How to Have Quick Wit and Become Fluent?

Quick wit and fluency are the greatest treasures that a person possesses in their life because they are the key to the success of their professional and personal life. Through it, they can win the relationships they want and win people easily. They can also adapt to any situation they are put in and turn it into something positive. This does not mean that these qualities are exclusive to them, but that anyone can learn how to possess them by following certain rules and practising them regularly.

The concept of quick wit:

Quick wit is not related to a person's ability to tell jokes or do funny and attention-grabbing things as some people think, but it means correctness in opinion when surprised, and understanding everything that is said and happening from the first time without the need for explanation; That is, the person is quick in thinking and understanding . One can quickly transmit tangible reality to their brain, then they quickly link between the previous information and the current information in order to make a sound and appropriate decision because quick wit is an issue related to the human brain. Therefore, this is what makes it a characteristic that distinguishes a specific person from others. 

The concept of fluency:

A fluent person is the one who is able to choose their vocabulary accurately and with great care during their conversation with others, as they put the words in their correct place. Through this characteristic, they are able to attract the listeners to their speech and influence them, and then they are appreciated and respected by the listeners for their speech because their thoughts are organized and not chaotic. Also, they are often confident, sociable, knowledgeable , able to participate in various conversations, and able to listen well to others. 

How to become quick-witted and fluent?

We conclude from what we mentioned above that a person's possession of these two characteristics together is necessary, and one cannot be separated from the other because they are complementary to each other, and they are a secret of the strong, self-confident personality that is able to charm those around it.

Here are some of the tips that you can follow to have quick wit and fluency together after a period of continuous practice:

1. Learn more about body language:

As much as words indicate a person's interaction with situations and people, their body language also indicates that. You can show knowledge, ignorance, prejudice, love, hate, or even make fun of the topic being talked about without saying a word, but only through body language. Even words can become meaningless if your body is sending a message that contradicts what you are saying. 

2. Be confident:

Self-confidence is one of the most important things that enables a person to speak to others smoothly and fluently without fear, hesitation, or shyness. In case a person loses their self-confidence, they may suffer from stuttering in speech, and then their speech will not receive any attention no matter how important their words are. Joining courses to enhance focus and self-confidence helps a person to possess the characteristic of fluency .

3. Read more and be wiser:

Great experience and broad knowledge increase intelligence, insight, ability to see facts and even find humour in these facts compared to some people. This is the reason behind the wisdom of the elderly, as this wisdom comes from the experience they took from many life experiences and not as a result of the age they reached. Age has nothing to do with wisdom. So, always ask yourself after every experience, what did you learn from it? And how can you avoid the mistakes that occurred the next time? And what can you give up to make your life better? Is there another way to see things in a more useful way? These questions help you benefit from the experiences you are going through and develop yourself for the better.

4. Be a social person:

You cannot learn intelligence and quick wit if you are isolated from the environment. You have to get out of your narrow environment confined to home or work and be social with the largest number of people to discover how people differ in their way of thinking and behaviour, and their interaction with each other and with the events surrounding them, and also their difference in their point of view about the same things, for example, as some of them see them as funny and others as silly. Then you will be able to gradually build your social skills because a socially awkward person is not attractive to others, no matter how high their intelligence is because there is something they don't like about them. 

5. Get close to smart people:

By spending time with many people around you, you will be able after a period of time to discover smart people who are wise in their actions and in their speech, and as it is said “You are the result of the people around you.”

 After a while, you will become like them. So, try to spend your time with mature people who see humour in situations without minimising anyone's pain, and who are able to say things at the right time.

6. Notice the obvious things in front of you:

Do not think that seeing the clear things in front of us is easy. Most of us have a blind spot when it comes to the obvious things because we make things in front of us more complicated than our thoughts. So, you need to be able to see what is going on in front of you through your full presence and your intense attention away from wandering. Then link what you see with something funny, and then say something smart within seconds. If you say something smart after several minutes, you will not look as smart as you want to appear in front of others.

