Is It Really Important to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone?

I adore my comfort zone and believe that it is where the real magic happens because it is home to everything I love, including my loved ones, my family and friends, my job, my favorite music and movies, the books I enjoy, my bike I enjoy riding, the gym I enjoy working out in, and the park I enjoy visiting occasionally. As a result, I believe that in my comfort zone, which is a safe part of my life, I am more open and willing to try new things, take chances, and experience adventure.

Note: This article is taken from the writer "Darius Foroux", and he tells us about the reality of the comfort zone and its role in achieving accomplishments.

I have never accepted the concept that leaving my comfort zone is a guaranteed way to achieve success because that is where the magic happens. I really don't understand why we should act as though our comfort zone is a bad thing, and it is illogical to believe that success can only be attained when you venture outside of your comfort zone.

Of course, I believe in using your own motivation to accomplish more, try new things, advance and develop, etc., but unlike many people in the self-development industry, I don't believe that staying in your comfort zone is a bad thing, and I don't mind if people refer to me as a pessimist. Most importantly, I'm just a practical person who follows logic.

Practically and logically, you shouldn't immediately step far outside of your comfort zone. Instead, you should believe that you must advance gradually on the path to success and miracles in your life.

The Magic That Everyone's Talking About

I've discovered that when I'm not stressed out about money, making new friends, adjusting to a new work environment, or anything else related to being on the go, I can work at my best. To me, stagnation is a death sentence, so I don't want you to misunderstand me or think that I'd rather stagnate around without progressing or achieving anything.

I believe that life has different phases because there are times when we take things slowly and try to develop our personalities and skills in order to put our hopes into them. Other times, when we feel like life is too short to waste time in cowardice and weakness, we step out into the arena of life and take risks, go through experiences, and embark on adventures. However, these two things are closely related; if you do not work on improving yourself and do not have faith in yourself, you will never be able to take risks and go on adventures.

I've wanted to do what I'm doing now for years, but instead of suddenly stepping outside of my comfort zone, which terrified me, I've gradually started taking on new challenges and developing every day. First, I completed two business administration degrees at the university. Then in 2010, I established a business with my father, and after practicing it for two years at a rate of six or seven days a week, I started working in marketing as a freelancer.

After working as a freelancer for a while and launching and failing at other businesses on my own, I decided to take a job at a research consulting company, where I worked for a year and a half to experience what it was like to work in a large company. From there, I made the decision to start writing and speaking about productivity, careers, and entrepreneurship on the Internet.

I had been working in the industry I write about for more than ten years at that point, but I do not claim to have answers to all business-related questions; I only share what I have discovered through my own experience. So it would be counterintuitive for me to support people who call you out of your comfort zone right away if you want to be successful.

Therefore, all that "comfort zone" nonsense is just a made-up story that might inspire some people to take particular developmental steps. However, you are not required to believe it if you don't want to, as it is similar to the claims that you must get up early in the morning in order to succeed, while there is no evidence or proof for that, only hearsay and myths.

But I only believe in one thing, and that is that when you leave your comfort zone, you will only find more work and tiredness waiting for you, which is neither lovely nor special and has nothing to do with magic at all, but rather more tiredness and misery.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Working Hard in a Comfortable Environment Is Your Way to Success

I believe that the majority of readers of articles like this one aspire to accomplish something in their lives. For instance, you might want to leave a job you hate in order to launch a new business, expand your current one, pursue an artistic career, write a book, or do something else. There is no need to make things more difficult for yourself by adding more annoying and uncomfortable complications to your life because, as you are probably aware, this is not an easy thing. Before you start taking risks and achieving great things, I suggest that you start from scratch, lay a solid foundation for yourself, and feel safe and secure.

The Foundation That We Should Lay for Ourselves Before Achieving Accomplishments

If you want to live a life free of stress and worry, you should have enough money in your account to last for six months. In the unlikely event that your plans don't work out, think of it as an alternative backup plan.

Therefore, you must make some calculations to determine how much money will be sufficient for you during this time, and don't even consider taking chances or putting anything at risk before you are certain that there is enough money in your savings account.

You should also acquire a strong set of skills. I believe I can find the job I want whenever I want it, which is one of the reasons I don't care about money. Even if I go bankrupt tomorrow, I will find a way to get back to work the following day, as I have devoted years of my life and invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in education and training.

Read also: 15 Ways to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Embrace the Life You Desire (Part One)

You should ask yourself what skills you have, how you can add value to your world, and what problems you can solve to contribute to that, and it is important to note that there are additional things that complement the foundation you have laid:

1. Family:

Even if you don't have a family, create one.

2. Friends:

You cannot be friends with everyone, so be loyal to a select group of people who support you and are loyal to you.

3. Yourself:

Always strive to consciously improve your body and mind so that each night you go to sleep a little stronger and wiser than the day before.

Read also: 15 Ways to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Embrace the Life You Desire (Part Two)
Do not try to transform into someone who does not resemble you. If you are an introvert, don't act as though you can work in a crowded space where there are a lot of pressures placed on you. Likewise, if you are a social and open person, don't act as though you can work alone, as there is no sense in pushing yourself to the point where your life becomes miserable and depressing.

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