14 Simple Ideas Break Your Dreams

Your negative thoughts can penetrate your defenses like a piece of raw diamond through the glass, and leave fragments of broken glass shattered in your mind. Those little time bombs may not seem a big deal at that moment, but they grow over time and worsen and eventually break down your dreams.

Like all people, you have negative thoughts that go on in your mind day and night, but you have to notice them before they settle down, and become embedded in the depths of your mind.

Recovering control:

There are several things you can't control in your life, but controlling your thoughts is the easiest, and you can master this with practice, so it makes sense to control everything to live the life you wish for.

Most people may think that staying positive all the time is impossible, as it is not realistic, and although it is possible, it does not mean that all life is joyful and happiness, but you can at least regain some control over your ideas by paying attention to the way you think, what you say, and how you behave. Everything starts with your ideas, from your beliefs to your words, actions, habits, your values, and ultimately your destiny. Here are some of the worst ideas:

14 simple ideas that might break your dreams:

1. My heart has been broken so many times that I will never love again:

Your heart may have broken, but that means you weren't in a relationship with the right person. By learning how to be emotionally honest with someone, you learn more about yourself and exactly what you deserve, which is a lot more than you think, so don't let anyone underestimate you, but don't give up on love.

When you believe that you are a wonderful person, no one will be able to break your heart. You'll automatically realize when it's time to break up with someone, including friends, family, and the people you love.

2. I'm not good enough:

What you're actually saying here is, "I'm not going to bother and waste my time to get good enough," that might sound a bit harsh, but if you think about it again, no one ever has gotten good enough until they put in time and effort for that, and that applies to everything in your life, whether you want to write a book, become an actor, start a business, or raise a child.

You are good enough to be exactly where you are now. If you want to rise in one area of life, keep working on it, and you will find at the top that there is always a way to become a better person, so make sure you are good enough, and replace the previous phrase with a better encouragement phrase such as: "I am getting better at (mention the field here), for example:

  • I'm getting better at writing.
  • I'm getting better at loving myself.
  • I'm getting better at loving others.
  • I am getting better at my role as a mother or father.
  • I'm getting better at my job.

3. I do not have enough time:

What you're really saying is, "It's not that important for me to give it my time.”

You may be a failure to send birthday cards on time, and always make the same excuse that you are very busy with other things until you miss it. This  is nonsense, as you listed all the people's birthdays on your calendar in your kitchen, but you continue to postpone sending the cards until the last minute, so what you are actually telling the person is that their birthday is not as important as the other things that are going on in your life, and this is selfish.

If you miss someone's birthday, you can go to their house and give them the card, which is a moral gesture. Make time for the priorities you set, and never pretend that you don't have time because it is an insult to yourself and to the other party.

4. I lack talent:

No one was born knowing how to play piano, play golf, or write, and it is true that some people have an innate talent for doing certain things, but knowledge does not come naturally.

If you desperately want to do something that requires some skill, you need to make an effort to master it. Do not worry about how well you are performing or what you will achieve, but continue to work according to your skills until you become unconsciously competent.

5. I will postpone my dream until I finish:

If you are not pursuing your dreams, you are helping someone else to achieve their dreams. Your dreams are an important part of living life to the fullest, and without them, you may wake up on your 70th birthday regretting that you worked all those hours for someone else instead of going after them.

So, don't delay your dreams to do anything else, such as postponing going to college until the kids grow up (knowing that you will still see them as children until the day you die).

6. What if I fail?

If so, you will have learned at least something from this quest, but not doing something you wish for fear of failure is failure itself. Ask yourself this question every time you come up with an idea like this: "What is the worst thing that can happen?" When you realize the worst consequences of something, you'll probably find that it's not really that bad.

Now that you've thought about the worst that can happen, you have to reverse the question to be: What's the best thing that can happen if you do this?

Read also: Learning Through Failure

7. It's so difficult:

No one grows without exceeding the limits of their comfort zone, which means that if it is not some difficulty, it is not worth it, and you will not learn anything from it. Imagine for a second that you get everything you want in life easily, such as dreaming of participating in a car race, and this is achieved in a flash, or writing a novel that is the best seller, and you succeed at the first attempt, so you will soon be bored of life, and you will not have any challenges to face, so it must be some difficulty in order to appreciate the journey you have made to reach your goals.

8. Luck is what helped others get to where they are:

You may think this way before you start any new business, and it may occur to you as you contemplate other people who have been successful in the same field ideas like: “It started at a time when it was easy,” or “But it has the personality necessary to succeed,” or other excuses that justify how difficult it is for you to reach success. Once you realize how hard these people have worked to get where they are today, you will completely change the way you think and will start working hard until it works.

9. My life is miserable:

Stop always believing that you are a poor person. Everyone has been through this situation before, and you have a lot to thank God for. You may say that people do not really appreciate your situation, and this is true, but whatever way you look at things, you can always find a lot of reasons to be grateful for the life you live.

10. This is not the right time:

This simple idea has destroyed so many relationships, businesses, dreams, and goals. There is no time to start anything. What matters is that you start with a good heart, continue striving, and give  your best.

11. I'm old:

But you actually are not.

12. I'm not beloved:

The reason for this belief is that you feel upset and uncomfortable, so fix yourself so that you feel satisfied with yourself, do not care what others think of you, and be honest with yourself at least.

13. One lie is not that bad:

One lie leads to another to cover up the first, then the lies follow, so you are used to being completely honest. If you are asked what you think of something, first make sure that the person really wants your opinion, and this is how people who want to hear the truth will appreciate what you are going to say. Do not lie to cover up your embarrassment of a situation, but be honest and bear the consequences, and you will be respected for being honest at least.

14. I wish I was smart enough:

You are as smart as you think you are, and if you think otherwise, your mind will look for ways to prove it. If you want to believe that you are smart, provide your mind with resources to help you grow your intelligence, and watching TV programs is definitely not among them.

Read also: Should We Disclose Our Plans and Objectives?

In conclusion:

I just read this list that gives the impression that it's a bit harsh, but it's good to know what it means, and it's a nice warning.