5 Ways to Discover Passion and Make Profits from It

One may feel dissatisfied with one's work at a certain point in one's life, taking in the magic of following the passion proclaimed by people everywhere. Still, those who are unaware of their passions in life find in front of them nothing but heartbreak.

Note: This article is taken from life coach Lennie Disanto, in which he talks to us about 5 methods that help us discover passion in life and make financial profits from it.

You may be a hard-working, intelligent, professional, creative, productive, skilled, and committed person. Still, you are overwhelmed by feelings of boredom and dissatisfaction because you invest your time in a company that can replace you with another employee at any time in a state of job insecurity. You want more and aspire to change, but you are not sure of the actual actions that should be taken.

5 ways to help you discover your passion in life and make profits from it:

Here are five ways to help you discover your passion in life and make profits from it, and you should slow down the process, give it enough time, and keep in mind that the application of each small step brings you closer to life and the career you aspire to.

1. Ask yourself the following five questions:

  • What topic can I read about tirelessly?
  • What can I do for a long time without being paid?
  • What activities would I do if I had full financial freedom?
  • What hobbies did I use to enjoy before my life was complicated by daily obligations and duties?
  • What activities did I love to do in my childhood and are still of interest to me today?

Finding passion can be that smooth. Researching these questions can guide you to the passion that lies deep within yourself.

2. Explore your talents:

Identifying activities that you both love and master can be an effective way to discover your potential passion. I would like to cite here the experience of one of my clients. He is a young person who is passionate about social media and an expert on when to publish to increase the reach of publications to the biggest possible number of users, and his publications are innovative and interesting without making any effort.

Explore your talents

The young man decided to talk to his manager to take over the supervision of the company's social media platforms without any money for the first weeks because he has no previous experience. He excelled and showed tremendous potential in his work, and then resigned and founded his own marketing company on social media sites.

Do not lose your resolve if the work you like doing seems impractical or uncommon at first glance because exceptional work can become your niche market, and you do not have to be proficient in a field to prepare for your passion; it is enough to enjoy doing it.

3. Distinguish between hobby and profitable passion:

Now that you have an idea of what passion is, you should know the difference between a hobby and a passion that you can make money from; that is, you should study the possibility of taking a career from your passion and identify the target audience that can benefit and pay for your service.

You can determine these details by searching online for your passion and ways to make money from practicing it, finding people who work in it and generate a financial income. You should look for the advantages and disadvantages of his profession, and you will be surprised by the number of sectors in which you can invest your passion.

4. Thinking outside the box:

After finding the passion that can earn you money by working it, the stage of thinking out of the ordinary to find ways to use it in the marketbegins. Here, I would like to cite the experience of one of my clients. He is a young man who is passionate about drawing cartoons and looking to change his job, which has become burdensome, and like everyone, he did not know how to start the process of change.

He was aware of his skill in drawing cartoons but did not think of the possibility of earning from their profession. Then, he discovered that film and television companies usually hire comic artists to draw scenes for the director to visualize the result, and now he is working in the field that he loves and earns a lot of money. An open mind will help you find ways to employ your passion in the market. It is a process requires time, but it finally pays off.

Read also: The Importance of Creative Thinking: How to Improve Your Creativity?

5. Enjoying the process:

You must feel hesitant when you start the journey of pursuing your passion because the human brain does not smoothly absorb change. It is normal to feel some fear at first, so you should not put too much pressure on yourself and try to enjoy the process of change, as it is worth discovering your passion to be an interesting experience. Reading this article means that you expect more from yourself, which is wonderful.

Read also: 19 Tips to Challenge Yourself daily and Help to Grow Your Personality

You have to enjoy the experience of discovering your passion and be open to the subtleties of yourself and let happiness run in your body, and go on a journey of exploration. As the American writer Mark Twain once said: “The most important two days in one's life: the day of birth, and the day of the discovery of their mission in life.”

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