Do You Feel Out of Control of Your Time?

Do you feel like you're in a competitive contest over time? Do you feel that you have a lot of tasks to accomplish and wish that the day was 30 hours instead of 24 hours? Do you tend to postpone and procrastinate, doing only urgent tasks? Do you live according to what you want, or do you leave the task of planning your life as you see fit?

Have you made numerous attempts to manage your time but been unsuccessful? Many fundamental and significant tasks still need to be done, but you are unsure how to find the time to get them done.

We live in an anaesthesia time. "How many people are addicted to sleep, social media, food, smoking, and nightlife?" is a question that reflects how common addiction has become in the absence of objectives, motives, and a message. Common addictions are a sign that young people are going through a real crisis. These addictions turn circumstances into a peg on which lazy people hang their failure and helplessness. As a result, lazy people attribute their lack of pursuit to opportunities and bad luck, but skills, will, awareness, and responsibility, rather than external factors, determine one's level of pursuit.

The days go by fast, and we are far from our goals. We sleep every day with many goals we want to achieve, but we comfort ourselves and say to them, "Don't worry, tomorrow will be a rebirth for our postponed goals;" the days pass, and the expected tomorrow does not come.

We battle the desire for the goal and the fear of not reaching it. We believe there is no clear or set path, which makes us more afraid. Eventually, we give in to our fear, losing control over our lives and convincing ourselves that we tried, but the situation was beyond our control.

Our fear grows as we struggle with the love of the goal and the fear of not reaching it. We believe there is no clear path to the goal or set steps to follow, so we give in to our fear and lose control of our lives. We then tell ourselves we have tried, but the situation is bigger than us.

In life, issues arise when one side is favoured over the other; the true power lies in effectively performing each role.

How can you sleep satisfied with your daytime performance? How can you feel that time is your friend and not your enemy? This article will teach you how.

Tired of planning your day?

The method of time planning based on writing detailed tasks with accurate times tops the list of most of those who seek to organise their time, but this method has passive effects in a way that a person may get bored and completely deregulate their time. When an emergency occurs with a person within the specified time to complete a task, they feel that their daily schedule is completely damaged and that they cannot continue the following missions.

On the other hand, a person may rely on planning their goals and then think that this will automatically organise their time, but they are shocked that they are still out of control.

What is the best way to organise time that leads you to spend the hours of your day doing the best and most effective things?

Control of Your Time

Is it time or balance that matters?

We become time slaves, racing through life to keep up with its fast pace. We focus most of our attention on tasks that bind us, the cancellation of which will negatively affect our professional prospects. We do this without determining whether these tasks align with our personalities and orientations or if society and the traditional career path have forced them upon us. We also do not evaluate where these tasks fall on the hierarchy of needs or how they fit into it.

We turned into robots, thinking about time and the necessity of completing urgent and necessary tasks without thinking about quality or achieving the message and the goal. We forgot that time is in our favour and that we are the ones who can control it.

Understanding time management encourages us to reflect more deeply on who we are and uncover our passions and messages. Knowing your compass is the key to effectively managing your time.

The issue is a compass no more

  • To organise your time effectively, you must be aware of your inner compass; it is the one that determines where you are going, so your tension and loss disappear, and you become the one in control of your time.
  • To build your compass, you must first determine "who you are," that is, be aware of your mission and values in life, make your conscience and inner voice clear, know your goals fully, and draw in your imagination a final picture of you as you achieve your goal. For example: "I am so-and-so, my mission in life is to share with people ideas that enrich their lives and bring them closer to the Lord, and my first goal is to provide a program that helps me communicate my message to people,e and my mission is to constantly strive to make the best version of me, and then help people as well."
  • Then comes the second question you should ask yourself: “Are the tasks I do daily consistent with my values, mission, and goals?”

Tasks should be divided into four sections

1. Important and non-urgent tasks

These tasks should take up most of your time during the day. These tasks make your life more quality, rich, and abundant, such as planning for the future and goals, preparing for something, planning to quit a bad habit, or tasks to prevent disease.

2. Urgent and important tasks

These are tasks of high urgency and importance, such as tasks related to disasters, examinations, illness, or a deadline occurrence.

3. Unimportant and non-urgent tasks

Most of your time is wasted on activities like playing, aimless gossiping, social media browsing, and excessive sleeping.

4. Unimportant and Urgent Tasks

For example, returning calls or texts, occupying oneself with entertainment, or hosting guests.

  • Find out which tasks you spend time on during the day, and strive to spend most of your time on important, non-urgent tasks.
  • You should know that your mind always tends to rest and will do everything possible to encourage you to postpone tasks. Once you are determined to start your goal, your mind begins to generate distracting ideas, such as reminding you of the need to make phone calls with your friends or inviting you to entertain yourself and go to a beautiful place to energise yourself and then return to work, and many other ideas that move you away from your goal and prevent you from focusing. Therefore, you must not conflict with your mind; instead, you must motivate it to carry out tasks by linking the task with an immediate reward, such as deciding to focus on doing a task for an hour. Then, you will get a ten-minute break to browse social media or listen to a song. Linking the task with a long-term reward often discourages the work of the mind. On the other hand, your goal should be divided into mini-tasks that your mind is excited to accomplish, such as having a task of reading 20 pages of the book a day instead of the task of "finishing the book." The mind gets lazy and lazy and escapes from performing large tasks.
  • Now ask yourself: “Are you multi-role, or are you spending your days feeding one aspect of your life and neglecting the other?”

This question leads us to the necessity of balancing the four aspects of human life: the spiritual, the mental, the physical, and the social. You will not be happy if you get a prestigious job position but do not have any trusted friends. You will not reach comfort and confidence if you are very social but unsatisfied with your diet and body shape.

Control of Your Time

So, if you evaluate a task, you should ask yourself: “Which of the four aspects is saturated by that task?” “Are you saturated  by one side at the expense of another?” You may focus your effort and energy on the intellectual side only, without seeking to establish social relations, without caring about your health, and without trying to improve your spiritual and psychological side, which leads to imbalance and many psychological problems. The more a person balances between the four aspects, the happier and more satisfied they will be.

Read also: Five Time Management Myths Affecting Your Productivity

Will you spend your life in remorse?

Ask yourself: "How long have you been postponing a goal?" "How long have you resolved to do a goal but are retreating because of your fears?" The question is: "How long will you stay like this?" As for the time to break this fear and break free from laziness and procrastination?

Don't you deserve to sleep satisfied with your day instead of remorse, failure, helplessness, and loss of control?

Yes, you deserve the best, and you must be the best version of yourself, so set your goal, break it down into small goals, and broaden with all your strength to achieve the tasks related to your goal that balance your four aspects.

Everything within you will manifest as material things in your environment, so take initiative, work with others, and keep your goodwill intact.

Know that life is short, so don't spend it thinking of small things. Make your focus on massive and meaningful things. Wherever your focus is, your life is.

Read also: 3 Questions to Enhance Time Management Skills


If you feel that there is not enough time to do the tasks you want, know that the gap is in the way you manage time, not at the same time. So ask yourself every hour of your day while you are doing a task: "Is this the best task I can do? Does this task bring me closer to my goal or keep me away from it? Does it satisfy an essential aspect of my life, or does it seek to destroy it?"

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