How Do You Manage Your Time on the Internet?

The mobile phone in our hands has become the mainstay of our lives though it was a means of receiving communications only.

Tips to control your time while you are online:

Some of us now have a challenge to overcome the amount of data we get from social media sites and email that stalks us outside of our annual vacation hours. Most of us may need tips to control our time while we are online. Here are some tips:

  1. Remember your priorities and the things that are important to you. It may be necessary to get rid of apps that always bother you with their content and connect you to others, so you don't get your business done on time. You have priorities as well as interests when you're interacting with others. Try to define them clearly; otherwise, your time will be in the control of your phone.
  1. Organize your connection time. Many think that being online for long hours enables them to know everything globally, as they consider social media apps a source of information .So make time for your presence on every social site that you visit frequently. Organize your online time. Many people think that keeping it online makes it a source of insight into everything that's going on around it. This makes you curious and move to open one app after the other; therefore, you waste your time for hours wondering how you spent it. So, organize your time concerning the use of social media apps that you use frequently.
  2. Turn off notifications. Many apps give you notifications to update your suggestions that something new is being shared. Many notifications prevent you from accomplishing much work. Rather, these notifications are related to browsing the app and being distracted by your phone. So, get rid of apps that always annoy you, or activate manual updating of application content so that you have control over what you receive.
  3. Learn the quick reading of social sites. Many of us use RSS (FEED) technique, which are summaries of topics so that the sites you are browsing don’t waste your time. Also, you can read what's important through content and avoid content that's marginal and useless to you.
  4. Reduce the people you follow and create follow lists. If you follow a large number of people, try to reduce this number. Suggestions to classify them, specific lists on Twitter, suggestions for Facebook, this makes it easier for you to sort the information according to the classification you want and saves you time.
  5. Invest your time by learning There are many who think that little time learning online is a waste of time and vice versa. Many of the emerging life skills and other things are found online, not in many books. So,  be online for a short time, and organize your time, your daily priorities and life to be one of the most accomplished and lasting people in contact with others.

Tips to reduce social media addiction:

Many of us are in constant contact with mobile and electronic devices for long hours without feeling those around us or the outside world. We believe that the time we spend using these sites exceeds the desired benefit from them, as it comes at the expense of other social and cognitive activities, and sometimes even reaches to be affected by vocabulary of what we read and transmit to others without a sense of media responsibility in what we read, transmit, and follow. So, these tips were to contribute to reducing the problem of addiction to social networking sites.

1- Calculate the periods of your access to the mobile applications:

There are a lot of applications that calculate the time you log in and out of the application. These applications help you know the most applications that waste your time in order to avoid them.

2- Organize your time:

Set yourself life rules in dealing with your time. Free time always makes you subconsciously hold the mobile and browse as many applications as possible, so I always advise that you have a specific time to access these sites and that it be in a disciplined time after completing all your basic and important work. It is also important to put some time off so that  you don’t disturb your eyes with the rays of mobile phones and electronic devices, and relax your body after a long period of browsing and sitting.

3- Unfollow unimportant people:

Always try to stop following people who are not important and who do not add much to your information and waste your time, especially in video applications. The more updates with these people, the more time and browsing you will have. Just try to add people who have an advantage in news and activities and take advantage of them in your life.

4- Get the most from following up and developing personal interests:

Social networking sites allow us to benefit from people who have wonderful relationships and unique information that helps us develop our personal interests. Always try to benefit from these personalities and communicate with them continuously. Your self-development comes by taking advantage of these personalities and following your development through what you learn from them.

5- Take a break from social media contact:

It is useful to set breaks and days without the Internet. This gradually helps you deal with the Internet independently and increases your ability to control it and not be addicted.