Fear of Time is the Root Cause of all Negative Emotions

Everyone has one or more things they are afraid of, and usually these fears are of the same person and not others. However, we all share one fear and that is the fear of running out of time.

We are not talking about a phobia of looking at watches or a fear of the alarm ringing at six in the morning. Rather, we are talking about the fear of running out of time, the fear of death or the fear of losing time.

This article discusses the idea that every anxiety or tension you feel stems from the fear of lost time. This universal fear has permeated throughout our society, affecting people far more deeply than they can imagine.

You may not believe it, well, read on to realize that all your fears are intertwined, and you will also know how to deal with the basic and common cause behind this fear. Then you can eliminate your negative feelings. In this article, we will discuss:

  1. Why is time our most valuable resource?
  2. Why are we afraid of time?
  3. How does your fear of time turn into a fear of death?
  4. Ways to overcome your fear of death.

Why is Time our Most Important Resource?

The first thing we must do is counting time as a resource. According to Webster Dictionary, “A resource is a stock or supply of money, materials, personnel, and other features that a person or organization can rely on in order to operate effectively.”

Time falls under this definition. A person can count on their time to do an effective job. In addition, time is valuable. If you are an employee, you are literally trading your time for money. So, according to Webster's definition, time can be categorized as a resource without hesitation.

However, this definition itself shows us a problem in the way we estimate our resources. Money and tools were the first two sources mentioned by the Webster Dictionary, and it seems to be expected. We are used to thinking that money is our most valuable resource, but it is not. Money and tools are renewable, but time is not renewable.

Time is constantly wasted, and you can never get back lost time; You will always be able to make more money, but you will not be able to make more time. Therefore, while time is one of the most important intangible and ephemeral advantages, it is our most precious resource, and time should not be valued, which is sad considering how easily it is lost.

Why Are We Afraid of Time?

Our fear of time comes from the fact that it is finite, and we would be less afraid of losing our time if we had a chance to gain more of it, but we don't, which makes the passage of time a very worrying event for us as human beings.

Imagine the grains of sand slowly falling down the neck of the hourglass, and now imagine that the hour represents your life. It's scary, isn't it? This is the perfect analogy for our fear of time. We get scared when we see the clock ticking by, whether we realize it or not.

Therefore, our fear of time is in fact a fear of losing it, and of not making the most of the time available to us, and this fear is a direct result of the fact that time is not renewable. Time is essential, just like water or air. If you knew that the air you could breathe would only suffice you for the next twenty years, you would take your breath wisely. So, why don’t we treat our time the same way?

How Does Our Fear of Time Turn into a Fear of Death?

Death is the exact date of the end, and in financial terms, we call this the final value or term. Also, death represents the end of time as we know it. So, just in case we fear wasting time, our absolute fear comes to a head when the last grain of sand falls into our personal hourglass.

But we fear death because, as the clock that represents the match of life, and unlike the match clock, the amount of time we have is completely unknown to us.

An example of our Fear of Death:

LeBron James is an exceptional basketball player, and arguably the best basketball player of all time, but there is some controversy over this. So, first he has to get past Michael Jordan, and to do that, he has to add a few more championships to his resume.

LeBron begins to afflict the human curse known as age. He's aging and his dominance is slowly fading away, with only a few years left to leave a legacy, and LeBron is feeling the pressure. There is a sense of urgency in the way he plays and talks.

Now, imagine for a moment that the human body never breaks down, and imagine that athletes like LeBron have unlimited time to build a résumé, don't you think it wouldn't be too quick? Couldn't he be more relaxed? Wouldn't he treat his career completely differently?

Coming back to our topic, the fear of time manifests itself in the fear of death. With the exception of professional age, LeBron's sense of urgency is the same as the urgency we feel every day. Our urgency comes from the exact date of the end, namely death.

So, think about it, why are you so adamant about getting that upgrade now rather than later? Why do you want to launch your company today, not tomorrow? Perhaps because you know that you will not have much time to achieve the success that you aspire to unless you start today.

Now suppose you have unlimited time, and there is no such thing as death, would you feel the same pressure to get that promotion or launch that company? Maybe not. This is because if there is no death, you can always do whatever you want tomorrow, and there is no penalty for being lazy or for mismanaging your time.

But you can't do what you want tomorrow; You have to do it today, or you risk missing out on the life you want to live. As you note, death marks the end of our careers, and like LeBron, we are very intent on building our resume before we leave life.

Read also: 10 Strategies for Managing Time Effectively

Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Death:

Our fear of death is actually the main driver of our success, and we stand a good chance of achieving more if we can change our perspective to accept death, rather than run away from it.

This is because the limited time of our lives gives us a sense of urgency. Knowing that our time is finite and not knowing when it is running out gives us motivation and helps us take risks because we do not have enough time to try the safe way to the top, and a sense of urgency urges us to act spontaneously today rather than wait for the uncertain tomorrow.

Someone like LeBron can get us excited and encourage us to build our resume because we still can, and this resume can include anything, whether it's a specific goal, a feeling you want to experience, a fun journey, or a serious career ambition.


For people who don't know, basketball shoot timer counts every ball possession, and this forces the offensive line to attack the basket and score points. There was no shooting timer in basketball before, and the game was slow and boring, but then this timer was added. The fierceness and intensity of the game increased 10 times, if not more.

If there was no clock in life, we would play the game of life a much different game, and it would be as boring as a game of basketball without a timer, and there would be no reason to move or give importance to a moment. This is because you can always do it tomorrow, but if you want to get things done today and not tomorrow, you should view death as your friend, not your enemy.