Increase Success Rate Using Quantum Rails Theory
The probability of success measures the likelihood that the result you want to achieve will occur, or more accurately, it measures the chance of living a reality in which this result occurs. For example, if you bet on heads and toss a coin once, your probability of success is 50%, meaning your chance of living the reality you want is 50%.
But things are not that simple. What is the probability of getting heads 4 times in a row when you toss 4 coins? You may quickly do your math and answer that the probability is 6%, but you are wrong. According to the theories of modern physics, all possible events occur simultaneously, but you only experience one of them.
The odds of success do not measure the probability of a desired event being achieved, but the probability that you will live the reality you want, given that all possible events occur at the same time. There is an important difference between the two, and understanding this difference will help you increase your real probabilities of success. This article provides a look at the quantum rails theory of success, including tips on how to increase the probability and rate of success.
Quantum Rails Theory: rethinking probability and success
Modern quantum physics theories claim the existence of a quantum universe, in which an event with multiple possibilities splits into more than one reality, each a substitute for the other. When you experience an event, it is not due to its probability at all, but due to the probability of your presence in the reality within which this event takes place.
That should completely change the way you think about the probability of success. For example, when you toss a coin and hope for heads, you don’t have a 50% chance of being happy, but a 50% chance that you will end up in one reality out of two, and this reality makes you happy. No matter what reality you live in, there is another version of you living the exact opposite reality.
The real shock is that you are two completely identical people in feelings and desires, and you both toss the coin and hope for heads. If you get it and jump in joy, your alternative reality counterpart will be sad for getting tails. Conversely, If you’re sad for getting tails, your counterpart will be happy for getting heads.
According to quantum rails theory, you shouldn’t try to increase the probability of an event happening, but the probability of you being in the right reality. You will never benefit from trying to make an event always happen in one reality. You have to try to go through the branches of the tree of probabilities, to get to the right reality.
When you toss a coin and bet for heads, you don’t have a 50% chance of winning, but a 50% chance of going through the right rail or the right branch of the tree of probabilities, to reach the reality you want, because all possible events happen all the time in the quantum universe, but you only live one of them. When you toss a coin, you are making up two realities that are both real and existent, and you will be happy in one, and sad in the other.
But what happens when you test more than two probabilities? For example, what is the probability that you will get heads twice in a row from tossing two coins and then from tossing one coin twice? You then make up four different parallel worlds instead of two, and you have to learn how to increase the number of rails that lead you to the reality you want. This is the focus of quantum rails theory.
How valid is this theory?
If you are having difficulty believing this theory, you can get more information by reading the book “Our Mathematical Universe” by Max Tegmark. At least half of the scientific community currently agrees that there are alternative realities. Believing in this has become somewhat mandatory. If you believe in some quantum theories like general relativity and quantum physics, then you should believe that multiple realities are possible, too.
Scientists have not yet been able to prove the existence of multiple realities, but they have been able to prove the validity of other theories, such as subatomic particles, and extract knowledge from them that allows the discovery of the existence of a quantum multiverse, where all probabilities occur. The multiple quantum realities are therefore a consequence, not a cause, of current scientific beliefs. The question that remains is: “What reality will you live in?”
How do you increase the probability of success?
The current belief is that probability is a chance for something to happen. When you talk about the probability of your success in something, you often refer to the chances that the event you want will happen, but according to the theory, all events occur in different realities simultaneously, so it is not accurate to talk about the occurrence of something.
Instead, you should view probabilities as the chance to experience the reality in which your desired event will happen. When you try to increase the probability of success, you are actually increasing the probability that you will pass through the correct quantum rails of the probability tree, in order to end up in the correct reality, but this is unfortunate for the other version of you that will live in the incorrect reality.
For example, if 9 out of 10 startups fail, your chance of building a successful company is not 10%, but you have a 10% chance of living the reality in which your company succeeds. Therefore, you should focus your efforts on increasing your chance of following the correct rail out of the 10 available rails, but how do you do that? The answer is by increasing the number of valid rails themselves. You cannot increase the chance of going through one correct rail, but you can increase the number of valid rails.
How do you increase your success rate?
Your success rate is another way to measure results, but while other measures of success such as odds predict possible future outcomes, your success rate indicates how often you achieve the future you want. So, while you are trying to increase your probability of success, you are actually increasing your success rate.
Your different versions in the quantum universe live through everything that can be experienced, so the probability of future outcomes is 100%. That is why it is somewhat pointless to measure whether or not something might happen. Instead, you should actually focus on increasing the success rate of ending up in a reality where the events you desire happen.
But how do you do that? And how can you use quantum rails theory in order to successfully reach your desired reality? Since all events will occur with different probabilities, how can you increase both your probability of success and your success rate until you enter a reality where everything you desire will happen?
Probability of success equation with the quantum rails theory:
The quantum rails theory is an approach to self-improvement by increasing the number of possible future realities that contain the outcome you want. The theory refers to the probabilities in a decision tree as “rails” that take you from one reality to another. The goal of the theory is to increase your success probability by increasing the number of rails that lead you to the desired result.
You need to think of the probability of success and success rates as rails in the decision tree. That will help you better understand the real probabilities. This understanding will help you multiply your odds of reaching your desired event by increasing the number of parallel realities that contain your desired outcome, and to do this, you need to follow the five steps listed below. The result will be a higher probability of success in everything you are trying to achieve, thus, an increase in your overall success rate :
1. Determine your desired outcome:
Determining your outcome is the first step in quantum rails theory. Ask yourself, what do you want? What are you trying to achieve? The answer to these questions is the desired outcome. This will help you calculate the correct probabilities.
2. Calculate the probabilities:
The next step is to calculate your probability of achieving your desired outcome. This is similar to the traditional understanding of probability, or the non-quantum understanding. If you think there is a 20% chance of achieving the desired outcome, then your probability of success is also 20%.
3. Self-improvement:
But how can you increase your probability of success, thus increasing your success rate? The answer lies in your ability to improve yourself, and if you know you have a reality in which you will achieve your goal 100% of the time, you can use that as motivation to do whatever it takes to end up in that reality. Do your best to multiply the number of rails that will end you in the life you want.
Think of it this way: If you stand in front of 10 doors, one of which leads to the plans of a multi-billion dollar company, and someone tells you that you can reduce the number of fake doors with study and practice, then without doubt, you will do your best. However, if there is no guarantee that you’ll find such plans behind any of them, you can’t make the same effort. That’s the difference between classical and quantum probabilities. Understanding the theory will bring you more than you ever imagined.
4. Choosing the right reality
The final step is to go down the correct rail in the probability tree to the reality you want, and this may not be achieved the first time you try. It may even take launching several startups for you to eventually create a successful company.
That’s okay, even if you double the number of rails that end in the desired result, the probability of failure will always be there, but if you keep following the quantum rails theory, you will create many realities in which you succeed, and your odds of success become greater and greater.
Ultimately, the approach remains the same, and you must keep trying to improve yourself if you want to succeed. If you are 100% sure that the reality you want to reach is out there somewhere, you can better motivate yourself and significantly increase your quantum odds of success more effectively.