10 Simple Habits That Make Big Profits
Don't worry about the way you will change. Instead, focus on the habits that you want to form and follow in your life, and why you do so.
I used to adopt many different positive habits in my life over the years. A habit is positive to me when it improves the quality of the life I live. Many articles have been written about forming new habits, how difficult, and how long it takes, as well as the best ways to quit bad habits and how to acquire new habits.
According to my experience, I think that anyone can follow and adopt any habit they desire. There is only one term though, which is that you need a good and strong reason to make a change in your life. In 99% of cases, the reason that motivates a person to change is their personal suffering or the sadness and the harm they have been exposed to. At some point, they feel that they cannot bear their current behavior any more. So, I advise you not to worry about how to change. Instead, focus on the habits that you would like to have and the reason behind it.
After a friend of mine asked me about my current habits, I decided to share them here with a brief explanation of what these habits work for:
1. Doing full-body exercises and lifting weights three times a week:
Strength training has multiple benefits. It protects bone health and muscle mass, keeps your body thin and fit, increases your energy level, and protects you from injury.
I've been lifting weights since I was sixteen. It's the only habit on this list that I've been following for that long. Like most weightlifters, I started training different muscles in each training session. As we train a specific muscle only once a week, based on most of the followed routines, it has been found that the muscles need more pressure to become stronger.
Ideally, you should train all your muscles three times a week. That's why I've been doing a full body workout. It's a simple, practical, and successful method.
2. Setting 3-4 daily priorities:
It is one of the best productivity strategies out there. We all know that focus is what achieves us the desired results. Without it, we will not get any results. So, in order to be able to focus, you have to limit your choices and tasks. Exclusion is the key.
Also, be very clear about what you want to accomplish each day, week, and year. Work every day on 3-4 small and basic tasks. This will bring you closer to reaching your weekly and yearly goals.
3. Reading for 60 minutes a day:
I understand that your preoccupations are more than finding a space in your time to read, or perhaps you do not like reading at all, but this excuse is flimsy. Reading is very necessary to grow and develop cognition. You may know that already, but what you do not know is that it will also turn you into a better writer and thinker.
If you still don't like reading after everything I've told you, I'd like to tell you that there are many things we don't like in life, but we do nonetheless. So, instead of telling yourself that you don't like reading, learn to enjoy it by practicing it daily. One day you will find yourself in love with reading.
4. Sleeping for 7-8 hours a night:
As for me, I never sacrifice my sleep for anything. A while ago, I canceled one of my morning meetings because I slept late the night before. I was reading a good book that exhausted me completely. Then I started taking notes after reading. Before I knew it, it was 2:00 am. I had to get up at 7:00 am for the meeting. So, I canceled it because I won't get 6 hours of sleep in order to be able to have a meeting, knowing that I'm going to be tired all day.
Some people can perform well during their day after sleeping for only 5 hours, but most of us need much more than that. You should make sure you get enough sleep if you need long hours of sleep to perform your daily tasks. Be very serious about it. But if you are not in a position to cancel meetings etc., sleep early.
5. Walk for 30 minutes a day:
If you can't make time to walk every day, you are not in control of your life. I do not walk to get the health benefits of walking, which are to maintain physical activity, revitalize the body, and many other benefits. I take a daily walk because walking breaks the monotonous and tedious lifestyle we live.
We cannot deny that life is routine and boring and there is nothing wrong with that. But when you walk outside, you are forced to be with the world around you and to merge with it. Walking elevates your senses and feelings. You can take a walk alone or with someone else to have a good conversation with, or you can simply enjoy the surrounding scenery while walking.
6. Follow intermittent fasting as an eating pattern:
As for me, I don't eat anything after dinner. I also skip breakfast, which means I fast or skip food for 15-16 hours a day. There are some health benefits associated with intermittent fasting. However, we should be careful about recompensing nutrients to our bodies after these long periods of fasting.
The reason I love intermittent fasting is because it makes me look and feel better. In addition, I can eat anything I want during the day without ever gaining weight, but I do not eat unhealthy or useless food. Also, I stick to eating whole foods with high nutritional value. I make sure that the first meal I eat during the day contains a lot of protein and unsaturated fats.
I advise you to make sure that you consume enough calories that your body needs to function actively. This is about 2,000 calories for women and 2,500 calories for men on average.
7. Live in the present moment:
We usually focus so much on our goals that we forget to enjoy the moment we live in. This is one of the biggest pitfalls and missteps I fall into. So, I really need to remind myself every single day that I have to enjoy the time I'm in right now.
We are always waiting for an achievement to be happy then. But we will never be happy if we are always stuck in the future and only associate our happiness with future accomplishments. So, you have to find a trigger that motivates you to go back to the present moment.
For example, I recently bought a new watch. At the same time, I was reading a lot about the spiritual things about living in the present moment and its strength. Now, I look at my watch as a stimulus that reminds me of the present time.
8. Treat others with kindness and love:
We all treat the love that we have within us as a non-renewable and exhaustible resource. However, this is wrong thinking. Human love is unlimited, and it never runs out. You can give it to others as much as you want, but your ego prevents you from that. In addition, you always want something in return for the love you give to others.
So, try to give love to those around you, knowing that you have an unlimited source of it. Give some of your love, kindness, and goodness to the people around you every day. Don't worry about the results you will get in return, you have enough love anyway.
9. Diaries recording or writing for 30 minutes per day:
I need to organize my thoughts daily through writing. It helps me focus on the things that are most important to me. This is why I always take notes in my private diary.
I also like to sit down and record my diaries and thoughts for myself only, even if I don't write articles. I do not write in my diary for the sake of others. This is an excellent way to become a better person and improve your thinking.
10. Saving 30% of the income:
If you cannot save 30% of your income, save only 10% of it. Saving is not about how much money we save, but how often we save it. You can save money by not spending it on useless things that you buy daily or weekly.
For example, you don't need to buy yourself a latte - a drink made of espresso and milk with thick foam - every day. You don't have to buy expensive organic cashew nuts. So, save the money you spend on small things. It will turn into large amounts of cash over time, especially if you invest that extra money.
In conclusion:
So, this is the secret of these ten habits. They are all small and simple, and the daily progress you make through them seems little or insignificant. You will only see the gain in your life with the passage of time. So, you have to commit to practicing these habits until your life becomes better. When that actually happens, you will find yourself sticking to these habits because you really want to do that and not just because you have to.