11 Things You Every Morning Need to Remind Yourself About
We may not always love everything in our lives, but deep down, we love and appreciate the magic of life itself. Some of us believe that everything and anything is possible.
Unfortunately, we don't believe this potential is always within our reach, even when it is. The problem is that we always choose to believe what is contrary. We have selected to acknowledge we can not live our lives the way we want and with our full potential, and we choose to accept our reality as others have told us it should be.
But pay attention: We don't have to do this for ourselves. We always have a choice, and we don't have to always inaction or obey the opinions of others, so why not change things a little and live by better rules?
11 key facts now you need to remind yourself of every morning:
1. Today can be a great day, but only if you make it so:
We often feel powerless and convince ourselves that we are helpless. We wait for things to be given to us as if we deserve them. However, there are no actual entitlements in life, and the truth is that if you want something, you have to achieve it yourself. You need to work for it, and whether or not today is a nice day, it does not depend on the weather, nor your "mood" (this is also within your control), nor on anyone else. If you want to have a fun and productive day, choose to make that day yourself; it is all about your perception and what you choose to believe and do.
2. You have a lot of what you can control:
You have a lot of things that are out of your control in life, but don't let this fool you into believing that your whole life is out of your control. The truth is that you created the life you live almost entirely. You made most of the small choices during your life, which led you to the path you are currently on. Saying that your life is out of your control is quite what others want you to believe to make it easier for them to convince you to do what they want you to do.
3. You don't need the approbation of others:
The need for the approbation of others is like an addiction. If you build all your actions based on the approval of others, you will stop your place and sacrifice your happiness. Do not put the key to your happiness in the hands of another person, and learn how to reject the requests of people and commitments that do not add value to your life. Your time on this planet is precious, and as the saying goes: "What you do today is important because you replace a day of your life with it." Do not wait until someone else permits you to live.
4. You should know that a complaint is useless unless you can propose a solution:
Do not always complain, as it does not benefit you and certainly does not benefit your relationships. If you do not like your current situation, work to change it, but do not just complain about it. Complaining will only alienate the people around you, so be someone who looks at the positive aspects of situations. If you face a problem that needs to be addressed, be the one who proposes solutions. The bottom line is: You will never get where you want from where you are now with a complaint, as every step in your life prepares you for the next step.
5. Success is a lifestyle, not a result:
We all strive for success, but we have to remember that success is not a specific achievement, and it does not lie in reaching some random goals. It is the ability to face a challenge of value day after day. Success is the power to continue to progress, and continue to live your life on your own terms. Success is not the result, but it is a state of being.
6. The fact that you didn't give up is a success in itself:
The mere thought that you are still overwhelmed by difficulties may take comfort away from you, but the truth is that you are one of the strong people who dare to continue their struggle. Most people give up before they even begin, but you are not one of them.
You wake up every day with enthusiasm to accomplish your tasks and resist all the difficulties you face. Because you refuse to give up and to accept the achievement of average grades, you refuse to listen to the criticism of others that you are not good enough, and fight against their opinions in a serious attempt to do what you see fit and perfect for you.
7. Act kindly in every difficult situation you face:
People may make ugly comments. You may lose your luggage because of the airline, and another driver may overtake you in traffic. These situations can happen daily, but the question is: How will you react? Although your initial reaction may be to be upset by these behaviors, like most others, why not try a different approach?
Anger in these situations never solves problems. In contrast, people may respond better to kindness. You can be kind and firm simultaneously, so clarify your point of view without sacrificing your integrity. It is the only response that you will not regret later.
8. No need to worry about bullies and energy vampires:
Sometimes, we allow the wrong people to occupy a large area of our thinking, and we constantly meet energy vampires and bullies, especially when we live in a big city or work in a large and strict company. These individuals will try to annoy you and provoke your anger, and they will try to influence you and become a part of your life. Because they find their lives ordinary, they have already poisoned their lives, and now they are looking to poison your life, so do not let them get you and provoke your anger.
9. Not taking everything personally:
In fact, if someone hurt you, they were likely harmed and hurt too, so try hard not to take anything personally, do not let compliments turn you into an arrogant person, and do not allow insults to hurt you and cause you sadness and frustration. Most people can not give others more than they received themselves, and all your actions and words must start from the motive of love. Still, you must realize that it is not necessary to receive love from everyone in return, and that is okay. So, when you do not take any action you face personally, you free yourself, as you will not worry about the judgments of others.
10. Importance of your presence:
While modern technology can be life-changing in many ways, part of this technology is deeply interfering with our lives and relationships, so don't be addicted to using electronic devices, as you miss the opportunity to enjoy the real life that unfolds in front of you. Learn how to separate yourself from it and how to reduce the time you spend in front of the screen. Also, give people your full attention, don't look for what excites you on electronic devices without reasons, and refocus on strengthening real human ties.
11. Good things in life end quickly when they are not valued:
This is not to say that appreciating what you have when you get it comes naturally. Our minds always tend to compare ourselves with others, but we need to remind ourselves well that life is not about constantly improving things. To live a happy and fulfilling life, we have to learn how to appreciate and love what we have. If you fall in love, do your best to nurture that love. Don't wait for things to end before you begin to appreciate them.