What is Time Management?

First, I want you to be honest with yourself by answering the following important questions:

  • Do you struggle to find time for the things you want to do?
  • Do you struggle to overcome your business demands?
  • Do you feel that you’re missing some essential things in life because of not having the sufficient time?

You most probably answered yes to one or more of the above questions, and you really feel that you are not in the place where you want to be. This thought will automatically generate a bad feeling of frustration.

Whatever these obstacles are, appropriate solutions have been found, and there is no need to worry anymore about time management and how to set it. You just should make small adjustments in the way you use time to change your life forever, as well as to find more time for the things you want to do.

Here we ask the following question: What is the concept of time management and how do we learn to manage it? In order to learn how to manage time, you need to know the following points:

  1. The number of hours in a day is 24, and this is a fact that cannot be changed.
  2. What is required is that you need to work on managing yourself.
  3. To Identify the important things in your life and prioritize what you want to spend your time on.
  4. To put on hold all minor matters and focus on what you want to achieve.

Managing your time effectively will bring you significant improvements in your life, but you have to be ready to do some important things to help you reach and feel these improvements as follows:

  1. Make some basic changes in your daily routine life, such as saying that you are going to work out daily for half an hour a day.
  2. Realize that you don't have to rush to make these changes happen.
  3. Work to gradually apply these changes to be in line with your own priorities.
  4. A slow start does not mean failure since it is better than over rushing, that fails to make the required changes.

There are also many factors that can help you manage your time, and they are based on the following points that will be discussed in detail:

  1. Knowing yourself and what you really want.
  2. Knowing where you are now and what your current status
  3. Planning your day schedule.

First: Knowing yourself and what you want

Knowing yourself is the first essential step on the path to effective time management. With the pressures of life and its many concerns, it is very easy to get lost from your goal and what you wanted, and it’s also very difficult to determine how this loss and disorder occurred. Therefore, before starting the management process, you have to know what you want from your inner self, as this knowledge defines your vision.

Second: Knowing where you are now and what your current status is

Take yourself back to those good old days when you were a young adult, to that time when you believed that everything is possible, and nothing is impossible.

The only difference now is that you have lost that scene that made the impossible possible for you. Your current vision isn't entirely clear about what you want with your life, but it’s probably close to you and only needs a clear reading of yourself. You must have formed from the above a clear and perfect picture of what you want to be in life and here comes the hardest part.

Now I want you to make a comparison that the perception of your ideal life is real. You  as well as most people will find that this comparison is almost impossible.

Whatever the case, there is no problem in widening the gap between the ideal perception of reality and daily life, as it becomes possible to bridge this gap.

The question that arises here is, How to bridge this gap between what you want and the current reality of life?

There is a common belief that effective time management is a good thing to save your time from wasting, but this is a big mistake. The concept of time management is much more than that; It is a way and a method to change your whole life for the best.

Achieving the ideal reality you are working towards requires you to make small and other great changes, such as deciding to read a certain book during a certain period of time or deciding to learn a new language. It can be a big change when you decide to start a new business or develop a whole new business strategy.

It is very necessary during the adjustments you make in your life that you pay attention to have a clear view of the way you spend your time so that you are on the right track in managing your time.

Read also: Use “The Activity Log” to Add More Time to Your Day

Third: Planning your day schedule

You should start choosing two goals that you want to achieve in your day, one small and the other big. You must take the appropriate step to start and finish one of them, but if you have enough time and if you were able to achieve the two chosen goals, you have made an excellent step.

In fact, this is the first plan on this long journey, but the point to make reference to is how effective time management rewards you by achieving your goals.

You have to be accurate in the daily planning of your goals so that you can complete them through spending time on what matters only. In order to develop a daily plan for your business and goals that you want to achieve, the following must be done:

  • To have a clear vision of your business.
  • You need clear executive ideas of what you want to do.
  • Determine the time required to achieve each of the goals set.
  • Link your daily plan goals to the time frame you set.
  • Leaving contingent unnecessary matters on the plan unless it is effective.
  • Establish the headlines for the goals of the next day.

Setting daily plans and goals might be difficult at the beginning, but achieving the goal and reaching what you want will ease these difficulties. Also, you will gradually see yourself as having mastered the setting the daily, weekly, monthly, and even annual plans, and your development may reach the point of setting strategic plans for years.

Read also: The Importance of Writing Down Weekly and Daily To-do Lists


In conclusion, I offer you, dear reader, some of the positives that you will certainly achieve after organizing time and learning how to manage it as follows:

  • Overcome psychological stress at work or in daily life.
  • Spend more time with family or use it for rest and entertainment.
  • Improve productivity and achieve goals.
  • Increase time for self-development.

These were some tips that you can practice to manage your time well in order to get better results at your work and in your life, as time is what we need the most and is the only valuable thing.