Nine Morning Habit That Change Your Life

As soon as the sun rises in the morning, I get out of bed when my family is still asleep after first gathering my thoughts. The day is starting out calmly and peacefully. Following a brief stretch and glass of water, I start the tea pot and meditate for ten minutes. Then I enjoy a cup of tea while reading one chapter of a good book. Finally, I write for an hour before I engage in daily commitments, and when my family wakes up, I spend time with them, doing some morning activities together.

Note: This article is taken from author Marc Chernoff, in which he presents some ideas to make the morning more beautiful.

This is only an approximate description of my daily morning, and I am pleased with it, but it was not always like this. I used to wake up in a hurry and without a specific system before I drowned in work, tasks, and long meetings. It was horrible, but it was my life, and I did not know much. So I thought I couldn't turn things around, but fortunately, I was wrong.

I've changed my morning routine by following a few simple habits so that it's fun, not annoying. I've shared these morning habits with thousands of clients over the years, and many of them have thanked me for them later. Maybe you can benefit from these habits too.

Nine morning habits that will change your life:

1. Get up early:

If you have a chaotic morning, the simple solution is to get up early before the chaos starts, which of course requires going to bed early the night before.

Learn it gradually; wake up 10 minutes earlier than usual every week for 6 to 9 weeks, and you will barely notice the change from day to day. This extra time will help you avoid stress, congestion, delays, and other annoying things.

2. Hope for the best:

Start each day with feelings of love, thanks, and gratitude. When you wake up in the morning, remember that you are lucky to be alive because you see, hear, think, love, and have a goal to look forward to. Happiness lies in these small parts of your life, and you will find joy when you appreciate the importance of these small parts and remember that we are not grateful that we are happy; it is gratitude that makes us happy. So hope for the best in what you have every morning; you’ll see more good in everything you seek.

3. Stretch:

It's a simple, but often forgotten, habit. Stretching in the morning has many benefits, including:

  • Expanding the range of movement in the joints of the body.
  • Enhancing muscle flexibility and coordination.
  • Increasing blood flow to various vital organs.
  • Boosting mental and physical energy levels.

If you don't know how to stretch properly, you can find hundreds of great tutorials on YouTube. Choose exercises that suit you, practice them for a minute or two each morning, and you'll feel a big change.

4. Drink water:

The human body consists of more than 60% water, and when you sleep all night without drinking water, the body becomes dehydrated and needs rehydration. So quench your thirst with exactly what your body needs. In other words, avoid drinking coffee, tea, or other beverages before you drink at least one large glass of water, and you will feel more active, energetic, and alert.

5. Take it easy:

One of the mistakes I made earlier was doing a lot of things in the morning. When I started getting up early, I wanted to exercise, meditate, do homework, read, write, make breakfast, answer work emails, etc., and it turns out I couldn't do all of them. I used to get up early and wear myself out. I made my early morning routine as busy as the rest of the day.

Morning Habit

Then I decided to identify some of the things I do early, without committing to many different goals. I prefer to have comfort and be flexible so that my morning stays calmer and more useful, so drinking water, practicing stretching, meditating, drinking tea, reading, and writing are the only established morning habits, but I'm flexible about these too.

6. Practice inspirational activities:

Don't occupy your morning with the tasks you should do. Try to include some things you feel passionate about. For me, I have a great passion for reading and writing, and for you, maybe your passion is for taking a picnic in nature, doing yoga, drawing, or just reading the morning newspaper.

In other words, don't make a long list of things you should do without any passion. Make your morning the most beautiful part of the day.

7. Read and listen to positive content:

Some of the happiest and most successful people I know read inspiring books, articles, or quotes every morning, while others listen to radio, podcasts, or audio programs that inspire them to start a new day. Focus on positive content for self-development because it fuels your knowledge and expands your perspective, and this starts your day positively and gives you positive and productive ideas that guide your day for the better, which is important because your ideas guide your reality.

So, browse positive content every morning when you wake up and let it inspire you to do good during the day, so your days will be beautiful and productive.

8. Value your leisure time:

The period of peace and quiet in the mornings is just as important as the activities you perform, so you must value both of these moments. Therefore, if you read and meditate, mornings are not important because reading and meditation can be done at any time. The time you spend between these two activities, such as going to your meditation mat, finding your book, turning the pages, making a cup of tea, or sitting and watching the sunrise, is also great. The calm times in between events are just as important as the activities themselves, so plan your day so that you don't have to rush from one to the next and take advantage of the downtime.

Read also: 8 Daily Habits that Will Make You Stronger

9. Choosing the right activities:

Human nature dictates that we constantly pursue goals; we love making progress in our lives, and we feel happy when we achieve one of our goals. So the happiest people I know are also some of the most successful people I know.

As you approach the end of your early morning, you should direct your attention to the right things, not the urgent ones, because at some point we all wonder why we can't get everything done, and the answer is very simple: we do a lot of wrong things.

Many studies have shown that people do not accomplish more by randomly working more hours; they accomplish more when they follow rigorous plans that prioritize and measure indicators of tension. So if you want to be more successful, less stressed, and happier at the end of each day, don't ask yourself how to get things done better; first ask yourself if you need to do them.

Just because you can do something well doesn't mean you have to do it. This is one of the most common problems with time management tips. These tips often focus on how to do things quickly, but the vast majority of things people do quickly are not what they should be doing.

Read also: 10 Harmful Habits Drain Your Energy

In Conclusion:

It doesn't take magic to have a great morning. It takes some conscious planning. You don't have to apply all these ideas, but I urge you to try one or two to see how your morning gets better. I bet you enjoy your morning as much as I do.

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