Leadership Skills and Their Impact on Organizational Performance
Everything around us needs a leader, so the universe has a leader, God Almighty, who sets the laws that we live in order to implement them to achieve the supreme goal of life, which is the reconstruction of the earth.
In organizations, we need a leader in order to raise the level of career and improve the performance of employees, which is what we will talk about in this article.
What are the leadership skills?
Leadership skills are multiple and varied and differ from one leader to another and are divided into:
1. Innate Skills:
These are subjective skills, which are the strengths of the individual and are represented in the characteristics by which the individual was born and distinguished from childhood. These are basic skills upon which all other skills are built, for example: If the leader has intelligence and positive thinking, the possibility of learning other skills will be great.
2. Social skills:
These skills relate to the human relationships between employees of the institution.
Thus, it is concerned with increasing the degree of interaction and affection between employees, and motivating them to achieve the desired goals.
3. Technical Skills:
These are skills that the leader acquires from learning experiences, and through direct interaction.
Examples of such skills are the skill of making right decisions.
As well as the problem-solving skill, as these skills vary in the end with the diversity and differences of leaders.
as well as the different circumstances surrounding them.
What are the arts of leadership?
1. The art of encouragement and motivation:
In which the leader is interested in encouraging and supporting his/her employees, by motivating and rewarding them if they succeed in the tasks required of them.
Provide support in the case of failure to achieve the goal in order to try again.
The leader should also be concerned with recognizing the achievements and actions of employees.
It is important for employees to feel that their effort is being properly appreciated.
It is important that the leader adopts the method of discussion and dialogue and respects everyone's opinions.
2. The Art of Communication:
The leader receives special training courses on communication so that he/she can master it and employ it in a way that serves his/her work.
The leader transfers his/her communications experiences from these courses to the employees accurately to improve their performance.
The leader must be characterized by the skill of listening and hearing to the employees calmly and attentively without complaining or discontenting.
3. The art of giving orders and instructions:
This art needs a strong leader who gives orders and instructions to employees so that they are executed accurately, skillfully, and at the specified time.
The commander has the ability to select those responsible for executing those orders.
therefore, He/she must be aware of the characteristics and features of each of his/her employees.
4. The art of mind conscience:
It is important that the leader understands how best to punish in the case of an employee's fault.
Where the sinner should be punished, but without diminishing him in front of the employees.
It is important that he/she works to solve that problem and correct the error so that it does not happen again.
The leader must be aware of all the dimensions of the problem and make sure who is wrong so that no one is wronged.
The leader should not exaggerate in reprimanding the sinner so that it does not have a counterproductive result and a decrease in the employee’s performance and ability to learn.
5. The Art of Dealing with Distinguished Leaders:
This art relates to the collection of the experience of the leaders of the institution in order to develop a comprehensive plan for the development and to achieve the goals of the institution.
Where all the distinguished leaders of the institution gather and each of them begins to present his/her point of view.
and ideas about achieving the goals of the institution correctly.
then consultation is undertaken in order to arrive at a comprehensive unified view that allows them to achieve the goals easily and effectively.
The work is divided among the leaders and each leader begins to follow up the work and his/her employees in order to ensure the correct implementation of the plan.
What role do leadership skills play in improving job performance?
- It is the link between employees and the future plans of an institution in order to achieve its goals.
- A good leader trains employees and familiarizes them with the laws of the institution.
- The strategies and policies adopted by the institution are determined by him/her.
- He/She monitors employees and evaluates their performance in order to search for and modify errors as well as support the positives.
- A good leader is a motivating person who seeks the continuous development of people and motivates them.
- The right decisions are made by him/her in sudden work situations.
- Increases the positive outlook for work, which increases the rate of creativity and production.
- Increases positive human qualities among employees as he/she works to strengthen the values of cooperation and respect between employees.
- facilitates overcoming changes surrounding the institution and increases their motivation to work and succeed.
Leadership styles and qualities of a successful leader:
The leadership styles vary according to the personality and characteristics of the leader. These styles are:
1. Producer Leader:
- Takes an interest in his work and puts the achievement of the organization's goals at the forefront of his interests.
- He/she prefers to work under pressure in order to get the best out of him/her as well as in his dealings with the employees around him/her.
- increases the level of efficiency of managers and employees.
- Does not care about the human transactions aspect, which reduces the interaction between employees and each other.
2. And the polite leader:
- In contrast to the productive leader, his concern is focused on the human relations among the employees.
- Neglects in performing work and following up its progress with employees.
- The degree of effectiveness is low because he/she does not give the work much importance.
3. The middle leadership:
- It is located in the middle between the productive leader and the complimentary leader.
- He/she can't make right decisions.
- He/She does not have a future plan as he is looking at the current situation and the current pressures only.
4. And the Withdrawing leader:
- is considered one of the most common types of leaders that obstruct work and employees.
- Does not have the ability to make an influential decision in the institution.
- He does not care about work, nor care about strengthening human relations.
- An unreliable leader.
5. Developer Leader:
- Increases the level of efficiency and effectiveness at work and in human relations between employees.
- gives full confidence to his/her subordinates, and increases their motivation to work.
- Which contributes to achieving the desired goals.
- Develops and grows the skills of his/her employees.
- is considered one of the most successful leaders in terms of increasing the amount of production and achieving the required plans.
6. And a fair leader:
- is characterized by justice as it distributes his/her attention between work and human relations among employees.
- It gives both work and employees their rights.
- Works to create a suitable climate for employees in order to increase their sense of satisfaction, which increases their productivity.
- Makes decisions that are in the best interest of employees.
- And in the interest of work, which makes them support his decisions and implement them without objection.
7. Routine Leader:
- Follows instructions and laws as they are.
- Is not interested in developing work or developing human relationships between employees.
- is considered effective because he/she is concerned about the implementation of laws as they are.
- Does not raise the efficiency and motivation of his/her employees.
8. And the integrated leader:
- is considered one of the most successful leaders as he/she directs his/her energy to develop work and develop human relations between employees.
- Thus, it is considered a distinguished manager who understands the goals of the institution and knows how to achieve them easily.
- This is how he/she deals with all employees, taking into consideration the individual differences between them.
- Increase employees' motivation to work, which increases production rates.
- Thus, it works to stimulate and motivate employees.
- So that each of them starts to do the best possible in order to make the institution successful and achieve its goals