How to Maintain Your Daily Routine?

There was a moment when I became frustrated and began to adopt a daily routine, and that was at the end of my morning routine. I felt upset and impulsive; I did not do everything that I felt was important to the routine, and I had to prepare to go to work and step out the door.

Note: This article is based on author Danae Smith, in which she talks about how to build a successful routine.

During this frustration, I remembered what was supposed to be a rest period, and a moment to stop and feel good became a heavy burden. As my routine had no rhythm or flow, this could not be what my training was supposed to be. So I began my continuous journey with my daily routine, which was not always easy or simple. There were indeed challenges, and this is what I want to talk about today.

The daily routine is amazing and essential, but it's also challenging, and I don't want to dwell on the habit without admitting that it can be difficult; we're pulled in different directions every day, and what I've learned—and I'm still learning—is that there are things in life that can affect your daily routine but don’t necessarily get in the way.

3 things you need to do to maintain your daily routine:

1. Start and focus on your daily routine:

Because my daily routine was about what brought me joy, comfort, and happiness, I felt I had to do everything to reach these goals within a specific timeframe. I thought the daily routine was a schedule, and everything had to happen at a particular time.

And just when I thought about it and remembered that it's not about doing everything but what's important, I saw the benefits of a daily routine.

How do you avoid overloading your routine? Start with something small and then add to it, and remember that it's not about doing everything; it's about doing what matters to you at the right time. So get rid of the expectation that your routine needs to be detailed. If there is only one thing that sets you up for your day, that one thing is enough.

2. Start the routine again:

Starting a routine again after changes in my life has been a challenge I have had to face recently. Life changes are self-evident; we can control some of them but cannot control most of them. It is possible to move or change our jobs, the circumstances of our relationship with someone, etc. There is an infinite list of ways that life can change, and all these shifts and changes are likely to affect your daily routine, but it is not necessary to hinder it.

Daily habits

How can you not let life's changes disrupt your daily routine? Have at least one fundamental doctrine, ritual, or habit in your daily routine that can recede and flow with you when faced with transition and change. It should be a ritual or exercise that is not a heavy load but is essential to your life.

Also, treat yourself with kindness and compassion, as many things are inconclusive during the change process; as a friend put it, it's okay if your daily routine gets a little messy.

3. Possibility to change your routine:

This challenge can also be made a way to meet Challenge number 2, and this is something I feel that I am constantly facing: permitting myself. As I said earlier, we are going through many changes in our lives, and even on a daily level, things appear unexpected or your needs and plans change during the day.

So, learning to give ourselves permission to change things and be different is hard but necessary. How do you start allowing yourself to make your daily routine look different? Keep it flexible; in other words, don't stick too tightly to your routine, but be deeply attached to your purpose and intent. When you are connected to your purpose and intentions, you will likely experience fluctuations.

Read also: How to Enhance Your Evening Routine for a Better Night's Sleep?

Also, always check in with yourself to see what you need, and reviewing your routine can help you know what you need or want from your daily routine, especially if you find yourself at a new time in your life.

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