How Do You Stop Being So Distracted?

There is an idea in Eastern and Western philosophy that we should learn how to enjoy the present moment without getting distracted by thinking about the past or the future. Since the invention of words, the human race has been completely lost in thought. We are constantly thinking, worrying, and preoccupied with a force that seems out of our control.

Most of us use these teachings to escape our thoughts. We continue to treat symptoms with meditation apps, read relaxing books and articles, ditch our electronic devices, and try the next solution that we hope will bring us inner peace.

I also made this mistake. I am always looking for new knowledge and information, and at some point I learned that gathering more information is not the answer.

However, what is causing this state of mind that we are in?

Perhaps it is our excessive desire. There is a saying derived from Epicurean philosophy - a philosophical doctrine that sums it up is that only pleasure is the supreme good, and only pain is the ultimate evil - speaks of it the Stoic philosopher Seneca in one of his letters: "The life of an ignorant man is frightening and sad, as it is a complete preoccupation with the future.”

Epicurus, like most ancient philosophers, aspired to live a happy life, and sought peace, courage, and a life free of pain. So, he proposed a life of self-sufficiency.

I don't agree with all of his opinions, but I like his view regarding pleasure. Pleasure is not only in food, drink, and having fun. The real pleasure is living with peace of mind, but we live our lives far from that. We always have something to worry about, so it's hard to enjoy the moment we live in. 

Removing excessive desires from our lives:

Here are some of the things most of us would like to have:

  • Live forever.
  • Having a lot of money.
  • Respect.
  • Possessing power and authority.
  • Enjoy and maintain good health.
  • To have certain people in our lives. 

Epicureanism counts these desires as a disease of the soul. This is because a pure soul does not want to "possess" anything, but it is perfect and does not need anything. It's the same concept that underlies mindfulness meditation, and it's a view we can all benefit from. But how do you do it without relying so much on external sources to be happy?

It turns out that there is a very simple way we can be more present in the moment. That is by stopping to think about the past and the future so that we can enjoy the present.

Relying on your senses:

Let's do some thinking exercises. Like when you're walking down the street, taking a shower, having a conversation, or sitting in a chair, what can you do? Remember what goes through your head when you do an activity?

We all do the mentioned activities indifferently. Our primary goal is to think, and you can easily find out by looking at how reliant you are on your senses on an average day.

Do you feel water on your skin while showering? Do you hear the words someone says to you? Do you see the buildings you pass by? Do you smell coffee? Do you enjoy what you taste?

We all know that we have five basic senses, yet we don't realize them. We only realize our thoughts that distract us from our senses. Have you ever thought about that?

To be more peaceful, less distracted, and happy enjoying the present you live in, all you have to do is rely more on your senses. So, feel, hear, see, smell, taste life. It feels so good, but you already know it. 

Read also: 6 Ways to Add More Time to Your Day

What about my goals?

Having goals is incompatible with living in the present. Goals are by definition future oriented. When you set a goal, you strive to achieve something in the future. Like everything in life, nothing is good or bad in itself, but we are on the cusp of turning our goals into bad things by overthinking them.

I don't think there is anything wrong with having an intention to make your life better. If you think about it, all these philosophers and spiritual teachers and sages had their aims. They wrote books, and they created schools, movements and societies. So, when someone tells you that goals are bad, don't believe them.

Read also: 3 Steps to Stop Giving Up on Your Goals

In conclusion:

Sometimes we need messages to remind us to be more present, enjoy our life, and make the best use of it. So, why do not raise your awareness now, do you feel the device in your hands? Do you see the beauty of the place you are in right now? What do you smell? Or what do you hear?

You will find by relying on those feelings and reducing thoughts that life will be safe and that you do not need anything to be happy. Life is good as it is, and you do not need to read another book, or to meditate. You do not need anything.

It is strange how this awareness removes anxiety and stress from our lives because at the moment there is nothing to worry about. Relying on your senses will help you to do so.