Do you Feel You Have Accomplished Nothing in Your Life? Know that everything you do is important.

Sometimes you sit somewhere, maybe in the cafe, in the office, or in front of the TV, and suddenly you have doubts and ask yourself: What is the reason for my negligence in life?

Note: This article is by Darius Foroux, who tells us about his experience of caring about his work and appreciating everything he does.

Maybe you think you should have kids now, or a job that would make you a lot of money, or that you have status and influence in the world, have a fancy house, and live a stable life, but none of this has happened.

In those moments, it's easy to panic, especially if you look at others around you and compare your life to theirs; but why are we obsessed with timing?

  • “This guy was a millionaire at the age of thirty”.
  • “They became their best-selling product at the age of 26”.
  • “They became Chief Executive Officer at the age of forty”.

So what? They 're not you, but still, you feel a little jealous, “Why am I not the one who made it all happen?”.

Everyone has their own way in this life

I know this sounds vulgar, but it's also vulgar to be unhappy because that's what happens when you try to control your future; whenever you feel like your life isn't going your way, you don't believe in God's judgment.

Have mercy on yourself and try to realize that everything you do is important

Most of our unhappiness comes from believing that no one cares. It's easy to feel insignificant in a busy world. You wake up, go to work, come back, and watch TV until you fall asleep. But you forget that your task is to make yourself useful. But what's the alternative? Do you give up and say the world is corrupt? Of course not; you have to believe that your work is important because it is, it is about what is going on in your mind and thinking. William James, one of the leaders of the pragmatic philosophical movement, expressed this in the best way: “Act as if everything you do is important, it will be really important”.

We all believe that you have to do big things to make your work matter, but you don't have to solve the problem of famine to become an effective contributor to the world, and you don't need to become a great person to be important.

Despair and frustration

You may want to do big, important things, and that's great, but everything has its time. Sometimes it takes time to get where we want to be, but that doesn't mean the journey isn't worthwhile. Because we're all obsessed with results, we believe life is measured by success at every stage. But life isn't just about achieving results. That's why we try to find a productive, meaningful life.

Some people also believe that productivity is focused on stacking more tasks daily; on the contrary, it is about trying to find a way to enjoy your work and life. But often, this is not the case; we hate our work and days, and we try to justify it by setting a noble goal before our eyes, and saying everything will be fine in the end, as long as we achieve this goal; That grade, job, promotion, income, revenue, best-selling product, or major success, but what if it didn't happen? Have we failed?

You don't need bigger goals or more motivation

You need to realize that everything you do now matters, you have to act this way, and you need to stop listening to people at different stages of life; what if that person is driving a luxury car? What if this guy buys a new house?

Don't make yourself miserable by rushing through accomplishments, exhausting yourself with work, and stop blaming yourself because you're not where you want to be. You're good enough, and someone cares about what you're doing.

Read also: Motivation Theory and Examples

In conclusion

Do not say that no one cares about you; this is the most arrogant perspective you can give about yourself; people who think that no one cares about them care a lot about themselves, so open your eyes and look at the world around you. People care, and you should care too.

It's just about believing in yourself; life doesn't have to make sense; it just has to matter to you, and if you act as if your life is essential and meaningful, it is.

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