10 Habits to Develop Yourself on a Personal Level

This article is based on entrepreneur Nelson Wang, who talks about the habits of successful professionals, presenting his top 10 habits after studying entrepreneurs and executives from Fortune 1000 companies and his personal experiences.

10 Habits to Develop Yourself on a Personal Level:

1. Develop a daily program:

Every morning, write down a list of the top three things you need to do for the day that will have a critical impact, which helps eliminate the mess and forces you to set priorities. For example, the top three things on my list today were hosting a training, attending two executive meetings, and writing two articles. I finished the three priorities.

2. Do the ten-year test:

When faced with difficult situations, it often seemed like you were in front of a disaster. I made a mistake at work many years ago, and my boss was very upset. I immediately felt very disappointed and fed up. After many years, it turned out that it was just a bump in the way of my life. It was a silly problem that I no longer remember exactly what happened. However, what bothers me is that I could have spent these two days creating something or helping others in their lives instead of being melancholy. So, when faced with difficult situations, ask yourself instead of panicking, will this matter in 10 days, months, or years? It's probably never going to matter, so don't worry about the little things and keep an eye on the big picture.

3. Learn something new everyday:

A list of new habits, such as learning a new language, skill, or knowledge, is an incentive for you to grow every day.

Learn something new everyday

For example, I called a TV show creator and got to know the entertainment industry. If you get a little better daily, think about how to build up that effect over a year. Over time, the impact becomes significant.

4. Follow a thought leader on YouTube weekly:

Many of my friends and teachers recommend reading daily to learn. I like to read, but I prefer to learn using visual aids; that's why I like to watch thoughtful leaders discuss what they have taught and their opinions on YouTube instead, and I find it a great way to complete my learning.

5. Read emails in batches:

It's easy to get distracted, as thousands of emails arrive in your inbox throughout the day. Instead of checking each one when they arrive, collect them and check the payment every 3 hours if you can. Usually, if something is urgent, someone will text you, call you, or reach out to you on one of the platforms.

6. Drink natural juice every morning:

It's quick, easy to prepare, and healthy for you; it's a great way to consume vegetables and fruits every day, and I've been doing it for years. Even I pack a blender in my bag for my work trips and freezing fruits and vegetables so they last longer.

7. Morning exercise:

It is indeed a very smooth habit, but it is more effective than you think, as your daily energy will improve and you will enjoy better health. I aim to run for 4-6 kilometers a day, followed by training fighting games. I am not perfect, but on the days I do this, I feel like I was born again.

Read also: Sport and Self-Confidence: The Science Behind the Link Between Mind and Body

8. Gratitude practice:

Tell yourself three things you're grateful for happening in your day each morning and evening, as it will make you feel happier. Another way to do it is to write them on stickers and keep them in a special box. Anytime you feel frustrated or stumble, only take out one of the sticky notes and read it.

9. Surround yourself with positive people:

Spend time with friends and family who lift your spirits and inspire you to live the best possible life. If you have negative people in your life, avoid spending time with them. These are like poisons in your life. Be around the people who bring out the best in you and help you shine.

Read also: Effective Communication in the Family

10. Not being afraid to experiment:

Often, we don't know the correct answer to all the questions we face, so the experience is the best proof to run experiments, test your ideas, and take action to see what works. For example, I wanted to launch a consulting service that would help people promote their business ideas, but I had no idea how to do it, so I started writing content on this topic, created a dedicated page, and made personal consulting calls, where I had to constantly try different ideas to succeed. When being in doubt, put your faith in work and experimentation.

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