Time Management Tips To Help You Increase Your Productivity (Part II)

We often face some difficulties on our way to achieving our goals, and effective time management is the key to success. But if you want to achieve more than others in a shorter period of time, you need to improve your time management skills.

Time management tips to help you effectively organize and manage your day:

In the first part of this article, we provided examples and application methods for some time management tips that can help you become more productive. In this second and final part, we will provide additional tips. So stay tuned.

3. Make Use of To-Do Lists as a Time Management Tool

Writing a to-do list is an effective time management tip. Seeing your written tasks in front of you gives you an accurate picture of how you can best manage your time throughout the day or week.

3.1. Create daily to-do lists

Use the techniques we discussed in Part 1 to create a daily to-do list. All you need is a pen and paper. You can use a time management app, or you can even write it down.

3.2. Always adopt to-do lists

Write down all your tasks and add any new ones that come up before you do them. You can increase your productivity by 25% or more from the first day you start writing your tasks down.

3.3. Use different types of to-do lists

  • Create a master list in which you write down your tasks and plans. By doing this, you can keep all the ideas, tasks, and responsibilities that may come to your mind.
  • Use the master list tasks to create a monthly list at the end of each month that includes the tasks for the next month.
  • Create a weekly list through which you plan your entire week, and you can add tasks to it during the current week.
  • Transfer items from your monthly and weekly lists to your daily list. This way, you will be able to create a to-do list that includes your daily tasks.

3.4. Cross tasks off the list when you're done with them

E-mail is a necessary means of doing business, but most of us waste a lot of time checking and responding to emails.

Organize your inbox to avoid wasting time; do not keep unnecessary emails; and cancel subscriptions to lists that you rarely use or organize in specific folders.

Allocate some time during the day to respond to your emails instead of answering them as they arrive. Do not become a slave to your email notifications.

Keep your emails short and sweet; train yourself to use your email as a business tool; and you'll save time for more messages if your responses are short and to the point.

Check your email twice during the day: check it in the morning during your work break and again after lunch, then ignore it for tomorrow and focus on the tasks that you have to finish.

time management

4. Use Time-Checking as a Time Management Tool 

The second piece of advice for good time management is to do a time audit, which includes tracking how you spend your time every day with a pen, paper, spreadsheet, time tracking application, calendar, or any other tool you want.

Keep track of your time and tasks by writing down all your tasks as well as the time taken for each task, including checking your email, talking to your co-worker, working on projects, eating, and even taking breaks.

Schedule your assignment list to start and finish your time audit. For most people, this will start at the beginning of the working week and last until the end of the week, but if your monthly assignment list is irregular, plan ahead and schedule your time audit over the weeks in a way that accurately shows how you spend your time.

When you see the results of your time audit, you will be able to determine where you might waste your time waiting for people or things and whether you spend your time on your priorities. After tracking your time, you will also learn how to manage it better.

5. Take Care of Your Mental Health

Perhaps the most effective time management tip is to maintain your mental health. This is essential for your happiness and success in all aspects of your life. The best way to take care of your mental health is to follow all the advice you give, as well as to focus on creating a healthy balance between work and your personal life.

One example of how to do this is by adopting a positive mindset. Your positive mindset will change the quality of your life for the better. Positive motivational statements are an effective way to get your subconscious mind used to positive self-talk.

Using visualization to control your subconscious mind is another example. Positive motivational phrases directly affect your subconscious mind. The psychology of self-perception says that the person you imagine by saying positive motivational phrases is your future self. So start by imagining yourself mastering the art of effective and organized time management.

The third example is relaxation and meditation. Sit or lie in a quiet place where you can be alone. Imagine the upcoming event, for example. Picture it in its smallest detail. Imagine yourself being calm, positive, and in complete control of the situation. Imagine other people saying and doing the things you want if the situation is perfect.

Read also: Five Time Management Myths Affecting Your Productivity

A final example of how you can focus on your mental health and your general health is to imagine that you have already mastered the art of time management. When you focus and pretend that you have mastered time management, this behavior, which is under your direct control, will influence your subconscious mind to make your thoughts a reality.

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