How to Regain Your Self-Control in a Skeptic World?
Admitting that you are tired is not a shameful thing, as it happens to all of us at some point in our lives.
We don't have much time and energy to deal with all our personal and professional responsibilities, and worse, sudden events can make us feel like we have no control over our lives at all.
We don't need to remind you how the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted all of our lives.
Still, there is some good news. Even in this unstable world, each of us has the power to take back control of our lives, and you can make this possible by taking the following steps.
Steps to help you regain control of your life
1. Set your schedule
Leo Babauta, writer and blogger at ZenHabits, suggests that "first, take some time to regain your self-control. This will take an hour or two, but you're not really that busy. So, you can make time for that in your schedule. However, if you can't find time during your workday, get up earlier or do it right after your work." You can find time for that in your schedule if you prioritize yourself.
If you're still putting this off, just remind yourself that this is essential to your overall health and safety. However, how do you regain control of your life in such a short period of time? First, focus on your goals and prioritize them. Let's say you want to travel more or start your own business. In order to achieve these goals, you need to become more financially stable, and you will need to develop an action plan, such as paying off debts and earning extra income to make this possible.
2. Make a list of what you can control
Like it or not, there are a lot of things in life that you cannot control, such as how a family member behaves, the results of a sporting event, the current weather conditions, or a pandemic that invades the world. So, trying to change what you can't change is a waste of time and energy.
Instead, write what you can control, and it doesn't matter if you write it on a piece of paper or in an online app. This will help you spend your time on top priorities, and if you get off track, you can refer to this list or use it as a reminder of what to do. Here are some suggestions you can write down:
- Your working and break hours.
- Your weekly diet.
- Your break activities, such as cleaning your house, reading, or camping.
- People you want to spend time with.
- How to set up your desk and workspace.
- Mottos that encourage and recharge you.
3. Prevention, preparedness, and planning
Unless you need a loan to recover from the losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, that means you should adopt the principles of prevention, preparedness, and planning.
3.1. Prevention
One of the most effective ways to avoid uncertainty is taking care of your health, so you don't get sick. In addition, you can regularly maintain your car, so it doesn't break down.
3.2. Preparedness
It is impossible to be prepared for every unexpected scenario, but the clearest examples of being well prepared are taking out insurance, saving some money for emergencies, or having extra time between your meetings in order not to be late.
3.3. Planning
Plan ahead weekly and try to prioritize. At the same time, leave some blank spaces so that you can adjust your work schedule if you need to.
4. Learn how to let go
It is hard to let go of the past because it provides certainty, which is "one of the six basic human needs that are fundamentally related to the survival instinct," as Tony Robbins explains.
Another good reason is that we don't remember things well when there is no emotional attachment to them. Being held hostage to the past makes progress impossible, jeopardizing our health and happiness. Fortunately, you can use the following strategies to break free from the past:
- Identify what is holding you back and set a clear goal for progress.
- Acknowledge your feelings and train yourself to become more positive.
- Practice new skills.
- Practice empowering exercises, such as practicing gratitude.
- Revise your list of things you can't control.
- Work on personal growth.
- Surround yourself with positive and supportive people.
- Help others.
Additionally, mindfulness is a simple way to stay present.
5. Monitor your emotions and beliefs
Dr. Anthony Rao and psychiatrist Paul Napper wrote, "Often, we deal with our life issues according to our subconscious beliefs, like if you think you're too old to learn a new job skill or that no one wants to be your friend, and we do this without being aware that it frustrates and prevents us from trying certain things.
When we are driven by unconscious emotions such as fear, sadness, or anxiety, this can reduce our energy and make us fail. By being able to let go of whatever is bothering us, find emotional and physical balance, think more clearly, and stand up for ourselves, we can take the course of action that makes sense to us.
Increasing your awareness of how your feelings and beliefs control your thinking, and influence your behavior and decisions will help you move forward in life with more confidence. While revealing these inner thoughts and emotions may take effort, self-reflection helps you stay strong by slowing down your thinking. For example, the next time you feel angry, don't automatically accept that harmful emotion, and don't let it control you. Instead, pause and ask yourself these questions:
- Why do I feel this way?
- Am I pushing myself way too much?
- Should I change my beliefs and expectations?
Rao and Napper advise people to pause their thoughts then take slow deep breaths while sitting in a quiet place. So, let go of the tension built up throughout your body. While this exercise is simple, it will relax you and keep you more self-aware, which in turn will enhance everything in your life by making you more responsible for what you feel and think.
6. Be selfish when it comes to your time
The infamous basketball player Michael Jordan said, “In order to be successful, you have to be selfish. Otherwise, you will never achieve success, and once you reach the highest levels of success, you have to become selfless, connect to people, and don't isolate.”
Michael Jordan is right although this seems to be so negative. But how can you be more selfish? It is about managing your most valuable treasure, which is your time. First, set boundaries and make them non-negotiable. For example, don't work overtime if you don’t feel like it. You can let others know that by changing your status in chat apps.
Secondly, get used to rejection, and the easiest way to do this is to be honest and transparent. Others may be disappointed, but it is the only way you can get more opportunities, and realize that not everything is a priority, as this isn't an easy task. However, don't worry, as you can learn how to prioritize easily.
7. Act spontaneously
The mathematician Alfred North Whitehead once said, "Civilization advances by expanding the number of tasks we can perform without thinking about them." This means establishing exercises that automatically trigger a certain behavior simultaneously. Think about your morning routine. For example, you always wake up at the same time and carry out the same routine spontaneously. This is useful because it saves your energy and willpower, which are limited resources. As a result, we have extra energy to carry out our other tasks efficiently.
8. Stop asking for validation and approval from others
As humans, we crave approval from others once in a while. In ancient times, this was vital to our survival, and perhaps that's why we're so voraciously addicted to social media today.
Chris Brock, author and podcast host, says, “But many times we find ourselves changing what we do, how we live our lives, or even refrain from making important decisions to gain the approval of others. We live according to what we consider the values of others, but they will not live your life. Also, as long as you live your life according to what they think is important to them, then you're wasting your life.
Therefore, you're living a lie. So, stop caring about what other people think, stop seeking their approval, learn how to make decisions without permission, and your self-confidence will immediately grow; you will become more assertive, and you will have more strength and control over your life.”