How do Successful People Motivate Themselves?
While I was sitting watching the series and after finishing the first episode, I started the next one, so I decided to watch it and postpone my work for a later time. Of course, when the episode ended, I was curious to know the next events and moved to the next episode, and so three hours passed while I was sitting on the couch instead of doing my job.
The concept of The Decision Train:
You'll have days when you don't feel motivated to do anything. Motivation is bad because we rely on it a lot to get things done, which means that when we don't feel motivated, we don't accomplish anything or need help to do it. On days when you feel like not doing anything, you can actually go beyond your mind's need for motivation, so you can get things done no matter how you feel, and it all starts with a concept referred to as (The Decision Train).
This concept works as follows: Emotions lead to decision-making, which in turn leads to action. This concept follows people who find it difficult to get their work done because they lack motivation. They wait to feel a desire to get the job done, so they make the decision, and then the necessary action.
In contrast, privileged people reduce this concept to making the decision to accomplish the task directly. By doing so, they make decisions quickly; as a result, they get things done quickly. In other words, take action directly, as the philosopher Socrates says: "Smart people learn from everything and from everyone, ordinary people learn from their experiences, and stupid people already have all the answers".
Another way to look at this process is to use another sequence of the concept of a decision-making chain, which is inspiration triggers motivation, and from there to decision-making, the latter leads to the initiation of work. Inspiration is defined as "the process of mental stimulation to do or feel something," and motivation is defined as "a reason or reasons that drive an individual to behave in a certain way."
So, in decision-making training, this part of emotions is inspiration and motivation. People will wait until they feel mentally excited to accomplish something, leading to motivation, and motivation acts as a reminder of why they want to get the job done in the first place, leading them to take action in the end.
By dispensing with the feeling of inspiration and motivation, you can decide to take action first. After completing the task, the feeling of pride you feel by making a decision builds the motivation to complete another task, as taking action builds the momentum that drives you to take further action.
Start feeling motivated today:
However, no one has been born special, which means that you may need inspiration and motivation to be alert now and then so that you can fully adopt this approach. So, for beginners, inspiration is why you want to work. By discovering your message, you can easily inspire yourself as well as others to take action, and for motivations, there are 4 areas that motivate people, which are progress, personal growth, competition, and purpose.
People motivated by progress are motivated by reaching new heights, such as getting promoted and achieving goals as a team, etc..On the other hand, people motivated by personal growth look at their personal goals and use them as the most motivating source, such as creating a certain lifestyle and getting recognition. As for people who love to compete, they are driven by factors, such as challenging, proving others wrong, and other unconventional elements, and people driven by their purpose are motivated by making an impact and helping others.
In conclusion:
You can take advantage of inspiration and motivation to become more productive, focused, and perform at your best. When I struggled to stay motivated, I started to recognize my purpose and all the incentives I would achieve by achieving my goals, and when I came across any task, I didn't feel like doing, but I asked myself if it served me in achieving my goal and mission.
I was asking myself if getting this job would help me get the incentives I was working for, and if not, I would remove it from my to-do list, and if yes, I'd make a decision to implement it, so take this approach to achieve your goals quickly.