7. Beware of making quick judgments about people:

You must calm down, be careful, and use common sense before making any judgement because this thing limits your quick wit, and gives others a negative idea about ​​you. We may rush in making judgments as a result of inherited beliefs or personal ideas that are not convincing to others, but you have to be more accepting and loving to people to be wiser in your dealings with them. 

8. Be flexible and avoid nervousness:

Nervousness may be a characteristic that negates quick-wittedness. You have to be calm when any disturbing situation occurs in front of you, so that you can focus and think correctly, and then show the appropriate response.

Read also: The Most Important Means of Treating Anxiety without Drugs

9. Participate in cultural activities and literary halls:

Through it, a person can learn tact in speaking, how to ask important questions and increase their ability to discuss with others and their choice of appropriate words, in addition to expanding their knowledge and increasing their ability to listen to others.

10. Practice public speaking: 

A person acquires the skill of speaking to others only through practical practice. You can practise public speaking at home in front of family members, in front of your friends, or even in front of your mirror without any listeners. Notice when you stutter, then you can skip that with repeated training and become gradually fluent.

11. Do not remain silent in difficult situations:

Trainer and book author Matthias Neuelke says "What's being said doesn't have to be cool or funny, quick wit starts at zero." If you feel you're in a situation where you don't know what to say, you can say "I can't think of what to say," because it is much better than being silent and not giving your opinion. 

12. Say "yes" to the right annoying opinion.

Some of them may resort to reminding us of negative qualities that we do not like to talk about, or qualities in our outward appearance that are somewhat unbeautiful as a kind of mockery of us. So, surprise them by saying yes, instead of justifying that to them, as most people do. For example, if someone tells you: "You are fat."  Or  “You are short.” Answer them “Yes, and you can get used to that.” The other person will  feel your confidence, and will not redirect hurtful words to you.

13. Do a fluency exercise:

You can also gain quick wit in this exercise. This exercise is done by sitting in a comfortable place for you, then you look at something in front of you and at your level of vision, then talk about a topic that comes to your mind during this moment without previous planning. Continue talking for thirty seconds without stopping, whether with meaningful words or empty words, and repeat this exercise daily.

You will notice that what you speak with the passage of time has become meaningful and more convincing than your words at the beginning of the exercise, and you will also be able to talk for more time without stress or attention to time.

14. Distinguish between friends conversations and work conversations:

Conversations at work are often limited to serious topics that jokes cannot be made about, while conversations with friends and associates are more flexible and fun.

15. Train yourself to speak in a medium voice:

The low voice makes your listener feel bored, so they do not give importance to your words. And also the high voice causes inconvenience and tension to the listener, so they do not care about what you say as much as they are eager to finish your speech.

16. Listen to calm music:

Because it is able to increase human concentration and calm the soul so that they can think well and deeply, and then increase their quick wit, wisdom, and fluency.

Read also: The Effect of Learning Music on the Brain

17. Adopt healthy sleep habits:

Staying up too late leads to a loss of the ability to focus and think well. The hours of sleep for an adult should not be less than 7 hours at night in addition to taking a small nap during the day. It is preferable to regulate the hours of sleep so that you wake up early because this is necessary for the health of the brain. Excessive sleep leads to inattention, forgetfulness, and lack of physical and mental activity. Therefore, you should sleep in moderation.

18. Walk daily:

Because walking helps blood flow, and this thing is very necessary for the health of the human brain, so that it can train in a better way on  quick-wittedness and fluency.

In conclusion:

You should know that there is no special antidote when you take it, you become quick-witted and fluent, but this thing requires training and practice. It may seem difficult to you at first, but with repetition, it becomes gradually easier. And remember that your success in your life in its various fields is worth seeking, getting tired, and striving to reach it. Success does not come without diligence, just as the serious desire to possess quick wit and fluency is the first step. Therefore, if you are unwilling, do not get tired in vain because you will not get the expected result.