6 Important Facts You Should Always Say to Yourself

You are gorgeous and powerful; Do not forget this, and if you are going through a moment of temporary confusion, let me remind you of some critical facts that you should always repeat to yourself.

Note: This article is taken from the writer Angel Chernoff, in which she talks to us about important facts that we must always repeat to ourselves.

6 Important Facts You Should Always Say to Yourself:

1. I do not have to waive:

How beautiful your ferocity, your passion, and your living motives at all times are! and how beautiful the flame of passion within you that illuminates your path in which you walk with all strength and confidence is! It is a passion that illuminates your life and rises from the depths of your inner self.

I love the way you refuse to compromise to less than the best, or less than you deserve, or less than you were created to be and to do.

You will not give up to be pleased with the work that provides you with a livelihood without a life that is truly worth living, you will not give up to be satisfied with any life partner only to be by your side without really understanding you, and know how to reach the depths of your soul and the spaciousness of your heart, and you will only accept to give everything you have in anything you do, whether for your work, for your amusement, for your loved ones, or your life.

If there is one thing you will be content with in this life, it is the belief that the great danger is not to take risks at all, and you must be willing to go through life with great boldness for passion, communication, adventure, and to survive.

2. I have good reasons to trust myself and the universe:

You are now too high to listen to the opinions and expectations of others, and you are in a place where you learn to listen to your intuition and inner voice.

You now know that your deep inner self, which has never let you down, is always the first to turn to it and consult in any matter. You know when to take the initiative to do something and when to refrain from it, and when to hold on and when to give up, and when to present highly and when to retreat, and when to take things slowly and calmly, and at every moment, you know fully what you need, and what you should do.

But you've learned to trust others, too - you know who to trust and how to let others into your life whole, deep, and complete - and you've learned that it can be safe to be open-minded and let others see, hear, and love the wonderful person you are.

You have learned to trust this crazy universe that cares about you to rest fully in its inevitable care, and you will go through storms in your life, of course, but over time the rains and the furious winds will become quieter, and even the harsh winters will end in spring.

There is no doubt that with everything inside you, you know that this is true, and I love how you've learned to trust yourself, others, and the universe that cares about you with sincerity, intensity, and depth.

3. My strangeness is one of my greatest strengths:

You're strong because you're a peerless freak, and I love those little details that are all weird to you, like the sound of your snoring when you laugh, the way you wear your glasses in style, and how you dance in everyone's midst without caring about their judgment.

My strangeness is one of my greatest strengths

I love the way you appear in the world, imposing your existence and not having to apologize for what you are. You are fully present because your identity is what expresses only you, and I love your distinctive personality. Never stop showing your identity to the world.

4. I will allow my suffering to set me free, not hinder me:

Your heart is loving, giving, and open to everyone. Even after you have been constantly betrayed and mistreated, you have learned to love others anyway. Life is sometimes tiring, but you have never allowed it to take away your vitality.

You are liberated instead of closing in on yourself, and instead of becoming harsher, you become softer and kinder. When life hurts you so badly, you choose not to die. You choose to let yourself be reborn.

You have chosen love instead of hate and compassion instead of indifference, and development instead of destruction; you are flourishing more and more every day, and I can only be more proud of you.

5. I'm still learning and trying even after all my failures:

The really nice thing about you is how you deal with your losses and failures; you don't allow them to frustrate you, or at least not for long.

Remember all the bad times you have failed. You have always come back stronger than before. Rome was not built in a day, as the Roman philosopher Epictetus said: “Nothing great has suddenly arisen.”

Allow your failures to sculpt your character – as the wind sculpts the edges of valleys - to produce a magnificent act of majesty, and instead of giving up, allow those failures to create from you a person of strength, character, humility, and faith.

You are an unstoppable person, and you may have failed sometimes, but you always win. On the other hand, you have won because you failed to give up and defeat; you have continued to strive, try, innovate, learn from your defeats, and do more every time, and your ability to persevere is gorgeous. You do it with faith every time. You are stronger than you think.

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6. I'm strong just because I'm alive now:

Once you have come into this world and simply because you exist at this moment, you are precious and of great value and greatness that cannot be expressed. You are so from the moment you were born to live this strange, unknown, joyful, and painful experience called “life.” You are precious, valuable, wonderful, and infinitely loved.

You have been at your best, you have been at your worst, and you are always at your best. You are no doubt, unconditionally, and quite simply the purity of a very strong human being.

Read also: What Do Mentally Strong People Do When Life Takes Them by Surprise?

In conclusion:

No matter how others see you or whether you think this is true, no matter what you look like, where you live, what you've done in the past, or what anyone else tells you (or what you tell yourself about it), you're a great human being, and you're the reason to make this life nicer and kinder place to live.

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