How to Accomplish as Many Tasks as Possible Per Month?

Trying to stay productive and reach your monthly goals is often a challenging mission. However, you can accomplish anything you put your mind to, regardless of time constraints, if you take advantage of electronic calendars. Achieving a lot in a short month requires only some time management, so you should follow the following strategies:

6 strategies for getting the most tasks done per month:

1. Schedule your goals:

Set your New Year's wishes, monthly goals, or business goals for February and start adding them to your calendar. Break them down into actionable steps weekly or even daily, and you'll have a productivity map from start to finish that shows you how much you need to achieve.

For example, take a fitness goal. If your goal is to run 100 kilometers a month, you'll have to run extra distances, and when you get ready for some cold morning runs, you can feel comfortable because you've already planned to achieve your goal.

2. Wake up early:

Waking up a few minutes earlier than usual will save you more time in your day, and this will not be easy if you are a lover of the evening. Still, the increase in productivity that you will see is worth the sacrifice, as you can choose to work until late at night, but after a long day of work, your productivity will certainly be affected as soon as the sun goes down.

Use your calendar to craft the perfect morning routine, start setting the alarm early, even if it's hard for you, and then fill your morning schedule with activities that will get you started as soon as you wake up. Try 15 minutes of stretching and showering on time, so you don't eventually fall asleep and end up wasting your carefully organized morning hours.

3. Get some work done on your weekend:

While the weekend is a great time to rest before returning to work at the beginning of the week, it's also your best chance to organize everything else you hope to do this month. Even a few hours a day on holiday will greatly improve what you can achieve in a short month. So, open the February calendar and look at the weekends. Are they free of any activities?

Get work done

Look for ways to fill them in, and you may notice that your evenings are full of plans that you can bring into the weekend, allowing you to focus on tasks one by one or set an additional mission to help reach your monthly goal.

4. Maintain your focus:

It takes an average of 23 minutes to regain focus after your distraction, and this is a lot of wasted time that accumulates quickly if you find yourself distracted repeatedly. To make the most of each day really, you will have to know how to reduce distractions to a minimum, so start by eliminating the distractions that are clear around you. Keeping your mobile phone silent and face down is a great start, and perhaps smartphones are the first distraction in the world today, and any music or images that distract you can be removed.

If you still find yourself browsing social media or losing focus throughout the day, try time management to help sharpen your guides- for example, try Pomodoro, which allows you to include scheduled breaks in your online calendar to give you extra focus in short bursts.

Read also: Simple Tricks to Increase and Adjust Focus for Lasting Success

5. Learn to say “no”:

Rejection will be difficult, but you may have to turn down some situations to ensure you have the time you need to achieve your goals. instead of going out to stay up late on Friday night, finish some tasks to start work or finish the house project you plan to accomplish by spring.

Of course, you don't have to say “no” to everything but know your limits. Maximizing productivity may require some self-control, and your friends will understand if you need to be away for a few weekends to take care of your work, home, or career during your tight time.

Read also: Should Your Personal Goals Be Fixed? How Do Paths and Goals Change Over Time?

6. Complete tasks in advance:

Procrastination overcomes everyone, and unfortunately, even a simple mistake in time management can cost you a lot of time. By planning things in advance, you can protect yourself from procrastination, laziness, and fatigue that slow you down. Here's an example of meal planning. Suppose you work from home and want to take a lunch break. If you don't have anything ready to eat, you'll spend valuable time preparing something or rushing to a health-damaging fast food restaurant. If you've taken advantage of the weekend to prepare meals for this week, you won't have to sacrifice that much time and will be able to focus on your work.

These time management strategies and tricks will help you throughout the year, so keep this calendar handy, be initiative when investing in time, and never delay what you hope to achieve.

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