5 Ways to Improve Your Productivity with a Smartphone

Our smartphone adoption is on the rise, and a recent study showed that about 64% of adults have smartphones, but the question is: “Did you know that this smartphone can improve your productivity?”

Note: This article is taken from blogger Toby Nwazor, in which he talks to us about the wonderful benefits and advantages of smartphones.

This does not mean that smartphones do not have negative aspects. The researchers say that the brain of a smartphone addict is similar to the brain of a drug addict. However, although it has helped to increase the number of technology enthusiasts, the smartphone is still one of the most modern tools we need to exploit well, as the smartphone has more outstanding capabilities than its owner may know, such as the human brain.

With the spread of social networks, the smartphone is only a way to waste time and destroy relationships. Still, if we explore part of the capabilities of our smartphones and make good use of them, we will become more successful and more productive entrepreneurs, parents, employees, and individuals.

If you have a smartphone, you probably don't get enough of it, and its advantages aren't limited to playing music and taking photos.

Some basic ways your smartphone can help improve your productivity:

1. Help for self-improvement:

The smartphone has many functions, but its biggest benefit is that it's an internet connection.

I appreciated the value of a smartphone when someone I know called me to do work, but he didn't speak English. Then, I knew the usefulness of Google services and was struck by the ease of communicating in another language. Also, I discovered several other language applications since then, and likewise, I could read many self-improvement books using my smartphone, which helped me a lot.

When you want to understand a new word, check facts about the world, read something without carrying a large device, or watch a video tutorial or recipe. Just search your phone, as the presence of smartphones does not leave an excuse for ignorance.

2. Manage tasks more efficiently:

Your smartphone can wake you up in the morning to a sound or song of your choice, but better yet, it helps to improve your productivity during the day. Many mobile services can keep you aware of what to do, but the most useful are smartphone applications, one example is the application "Toodledo".

From daily reminders and drafts to alerts and notifications, the smartphone has become a guide to help us perform daily obligations and work. There is no reason not to explore these benefits, especially if you are a very busy person or forget a lot like me.

Improve Your Productivity with a Smartphone

3. Travel facilitation:

If you love tourism or your business requires a lot of travel to different places, you're probably among the many people who need their phones.

There are a surprising number of travel apps out there that help us plan any trip, from those that remind you of what to take with you to those that help you track your journey moment by moment and those that help you find your way in new locations, so there's no longer a reason to complain about your usual travel frustrations.

4. E-Commerce facilitation:

Whether you are a client or an entrepreneur, your smartphone is a great way to facilitate transactions. People's attitudes have changed dramatically in the past few years from shopping in traditional stores to online shopping, and in fact, online shopping has many advantages over regular shopping.

Buying on the phone will improve your productivity because it gives you more time to do other things during your day, and a variety of websites enable you to make large transactions through your mobile phone with one click, primarily if you work online most of the time.

5. Facilitate family and business meetings:

The number of chat networks and social media is increasing every day, and it is difficult to keep up with it. Many people use multiple chat platforms; unfortunately, most people only use them for chatting.

If you have to have a meeting, especially if it is with a small group of people, whether it is a business meeting or a family meeting, you no longer have to travel or even leave the house because smartphones and the huge number of social networks have provided us with different ways to plan and hold meetings online.

Between Skype, Facebook, Whatsapp, Tubidy, and we Chat, there are many great networking sites today, so if you use them correctly, they will boost your productivity and improve your results.

Some people consider smartphones a bad invention because of the large number of notifications, SMS messages, chat messages, and emails, but fortunately, you can reduce them with a bit of discipline, all you have to do is mute the notifications or turn them off permanently.

Read also: 10 Required Skills You Can Learn Online

In conclusion:

To boost your productivity, use a few of the necessary chat platforms and use them correctly. This way, your productivity will not decline due to wasting time in continuous chat.

We can make our lives much more accessible and better with a smartphone if we're interested in it, just be disciplined, and your phone will become an indispensable valuable tool.

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