Success and Failure in Life: Factors and Reasons in Your Hand to Reach What You Want

If we ask an important question which is, "Is there a person in this world who likes to fail?" I think there is no reasonable person in this world who does not aspire to achieve success and stay away from failure, but is everyone successful?

Very few people reach success who have committed to their goals and who have struggled to reach what they want, so it is rare to find duplicates of the success.

All the geniuses of this world, its creators and riches, and its scientists and thinkers did not sleep at night to wake up in the morning and see themselves in a prominent position and have achieved great success. On the contrary, they stayed up nights and underwent many experiences that refined their personality until they reached their success and progress.

In his book, My Experience of a Better Life, author Ziad Rais presents life concepts about success and failure.

Critical mass and its role in achieving success or failure:

Most projects, whether personally or at the level of institutions and public entities, are being worked on, but many of them do not see the light because of the incomplete elements of success in them.

I would like to point out here that some projects, despite completing many elements of success, see them faltering. The reason is not reaching the "critical mass." This applies to many of the things we deal with daily in life. I will give some examples:

1. At the Level of Personal Transactions:

When you have a right or a debt at a party, or you want to seek help from a specific party for an order that may be for a humanitarian charity, or to demand the recovery of a debt, or there is a project of reconciliation between two parties, or to sell and market a purpose or product and so on, and you go to claim it several times without success, but it does not necessarily mean that it will not be achieved by the third or fifth attempt or by the attempt No. (10), there is an internal feeling in the other party that may arise either through a new conviction, through a new feeling of sympathy towards the subject, or by fueling a feeling of embarrassment and shame of unresponsiveness or otherwise. Accumulation and repetition of the attempt generate and form the so-called "critical mass" of the party concerned, and then comes the response. Scientists describe this "critical mass" by converting quantity to quality.

What I would like to draw attention to here is that the first attempts were not in vain and were not helpful. Still, they are a critical part of building the "critical mass," whether at the level of internal feelings, convictions, or circumstances surrounding the generality of the other party. We must not give up on repeating the attempt and deal and consider these attempts positively. The lack of access to the critical mass does not impede achieving the desired success.

In terms of the relationship between the servant and their Lord, I believe that the preservation of prayer and the frequency of forgiveness and repentance, and the urgency in prayer, are all critical factors in the achievement of the reconciliation of the Lord and His protection and care, and vice versa introduces man into the laws of the "critical mass."

2. Charities and Public Action:

Building the system and its success in society requires trust, loyalty, and support. They come only through a lot of giving, sincerity, transparency, and trying to reach the size of the "critical mass" in the souls of the members of the society in which they are so that they are hard to be hurt and slander. The size of their defenders is enough to support and protect this entity.

3. Critical Mass in Universal Laws:

Some societies and different entities in the world or large global institutions collapse overnight because the magnitude of injustice and the absence of justice in them has exceeded the "critical mass," and then it is doomed to collapse, fail, and fall.

Thus, the idea of "critical mass" is present in many applications in our daily lives, and one of the most important elements of reaching it with a positive aspect is patience, perseverance, not despair, and promoting a positive outlook within us, as well as spreading the idea of teamwork.

Success is not a coincidence:

Successful people in society are constantly under scrutiny and questioned about the reason for their success. People always look at the bright and visible side of the luxury of clothing and food and the subsequent manifestations of comfort without knowing the history of suffering, patience, fatigue, and repetition of the attempt.

The fact is that success - after the conciliation of the Lord - has many reasons, factors, and norms that must be completed until success is achieved. I have recently seen one of the studies that talk about the traits and common elements that combine the successful (wealthy), which was done by "Tom Curley" on 177 prosperous people, which were as follows:

1. Waking up early:

Most of them share the advantage of waking up early and taking advantage of the beginning of the day.

2. Daily reading:

88% of successful  people devote 30 minutes daily to reading autobiographies, self-development books, and others.

3. Setting aside time for meditation:

15-20 minutes per day.

4. Maintainingh health:

76 % of them devote 30 minutes to physical exercise.

5. Moral Raising:

Believe that you are successful. This is related to the quality of the people you mix with.

6. Working to achieve their dreams and not others' dreams:

80 % of the rich insist on achieving their dreams and work to achieve partial goals daily.

7. You should sleep well:

It is necessary to give your body enough rest (7-8 hours each night).

8. Formation of multiple sources of income:

They diversify their sources of income. 65 % have multiple sources of income, the most powerful of which is real estate.

9. Do not waste time:

Giving time is as essential as money; appointments are always scheduled in advance.

This is in addition to an essential set of other common factors that have been talked about a lot, such as the following:

  • They maintain moral values.
  • They love giving of all kinds and want others to succeed.
  • They tell others about their experiences that are useful to them.
  • They talk about ideas constantly, and they have the spirit of initiative.
  • Patience, commitment, and continuity are the most essential qualities they share.

Beware of Failure Factors:

There are many reasons you need to be successful, as well as we have to avoid many things to avoid failure, including what is known to the general public as laziness, inaction, amusement, etc., and we must beware of what is personal, including the following:

1. Avoiding the constant complaint:

You have to think about the goal and achieve it more than you think about its price; the successful do not negotiate the price but negotiate the value.

2. We always point the finger outwards and never inwards:

If you want to see who is responsible for all your failures, look in the mirror.

Read also: Critical Mass and Its Role in Success or Failure

3. Be wary of words and make promises without sticking to them:

If you say you are going to do something, you should do it. If you don't, you will lose the respect of two people; the first is the person to whom you gave your word, and the second and most important is yourself, and you will lose some integrity and self-respect.

4. Caution against falling into the phenomena of narcissism:

To live and work for others to praise you, not for your own purpose.

Read also: What to Do When You Cannot Figure Out Your Life Purpose?

5. Everyone cares about money:

But you need to avoid it being your ultimate goal or purpose.

Most unsuccessful people think that successful people are obsessed with money. Still successful people rarely exaggerate money, but they always seek to add value, and money is a collector on the way.

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