Charisma: Its Types, Benefits, And How To Acquire It

Today, we live in a rapidly-changing world, to say the least. With every passing day, the individual’s need for new scientific, personal, and administrative skills and qualities increases to coexist with these changes and keep up with the most recent ones.

Some of the most important personal competencies that are frequently sought after these days -whether for work purposes, personal relationships, or social relationships- are a charismatic personality.

So what is charisma? What are its types and benefits? How can it be acquired?

What is charisma?

In one society, people coexist. Despite the fact that they are exposed to similar socialization techniques and the same academic material, each person still has their own distinct personality. Some people are unable to make much progress or distinction in their lives because of their weak, fragile personalities. They remain on the sidelines. In contrast, some people possess what is known as a charismatic personality, which is the most crucial factor in determining whether someone will succeed in any endeavor. A person's charismatic personality is defined as having a compelling attractiveness or charm as well as an influential presence. Through their strong persuasion abilities, a charismatic person can establish a kind of connection with others and inspire loyalty, enthusiasm for their ideas, and confidence in what they say.

A person's charismatic personality is defined as having a compelling attractiveness or charm as well as an influential presence. Through their strong persuasion abilities, a charismatic person can establish a kind of connection with others and inspire loyalty, enthusiasm for their ideas, and confidence in what they say.

Charisma is originally a Greek word meaning “divine favor”, “divine gift,” or “gift”. There is no single definition or meaning of charisma, but there is a set of characteristics of the charismatic personality, including:

  • Charisma is one of the qualities which stem from within the individual and not from the outside. It derives strength from one’s spiritual abilities, but this does not mean that it cannot be learned as well.
  • Charisma means to possess the talent for leadership and the great ability to attract, persuade, influence, and inspire others.
  • It is that strong and effective presence that only specific people have.
  • It is that unique character that is unforgettable even after they leave.
  • A charismatic person is a social and ambitious person, with principles and a specific ideology. They love change and
  • A charismatic person has self-confidence and knows how, when, where to be, and why. They can draw the plan for the course of their life and development well.
  • A charismatic person knows how to lead the group and has effective communication skills. 

Types of charisma:

1. Artistic charisma:

The combination of traits known as artistic charisma helps people in the arts to be well-liked and accepted by audiences of all ages. The actors George Clooney, Ben Affleck, and Angelina Jolie, as well as the Arab celebrities Amr Diab, Muna Wasef, and others are examples of people with his type of charisma.

2. Sports charisma:

Sports charisma is the type of charisma found in sports stars, such as Cristiano Ronaldo, Rafael Nadal, and others.

3. Media charisma:

Oprah Winfrey is an illustration of this type because she can persuade anyone in the world to attend her program and respond to her questions, regardless of their position, thanks to her endearing presence and lovable personality.

4. Financial charisma:

This kind of charisma is similar to that of well-known figures in business and commerce, like Bill Gates.

5. Spiritual Charisma:

It is seen among many clerics in all denominations, with their strong ability to influence others and to convince them of their religious orientations.

6. Political charisma:

Like in the figures who have genius political planning skills.

7. Transient Charisma:

This is evident in people whose names are well-known in multiple industries, such as the actress Jennifer Lopez, whose name was well-known in singing before she moved on to the movie industry and then the fashion industry. Some of these individuals, like Václav Havel, who achieved success in both politics and literature, are capable of excelling in two different fields.

8. Social status charisma:

This type is seen in members of the royal families, like Princess Diana, or Princess Megan Merkel.

9. Legendary Charisma:

It is seen in the individuals who achieved extraordinary achievements like “Cleopatra”.

10. True Charisma:

This type is seen in individuals from the public who do not belong to the previous categories. We meet special people in our daily lives, who leave a special impact on us. 

Other Types of charisma

  • Moral and Mental Charisma.
  • Scientific charisma.

Other methods of categorizing charismatic personalities:

1. The charming, interesting personality:

Most people who see them will pay attention to someone of this kind. They don't necessarily need to be particularly attractive on the outside; in fact, they might even be considered ugly, but they can draw attention with their commanding presence and deft speech. Others frequently use their words as quotations. They dance to their own beat and do not follow the crowd. They can control people by manipulating their emotions.

