.

Read also: Steps to Get Rid of Negative Thoughts

10. Refraining from unleashing yourself and trying new things:

Achieving true happiness requires courage. The types of courage I mean is “risking being prone to appearing like a fool.” It is not easy to tolerate your weaknesses, to dive deep into the essence of your existence, and not only love your flaws and accept them, but to share them in front of others. So, you have to take the initiative to break the stereotype and stop caring about the opinions of others, and take a stand. We all have to slow down to get away from the rapid pace of our lives, and invest in a moment to contemplate the sky without observing the incoming mailbox, and to watch the sunset without sharing pictures on Instagram, and free ourselves to be who we really are. We have to put aside our ego and say yes to the present moment, and to love, and to risk, and accept the pain associated with it, and most importantly to say “yes” to life opportunities.

In conclusion:

If you feel that you have one of these harmful habits, remember that you are not alone, as we all get lost in the noise of our souls from time to time and do things that limit our potential. The solution is to be aware and notice our habits, and change them when needed.

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