Scientific Research Ethics and the Qualities That the Researcher Should Possess

Scientific research is one of the most important tools for the progress and development of countries in all fields. Therefore, developed countries today are very interested in scientific research, and have entered into a ruthless race to obtain more science, knowledge, and discoveries. In return, developing countries need to encourage scientific research and create the appropriate environment for it, as it is the savior for them from what they suffer.

In order for scientific research to achieve benefit and be on a high quality level, the researcher who does it must adhere to the so-called “scientific research ethics”, which we will learn about in detail in the following lines.

First: The concept of scientific research ethics

Scientific research: It is a human activity that uses a scientific method based on the mind and reality to solve a problem, correct a hypothesis, verify the results of a previous study, or find new information. The research takes a specific methodology that includes the introduction, the research problem, the research method, the research plan, research hypotheses, results and recommendations, and a list of sources and references. It is carried out by a scientifically qualified person called a "scientific researcher".

Scientific Research Ethics:

  1. “Research Ethics” means the application of ethical rules and codes of professional conduct when preparing scientific research; Starting with collecting and analyzing information until reaching conclusions, especially with regard to the intellectual property rights of others and scientific integrity.
  2. Research ethics is an essential factor in the success and quality of scientific research. Therefore, the researcher must take it into account when conducting scientific research.
  3. There are ethics committees in universities. Its function is to check the extent to which scientific research adheres to the scientific research ethics. These committees provide a standard model that the graduate student must observe and abide by until they get the approval of the committee. The form deals with the method of collecting data, dealing with the study sample, and whether the researcher obtained the approval of the sample members before surveying their opinions or not.The ethics committee also ensures that the study purposes are consistent with the research procedures conducted by the researcher. If any research proposal raises an ethical issue, the committee asks the researcher to reconsider their study. 

Second: The importance of scientific research ethics

The importance of scientific research ethics is as follows:

  1. Adhering to the ethics of scientific research leads to the promotion of the purposes of scientific research, the most important of which is to increase knowledge.
  2. Adherence to research ethics supports collaboration and mutual respect among researchers.
  3. Enabling the researcher to be held accountable for his actions during the preparation of the research.
  4. Adherence to scientific research ethics gives credibility and authenticity to the research in front of the jury or readers. 

Third: What are the ethics of scientific research?

The ethics of scientific research are represented by committing to the following:

1. Fidelity, honesty, and transparency: 

Fidelity is one of the most important ethics of scientific research. That is, the researcher mentions every source from which they used information, and that they review the results of their research with honesty and objectivity without changing, falsifying, or distorting, and without being influenced by their opinion or the opinions of others. They should stay away from exaggerations, misleading, or fraud in their scientific research.

2. Accuracy and organization:

One of the ethics of scientific research is to be precise and organized in all stages of work, and to avoid haste and randomness in order not to make mistakes, which leads to inaccurate results. 

3. Impartiality and objectivity:

Impartiality and objectivity are among the most important ethics of scientific research. It is for the researcher to present the information with impartiality and objectivity, avoiding being influenced by their opinions, affections, or the opinions of others, especially during the study discussion stage.

4. Confidentiality:

Confidentiality is one of the  scientific research ethics. It is that the researcher shall maintain the confidentiality of private or sensitive information, such as trade, military secrets, or employee names. 

5. Respect others' effort and intellectual property:

In order for scientific research to be committed to the ethics of scientific research, the researcher must respect the effort of others and intellectual property. That is done by documenting everything they quote in their study of its original owner, not impersonating any person, and not quoting information or an idea for others and attributing it to themselves. 

6. Respect for the study sample:

If the study sample is human, it must be respected by the researcher. This is done by maintaining the confidentiality of information related to their personal or illness matters, respecting their desire if they decide not to participate or withdraw from the scientific study, and to disclose any danger that the study may cause to them. 

7. Social responsibility:

One of the scientific research ethics is that the researcher feels social responsibility towards their community. They promote the community by selecting a topic that benefits it, addressing a problem it suffers from, and coming out with applicable results. The researcher also has the responsibility to choose the appropriate place to publish their research, such as trusted and accredited scientific journals. 

8. Compliance with laws and customs:

One of the ethics of scientific research is that the researcher chooses a legitimate research topic or problem that does not violate the laws or societal norms. 

9. Taking care of animals:

It is also of the ethics of scientific research to take care of the animals that the researcher may use in research, and to avoid unnecessary experiments on them.