2. Inner Charisma:

It is the type of charisma that stems from within the person, who may have inherited it. It is summarized in the strengths that the individual possesses. The individual may play a stronger role than the role entrusted to them, not because of their charming presence, but because of the power of influence they possesses or have inherited.

3. Cruel Charisma:

People pay attention to people who have this kind of charisma because they occasionally possess harsh and terrifying qualities. These people go above and beyond to protect their accomplishments.

4. Loving Charisma:

This type is characterized by showing love, affection, and sympathy towards others. People with this type love to help in social situations, have positive feelings, and seek goodness in every event they go through.

5. Charisma with a charming presence:

This type is seen in the exceptional personalities who do not need to make any effort to attract attention, as they are naturally charming.

Benefits of being charismatic:

1. Influencing others, successfully leaving a distinctive mark on them, and influencing society in general:

The opinions and ideas of charismatic people easily become the center of attention. Many people begin to draw future plans for their lives based on the words of those people. In their eyes, this person seems like an idol or role model who inspires others.

2. Successfully changing the opinions of those around them:

We often see political parties using charismatic figures to promote their ideas. This is based on their ability to change the thoughts of others and to push them to think in a different direction.

3. Professional success at work:

Most business owners and large companies seek a charismatic person when selecting their employees, who possesses a strong leadership style, improves team spirit, and receives the necessary loyalty to carry out work with high professionalism.

4. Striving for continuous progress in life:

The charismatic figure usually has intelligence and sufficient awareness of the importance of following all methods that push them to make more achievements. Thus, we see them seeking to learn more, acquiring various skills, mastering different arts, and doing everything that would increase their attractiveness. 

How to acquire charisma and become more attractive and influential?

True will is what makes the difference for every person. An individual who possesses charisma and has the desire to improve themselves and make achievements can achieve this through will and perseverance.

The following strategies can be used to learn charisma:

  • Enhance self-confidence: Any challenge or issue can be overcome by someone who has self-confidence. When they work together or participate in an event, they make others feel at ease. Others frequently look up to them and find inspiration in them. Getting rid of negative emotions, talking to yourself positively, feeling proud of any accomplishments in the past, no matter how small, having the desire to accomplish more, enhancing your strengths, taking care of yourself, and changing your methods are all ways to increase self-confidence. Consider how you present yourself, how you speak, the tone of your voice, and how you move your body.
  • Work hard and continuously train until you reach mastery in every field.
  • Form your own clear vision by coming up with clear, inspiring ideas on various topics.
  • Practice hobbies, work out, and take care of your health.
  • Consider general societal morals, be humble, seek closeness to people, and mention their achievements and everything you find impressive in them. Do not succumb to comparisons with others, and strive for excellence and uniqueness.
  • Answer the questions that are directed at you with confidence, as the way we answer often reflects our true personality and plays an important role in persuading others of these answers, too.
  • You should not hide your weaknesses. Instead, show them and try to get rid of them and tell others about your changes and progress.
  • Flexibility: Charismatic people are usually open-minded and they accept other people’s opinions. They also show tolerance and objectivity.
  • Have a sense of humor: Laughter helps you get into people’s hearts. It can break down the barriers between the different personalities.
  • Passion, ambition, and positive thinking: Draw ambitious future plans that you can achieve. A writer once said: “One person with passion is better than forty people with mere interest.”
  • Acquire learning and innovation skills, such as critical thinking, problem solving, verbal communication skills, body language skills, and collaborative work skills.
  • Media skills and media appearances skills, such as media culture, analyzing news, knowing their purpose, and how to organize and evaluate them.
  • Acquiring leadership skills, such as negotiation, persuasion, communication, self-management, and dialogue management.
Read also: Charisma is an Art that Many do not Have


Charisma is an adjective given to those with exceptional personalities who have an overpowering presence and the ability to inspire and influence others. They are attractive, ambitious, loving, and they have the qualities of an influential leader. In short, they have personalities that we can never lose sight of, even if they are in the crowd.