Tips for Doing Well in High School

Most students feel various forms of psychological discomfort while studying, such as drowning in bad thoughts, so they get preoccupied with thinking about the consequences of their failure instead of thinking about the outcomes of success and excellence.

This causes a lack of concentration, an inability to memorize, and the tension associated with a rapid heartbeat, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, profuse sweating, and other symptoms that are followed by insomnia and a lack of sleep. Then, the student’s anxiety transfers to the parents.

All of the above keeps the student from excelling in the exams or even passing them—something everyone seeks. Excellence does not conform to tension and overthinking, which lead to failure. Success requires effort, while excellence requires double effort and following some steps, so that studying becomes an unparalleled pleasure in life. Therefore, if the student can follow the steps to help them succeed and excel, they will enjoy that stage of their life and achieve great success at the same time.

Tips to do well in high school

High school is as important as other educational stages in a student's life, but it requires a lot of attention because it resembles a challenging journey through which the student reaches their dream. The following tips will help you achieve your life's ultimate goal and open the doors for you to achieve even greater goals and successes as midterms draw near:

1. Designate your own place to study

Most students get nervous and distracted if they study in an inappropriate place. Therefore, allocate a corner in your room or any suitable place in your house with good lighting and natural ventilation so that it becomes the study corner. Set up a table, a cozy chair, and an eye-friendly light source so that it is neither too dim to induce sleep nor too strong to harm your eyes.

Try to keep your place away from all distractions, such as TV, computers, and games. If you are one of those people who are disturbed by sounds, it is better for your private corner to be far from the salon or guest reception room. Allocate a place for books and notebooks, or let your corner be close to a bookcase so you don't waste your time while studying.

Bring pens, draft papers, and a calculator. Allocate a place for important notes to remain in front of your eyes and entrenched in your mind. You can hang posters and slogans that motivate you to study and strive for excellence, or you can hang paintings related to your favorite profession so that you always remember your goal and do not get tired or distressed by studying.

Every person has a special nature and atmosphere that suit them and help them focus. So think a lot and take enough time to prepare your study corner because it is the place where you will spend most of your time. Keep in mind that studying in bed is not very useful because you will often feel sleepy after a short period of time.

Tips for Doing Well in High School

2. Organize your time well

In order for a person to achieve success in anything, it is advised that they organize their time so that they do not postpone today's work until tomorrow. You, as a high school student, should make sure to organize your time after returning from school. Do not accumulate the lessons; instead, you must study daily. Do your homework and other assignments on time because they will help you succeed and prepare you to answer questions on final exams.

You should not consider these assignments a punishment, as the teacher also does the same amount of work every day at school and at home while preparing for the next day. Instead, consider them a way to understand and memorize your subjects, thus getting the highest grades. There are many tools that can help you manage time, such as a wall calendar or charts, so that you do not forget any task that you have to do.

3. Avoid staying up late

There is a direct correlation between staying up late, poor concentration, and feeling tired. Therefore, it is preferable during this stage to ensure sleeping early. Do not take the phrase "He who seeks glory stays up at night" into consideration if you want to improve your comprehension and memory. Glory can be attained without having to stay up late. Good sleep can improve academic performance and reduce the digestive discomfort associated with a lack of sleep, which most students suffer from.

Therefore, regular sleep times must be adopted so that the body gets used to them. Thus, you wake up easily, even on weekends. A high school student needs at least 8 hours of sleep per day.

4. Take breaks while studying

Most students—and parents as well—believe that success and excellence require sitting for long hours in front of a book, but studying for long hours will make you feel bored, and you will search for anything that entertains you while studying, such as social media or contacting friends. Therefore, it is better to divide the study time.

For example, you can study for two hours, then go out to the garden or watch TV for half an hour or an hour. Then, you can go back to studying for 3 hours continuously while being rested and energetic, with a greater ability to understand.

5. Take good care of your health

"A healthy mind resides in a healthy body." Keep this phrase in mind while studying. Do not make studying one of the arguments that prevent you from exercising, as you can exercise even for just 10 minutes a day. Studies have proven the impact of sport in developing a person's mental abilities, increasing academic achievement, and protecting them from diseases that occur due to prolonged stagnation. It also helps to get a fit body, which enhances its owner's self-confidence.

If you do not like to commit to exercises that require special skills or sports equipment, you can walk every day for at least half an hour. We have previously talked about the importance of taking breaks while studying. So, you can dedicate one of your breaks to going out for a walk, for example.

Health care is not limited to exercise because the most important thing is eating healthy food that helps increase concentration and cognitive abilities and strengthen memory, as it provides the brain with what it needs to perform its daily tasks. Here are some of these healthy foods: walnuts, fish such as tuna, grilled meat, avocado, dark chocolate, oats, beans, and eggs.

Always make sure to replace starches with fruits and vegetables that provide the body with natural sugar and fiber, providing it with the energy necessary for each organ to do its job. Therefore, you can prepare some fruit to eat while studying to maintain your energy. Always remember that you must remain hydrated by drinking enough water, especially while studying. It is recommended to drink a glass of water every two hours.

Tips for Doing Well in High School

6. Practice by solving many questions from previous tests and exams

As the student would be familiar with the question format from having answered questions similar to it, this method can help lower anxiety and stress during the exam. The time allotted for the answer would be adequate as they would become faster at writing them. So, make sure to ask those who are older than you about everything related to exams and gather as many questions as you can at the beginning of the academic year.

Read also: How to Turn Your Study into a Profitable Investment?

7. Always think about success

The journey to success starts with the psychological state of the individual and their constant positive thinking. So, do not be afraid of failure and think only of the successful ones. Keep in mind that they did not succeed because they were lucky; they succeeded with work, diligence, and good use of time. Cross out all negative thoughts from your mind, such as “I do not understand this subject, I cannot memorize this lesson, I cannot, I am a failure,” and similar thoughts that inevitably push the student towards failure. Always keep in mind that you are stronger than you imagine and repeat positive phrases such as “I can, this subject is interesting, this lesson is easy, I am excellent," and similar phrases.

Read also: The Most Important Methods of Effective Study

In Conclusion

Success is what all students seek. Excellence in high school is the basis for future success in life because it is the path leading to achieving dreams. In order for the student to achieve success and excellence, they need to commit to important points that motivate them to study, for example, allocating a corner for study in which all stimulating conditions are met, such as lighting, ventilation, and study requirements like pens, notebooks, and sticky notes. They should put them in an orderly manner so they do not waste time trying to find something they need while studying.

The student must also manage their time to use every moment for appropriate work so that lessons and assignments do not accumulate. This does not mean not taking breaks at all, as they must take breaks while studying to regain their energy.

During the break, you can exercise. Exercise has a great role in increasing educational attainment. They must have healthy food to maintain a healthy and fit body by eating foods that give them energy, such as chocolate and fruits. Do not forget that thinking about success, believing in it, and believing that you can reach success are the basis for your success in studying.

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