The Role of Maturity in Achieving Success in Public Affairs

In the world of public affairs and social services, people are driven by a variety of reasons, from professional to ideological or partisan. One group of people stands out, though: those whose motivations are grounded in the values of goodwill and giving, nourished by the belief in a divine reward. These individuals not only have the capacity to evolve, but they also possess several important attributes that contribute to their success, including maturity. In this article, we will explore the qualities of a mature person, ways to acquire them, and their significance in public affairs.

In his book "Shortcut for a Better Life", the writer Ziad Rayess mentions: People who work in public affairs, particularly those in social services, can be divided into several categories with varying motivations, some purely professional and some originating in ideological leanings or partisan agendas. But one important group draws on internal principles and motivations rooted in love of goodwill and giving. These principles are nourished by the belief that God will reward them.

This last category is the one that is able to continue to evolve, with other factors and attributes of success that must be characteristics to the institution and its employees in particular. One of the most important attributes that employees should have is maturity. I want to share something that was written on this topic identifying all the attributes and indicators of maturity, as well as some ways to acquire it.

The most important characteristics of a mature person are:

  1. They discuss ideas, not people.
  2. They are compassionate toward themselves, identifying their strengths and weaknesses, and living with them in peace and harmony. They know and accept others’ merits and faults, knowing how to work with the positives and refrain from reacting to their hurtful behavior.
  3. They take responsibility for their actions, regardless of others’ mistakes. It’s important for us to know that the consequences of our actions aren’t always pretty, and while fleeing from accountability might give us some temporary feeling of relief, it will not solve our problems, which will only pile up. Taking responsibility is the solution.
  4. They don’t give their opinion on every issue or share it with everyone.
  5. They keep an open mind and don’t get attached to a limited set of ideas.
  6. They realize that giving always comes before taking. This includes all aspects, material and otherwise.
  7. They don’t make decisions for others. A mature person will bring up the topic objectively, and the other party must choose.
  8. They don’t present themselves as a perfect person, nor do they try to prove their intelligence to others.
  9. They overcome doubts as to their capabilities, which would otherwise make them scared or hesitant.
  10. They move past the idea that others must approve of their actions.
  11. They stop imitating others.
  12. They don’t tie happiness to material things.
  13. They don’t set high expectations for others. They accept reality and always look for the common good, moving forward without looking back. They also deal with foolish behavior and stupidity in the same way.
  14. They learn how to avoid people and situations that threaten their peace of mind, self-respect, and morals.
  15. They can distinguish between wants and needs, and they know how to abandon wants for the common good.
  16. They choose to remain silent in some situations, especially when dealing with ignorant or foolish people.

Maturity has nothing to do with age or gender; life experiences, challenges, and responsibilities have a larger role in acquiring mental maturity.

There are several ways to acquire maturity more quickly, including:

  1. Be realistic and understand that some fantasies cannot be achieved; keep your ambitions grounded and based on evidence and proof.
  2. Trust yourself; this is the way to achieve success and move forward.
  3. Learn the art of dialogue; this will give you the ability to express your thoughts calmly and fluently while listening to others well.
  4. Control your emotions, be wise and calm, and don’t respond to provocation.
  5. Take control of every detail of your life, set your goals, and face challenges and difficulties with strength and determination.
  6. Face your fears and don’t be afraid to fail.
  7. Forgive people and avoid hatred and resentment. Think clearly and accept apologies, even when you think they’re insincere.

It’s important for any department working in public affairs to spread these ideas among their employees and cultivate them in their staff to achieve better results.

Read also: Benefits of Soft Skills Training for Employees


Maturity is not an attribute that is limited to age or gender. It is rather the product of life experiences, challenges, and responsibilities. The ability to discuss ideas, take responsibility for actions, and distinguish between wants and needs are some of the hallmarks of maturity. It requires being realistic, believing in oneself, mastering the art of dialogue, controlling emotions, taking charge of one's life, facing fears, and forgiving others. To get better results in public affairs, it is crucial to cultivate these qualities in staff. In conclusion, maturity is critical, as it contributes to personal and professional growth and success.

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