5 Steps to Beat Laziness and Boost Your Excellence

You are unique, and you have wonderful desires and ideas. However, fear hinders you and makes you doubt your excellence and abilities. Also, it makes you afraid of others' criticism and hesitant about your capabilities.

Consequently, we hide our uniqueness and suppress our ideas, failing to act on our potential. In short, the fear of not being exceptional actually prevents us from being exceptional. It hinders our creativity by discouraging us from sharing innovative ideas.

Fear of being unique keeps you from having extraordinary experiences, discussing exceptional subjects, and engaging with outstanding people. When fear inhibits your pursuit of excellence, it weakens multiple aspects:

  • Your ability to leave a lasting impression on people.
  • Your personality strength.
  • Your ability to astound people.
  • Your attractiveness.
  • Your success.

However, you have direct control over your excellence level. Uniqueness and laziness are inversely correlated. The lazier you are, the less exceptional you become. Have you ever encountered a lazy speaker? They rarely initiate conversations or share their ideas. Non-exceptional people tend to be lazy. Here's how they usually are:

  • They don't do special things.
  • They don't come up with unique ideas.
  • They stay out of the conversation.
  • They want their friends to entertain them without having any role.

5 Steps to Beat Laziness and Boost Your Excellence

However, it shouldn’t be this way. All you need to do is eliminate laziness and boost your excellence by following these steps:

1. Avoid Doing Ordinary Things

You won’t have the opportunity to excel if you just go back home every day after work to watch the same TV shows as everyone else and engage in routine activities.

Lazy individuals tend to

  • Watch TV every day.
  • Eat at the same restaurants repeatedly.
  • Spend vacations in the same place every year.
  • Read only the required textbooks.
  • Waste hours on social media.
  • Discuss the weather.
  • Listen to discussions but refrain from participating.

These are all ordinary things: don't do or watch the same as everyone. Do exceptional things if you want to excel.

Tips to elevate your life and reduce your laziness

  • Give a new restaurant a try that you've seen for ages but have never eaten at.
  • List of different things to do and resolve to complete one every month.
  • Go to the cinema and watch a movie that you would not typically watch.
  • Sign up for a training course in a sport you've never practiced before.
  • Choose a magazine that you don't usually read and leaf through its pages.
  • List the skills set you want to acquire, and commit to learning one new one each month.
  • Fulfill the first five requests asked of you, regardless of their difficulty.

Beat Laziness and Boost Your Excellence

2. Stop Asking Ordinary Questions

Excellence involves doing remarkable things but also observing what makes others exceptional.  Lazy people highlight the unexceptional side of others by asking boring questions such as:

  • What’s your job?
  • How are you? (usually just as a formality)
  • What’s your opinion on the weather?
  • Which TV shows do you watch?

Why bother with these dull questions? You won’t learn anything meaningful, and it makes the person you’re asking appear ordinary. Instead, try asking distinctive questions:

  • What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten?
  • What are your aspirations, and can I help you achieve any of them?
  • Which movie has influenced your life the most?
  • What new skill are you currently learning?
  • What’s your dream project?
  • What New Year’s resolution did you make, and are you progressing toward it?”

Don't ask boring questions if you want exciting answers.

3. Do Exceptional Things

Your character is shaped by the things you do in life. So, you become an exceptional person if you participate in exceptional activities. Conversely, lazy people are not unique since they engage in ordinary activities:

  • They read news from their browser's default homepage.
  • They keep up with friends' updates on social media instead of meeting them in person.
  • They consume junk food.
  • They accept news from media sources without questioning their credibility.
  • They only read from publications that support their preexisting beliefs.
  • They watch only popular movies.
  • They read only bestsellers.

Yes, it’s easier to lead an ordinary life, eat fast food, and just follow everyone else's consumption habits. However, what’s easier isn’t necessarily more enjoyable; it’s often less exciting and stimulating.

Try the following:

  • Get the top five book recommendations from your local library and read them.
  • Ask about a life-changing movie from someone you admire and watch it.
  • Read news from a source that contradicts your political beliefs to broaden your perspective.
  • Follow your favorite news from a new journalist or media outlet.
  • Read books that spark fascinating conversations.

4. Ask About Others’ Exceptional Actions

Building memorable conversations and relationships can be challenging, but stepping out of the ordinary can help. One of the easiest ways to have exceptional conversations is by asking people:

  • What do they think about it?
  • How do they think?
  • What interests them?
  • What are they learning?
  • How do they learn?
  • About strange or surprising things that they saw, ate, did, or heard.

Be a person who seeks excellence. Decide to learn every fascinating detail there is to know about every person you meet. They will probably live up to your expectations if you expect them to be exceptional.

Imagine that every person you meet has a mysterious story, and you want to write an article about them tomorrow. Therefore, your questions will be more precise and beneficial. Since you assume they are exceptional, you only have to encourage them to show their excellence.

Read also: 3 Simple Questions You Should Occasionally Ask Yourself

5. Surround Yourself with Exceptional People

The final step to becoming exceptional is to find remarkable people and form friendships with them. Typically, exceptional people spend time together, encourage those around them to do extraordinary things, discuss exceptional topics, and share remarkable ideas. So, consider the following categories of individuals you may know:

  • The most exceptional person.
  • The funniest person.
  • The most knowledgeable and well-informed person.
  • Someone who travels extensively.
  • The most unconventional person.

Choose these people and build friendships with them. Spend most of your time with them, as they belong to your exceptional society.

Read also: 7 Habits that Seem Lazy but are Helpful For Productivity

In Conclusion

It only takes one of the previously mentioned steps to improve your uniqueness. Excellence means leading a life worth talking about with pride and confidence.

Give your best effort to achieve your goals if you want to stand out. Finally, remember that laziness is excellence's enemy.

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