Fourth: The qualities that the researcher must possess

A researcher is a person who uses scientific and critical thinking to study, analyze and explain an issue or problem. In order to reach the best solutions and suggestions, and in order for the researcher to succeed in his research work, he must have a set of qualities, which are: 

1. Desire and personal inclinations:

Desire is the secret of the success of any business. Therefore, in order for the researcher to succeed in his research and present it at the best level, he must have the desire to prepare it, a personal leaning to study the problem and enthusiasm to solve it and reach results that distinguish him from other similar research. 

2. Curiosity:

The researcher must be curious, inquisitive and he must have the desire to discover the unknown and present something new. 

3. Familiarity with the research topic:

One of the most important qualities that a researcher must possess is his complete knowledge of the subject of his research, knowledge of researches and studies related to it, and keeping up with any developments in the same field. 

4. Analytical mind:

The researcher needs an analytical mind in scientific research, whether for choosing the appropriate research methodology, for choosing the appropriate individuals for the study, for setting survey questions, for analyzing individuals’ answers and beyond their words, or for analyzing research results.

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5. Scientific Integrity:

The researcher must have scientific integrity. That is by being honest in delivering any information, and committing to mention all sources, studies and references from which he quoted or based his research. 

6. Intelligence and Promptitude:

Scientific research requires the researcher to be intelligent and quick to analyze, link ideas, and reach logical and creative results. 

7. Patience:

The journey of scientific research is not easy and requires a lot of research and knowledge. It is punctuated by many difficulties, whether in obtaining information, analyzing it, or in the logistical conditions. Therefore, the researcher must be patient and generous and avoid despair or pessimism and frustration. 

8. Flexibility and acceptance of scientific criticism:

Scientific research goes through many stages of discussion and correction. Therefore, the researcher must be flexible, accept scientific criticism, and be convinced that this serves and develops his research. 

9. Knowledge of Research Methods:

The researcher must be familiar with the scientific methods that are used in scientific research; This is in analyzing the results and verifying their validity.

10. Time management:

In order for the researcher to succeed in completing the research in the right time, he must have the skill of managing time, organizing his tasks, and setting a timetable for his research. It allocates a specific time for each stage of the research.

11. Social Communication Skills:

The researcher often has to choose a sample of individuals, deal with them, ask them questions and find answers from them. This requires that the researcher has social communication skills in order to succeed in communicating with the sample members of different personalities, and get what he wants.

12. Use of technology:

Today, the Internet has become a gateway to knowledge. Therefore, the researcher must have the skill to use technology and the Internet to search and obtain information, and perhaps distribute the questionnaire through social media.

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Fifth: General advice considering scientific research ethics

  1. If you feel confused about a situation or have doubts about an ethical dilemma, do not hesitate to seek advice from experts and specialists, your supervisor and senior colleagues in the field of research.
  2. Read without limits. From the first moment you choose your research topic, do not stop reading about it and reading research papers, references and articles that deal with it in any language and from any country. The more you read about the subject, the more efficient you become in dealing with it in all
  3. When you decide to work in the field of scientific research, learn English masterfully; This is because you will need to research foreign sources and references.
  4. Adopt brevity, clarity and simplicity in the search words. Stay away from the vague and complex style, lengthening and excessive explanation.
  5. Start with extensive and general scientific research, By viewing the issue in all its aspects. Once you have a complete picture, dig into an aspect in detail.
  6. Have determination and will. The path of scientific research is not paved with roses. Rather, it is a path of research, perseverance and science that faces many difficulties and obstacles. You should not lose your resolve under any circumstances. Make research achievement an uncompromising goal for you for whatever reason.
  7. Feel responsible for your research, your university, and your community.
  8. Do not make your goal of scientific research to obtain a degree only. Rather, it must be motivated by a desire to benefit your community.
  9. Present your search results as they are. Don't try to falsify or embellish them.
  10. Stay away from affection and emotions; Because this disturbs objective and methodological thinking.
  11. Have confidence in yourself and in the results you reach. You will not be able to convince anyone of your research unless you are confident in yourself and your abilities.
  12. Think outside the box and let your imagination run wild. 

In conclusion: Respect the ethics of whatever work you do

Ethics are rules that govern our lives and actions. In all fields of life there are ethics that must be observed and adhered to, such as teaching ethics, medical ethics or legal ethics and other professions. The more a person adheres to the ethics of his profession, the more distinguished he is and the more he earns the respect and appreciation of others. Scientific research is the same as any other work we do, and as we have seen, there are also ethics that govern and control it. If you adhere to these ethics as a researcher, you will present a research of a high level and win the admiration and appreciation of the evaluation committee and every reader who reads it. If you commit any violation of these ethics, you may have ended your scientific career in your hand.